You really dont think I wouldn't have a lawsuit on my hands for the same reason while hiring? Try not hiring someone and then tell them it was because they said something in private to their friend that you didn't agree with.

The shit people say in private to their friends is of no reflection on their ability to do a job.
WTF...I can very well not hire someone for what they say in private, facebook, etc...
I very well can deny employment on a morale clauses based on illegal activates. His actions are very much of sexual assault nature. Grabbing the pussy of a women, just because you are a star can still get you arrested because it is illegal
Have you checked out sex type yet ?.
WTF...I can very well not hire someone for what they say in private, facebook, etc...
I very well can deny employment on a morale clauses based on illegal activates. His actions are very much of sexual assault nature. Grabbing the pussy of a women, just because you are a star can still get you arrested because it is illegal
Have you checked out sex type yet ?.

But you would have to actually grab someone's pussy for it to be illegal and immoral. Otherwise at most its just offensive, and it isn't against the law to offend someone.

You can deny employment, but say out loud you aren't hiring because of an accusation and see where that lands you.
But you would have to actually grab someone's pussy for it to be illegal and immoral. Otherwise at most its just offensive, and it isn't against the law to offend someone.

You can deny employment, but say out loud you aren't hiring because of an accusation and see where that lands you.
just saying it, is immoral and wrong. I can deny hiring someone for that. I denied hiring someone based on their Facebook page and was well within my rights. A long as it does not fall under sexual preference, religious preference,gender and color. Hell I can deny hire based on if you were a FAT lazy fuck. Weight is not a protected class.
We as in the collective American people. One by one 17 other candidates were dismissed from the Republican ticket. Is Trump really that bad when compared to everyone that didnt make it?

Yes, because anyone of them but Trump beats Hillary in a general election
Accusations shouldn't be a reason for not supporting someone.

says the guy who is crusading against hillary based on DEBUNKED accusations.


and trump doesn't have accusations against him, he has legal charges against him.

You really dont think I wouldn't have a lawsuit on my hands for the same reason while hiring?

it is perfectly legal not to hire someone, or to fire someone, because they bragged about how they rape women.

besides, you have stated without hesitation that it should be legal to fire someone because they are black, or gay.

you'd prefer a white rapist to a law abiding black person. explains why you love trump so much.
Then by those criteria Bill Clit'n is indited too?

He was there....took Jeffery's private jet.

Guilt by association cuts both ways.

now all you need is a victim of pedophilia with three witnesses.

white supremacist, latent homosexual, retard.

BTW, *indicted.

illiterate fucktard.
too bad Mittens didn't run this year. probably could have beaten Hillary.

how do you elect a the first woman President?
run her against the least qualified human ever
the latent homosexuality from your direction reeks.
Those that crow longest and longest about it are those that are denying their true desire. eh Buckold?

I'll bet you that the amount of time I mention homosetchuality X 2 less than 50% of the time you spend doing that (that's 4X all told for the Buckolded).
Bring it and sling it, boy.

Lets say........$25K?
Those that crow longest and longest about it are those that are denying their true desire. eh Buckold?


the scientific evidence shows that those who are homophobic (people like you who call people "creepy fags") get sexually aroused when watching gay, male on male, homosexual pornography.

this means that homophobs like you are simply just harboring latent homsexual desires which you are unaware of or deny.

learn to read, closet boy.

the scientific evidence shows that those who are homophobic (people like you who call people "creepy fags") get sexually aroused when watching gay, male on male, homosexual pornography.

this means that homophobs like you are simply just harboring latent homsexual desires which you are unaware of or deny.

learn to read, closet boy.


The allegory is eerily similar.
Why don't you fund a study?

The allegory is eerily similar.
Why don't you fund a study?

in other words, you have no evidence to back up what you are saying.

but when i point out that you are a latent homosexual, that is based on scientific studies.

got it.
in other words, you have no evidence to back up what you are saying.
but when i point out that you are a latent homosexual, that is based on scientific studies.
got it.
Whatever you need to feel vindicated.

But you're saying you were too stupid to realize that effect before it was scientifically sanctified?
That seems about right. :D