FBI Raids Manafort residence.

I think one of the reasons minorities get locked up at higher rates is because of how they are committing crimes. lets take drug sales for example. I've never seen a white neighborhood with dealers on the corner. plenty of white people are selling drugs but the way they are doing it is way different. like if someone buys an oz and bags it all into 1 gram bags and they get caught with that it's basically impossible to claim personal use. where as a guy with that oz in one bag who weighs it out as it's sold is gonna end up with a ticket maybe they do an overnight in jail but they aren't gonna get intent. which is goofy as all hell but that is what it is. it's not fair how they are treated at all though. for example lets say i'm doing 10mph over and get pulled over. the police aren't gonna even ask to search my vehicle more than likely. but i've been pulled over with a "black" friend for a "lane violation" and 5 more police cars show up and question us separate about where we are going gave me sobriety tests ask like 50 times to search the vehicle act like 200 cash is an ill gotten gain. it's a fucking sick how they are all judged guilty by police and society just because they are a different color. but it is what it is fuck the laws!

What gets me is that as a poor oppressed white professional with a good credit history, I've NEVER had the occifer ask for id's from anyone in my car. They never even ask them a question. Most of the time I get a warning and sent on my way.

I'm not complaining. ;)

But I see what happens to people who don't look like me and I scratch my head. Why? Maybe it's just where I live? Maybe it's my charming demeanor?
What gets me is that as a poor oppressed white professional with a good credit history, I've NEVER had the occifer ask for id's from anyone in my car. They never even ask them a question. Most of the time I get a warning and sent on my way.

I'm not complaining. ;)

But I see what happens to people who don't look like me and I scratch my head. Why? Maybe it's just where I live? Maybe it's my charming demeanor?

The single shady experience I've had with LEO, I had a BWRS (black while riding shutgun) situation. I was driving and a friend of mine who happens to be black was riding shotgun. We were in a rough area (just scored some weed) and I got pulled over. There were two cops and they ordered us both out of the car. Already shady, but I'm a pussy and so is my friend so we complied without question. They separated us and then started grilling us because I guess they thought I picked him up for nefarious reasons and they thought we didn't know each other. "What's his name"? "Last name"? etc.

Eventually I got patted down and they found the zip. They acted tough and intimidating and then said "get the fuck out of here". They kept the weed obviously. I hate cops and until the "good" cops drive the bad cops out, they all suck as far as I'm concerned.

That was my lily white experience. My friend was used to it. Fucking sad.
I just surprise the police with the truth if I get pulled over. they always ask that "you know why you got pulled over" bullshit. I'll just say something like yeah I was doing about 10 mph over the speed limit. I had a long day at work and was just trying to get home a little quicker. "just slow it down". Now when I was younger none of this stuff applied. I had a cop show up to my house over 10 years ago. I had like a 2k grow in the attic. they came with a failure to appear capeus warrant even though I had went to court and resolved the issue. so I meet the officer on the porch he says I have a warrant I'm trying to get him to cuff me and get away from the house((lol) anyway after I get cuffed he asks to search the house and I of course tell him no. say you already got me just take me to jail. he pushed me through the door it actually broke the door and came open. so he's going through the house and found a grinder which he called "some kind of marijuana case" I'm shaking thinking I'm going to prison and another cop open the door that has stairs lead up to the attic. My girlfriend who is now my wife yells out that's our roomates apt! a miracle happened and that cop shut the door and never went up there. never even had a room mate lol! anyway I end sitting in jail all weekend only for the judge to say there has been a mistake. and then i had to go to another court to pay the fine on the "marijuana case" that they had found with a false warrant.... sure am glad I am not a kid anymore.
I just surprise the police with the truth if I get pulled over. they always ask that "you know why you got pulled over" bullshit. I'll just say something like yeah I was doing about 10 mph over the speed limit. I had a long day at work and was just trying to get home a little quicker. "just slow it down". Now when I was younger none of this stuff applied. I had a cop show up to my house over 10 years ago. I had like a 2k grow in the attic. they came with a failure to appear capeus warrant even though I had went to court and resolved the issue. so I meet the officer on the porch he says I have a warrant I'm trying to get him to cuff me and get away from the house((lol) anyway after I get cuffed he asks to search the house and I of course tell him no. say you already got me just take me to jail. he pushed me through the door it actually broke the door and came open. so he's going through the house and found a grinder which he called "some kind of marijuana case" I'm shaking thinking I'm going to prison and another cop open the door that has stairs lead up to the attic. My girlfriend who is now my wife yells out that's our roomates apt! a miracle happened and that cop shut the door and never went up there. never even had a room mate lol! anyway I end sitting in jail all weekend only for the judge to say there has been a mistake. and then i had to go to another court to pay the fine on the "marijuana case" that they had found with a false warrant.... sure am glad I am not a kid anymore.

Pathological liar^^^^^^
This whole thing (the Mannafort raid) is going to yield one of two things:
  1. It's either going to yield a few documents that Mannafort didn't turn over and as such puts him a little bit behind the 8 ball and gives the investigation some legs, not to mention some leverage, against him.
  2. It is in fact like some are saying: a complete waste of time as all they found were the same documents Mannafort had already turned over to the investigation.
Now, if it's number 2, then Robert Mueller is in a world of shit. If you went in and convinced a judge that Mannafort was hiding something, and you get him to sign off on a warrant, and you come out of there with nothing, you are going to be blackballed out of his courtroom. You'll never get him to sign off on another warrant without smoking gun in hand.

It's one or the other with this move. It's feast or famine. They either come out of it all with leverage on Mannafort, or the entire investigation has just shot itself in the foot with a howitzer.
what a shit stupid post.
I just surprise the police with the truth if I get pulled over. they always ask that "you know why you got pulled over" bullshit. I'll just say something like yeah I was doing about 10 mph over the speed limit. I had a long day at work and was just trying to get home a little quicker. "just slow it down". Now when I was younger none of this stuff applied. I had a cop show up to my house over 10 years ago. I had like a 2k grow in the attic. they came with a failure to appear capeus warrant even though I had went to court and resolved the issue. so I meet the officer on the porch he says I have a warrant I'm trying to get him to cuff me and get away from the house((lol) anyway after I get cuffed he asks to search the house and I of course tell him no. say you already got me just take me to jail. he pushed me through the door it actually broke the door and came open. so he's going through the house and found a grinder which he called "some kind of marijuana case" I'm shaking thinking I'm going to prison and another cop open the door that has stairs lead up to the attic. My girlfriend who is now my wife yells out that's our roomates apt! a miracle happened and that cop shut the door and never went up there. never even had a room mate lol! anyway I end sitting in jail all weekend only for the judge to say there has been a mistake. and then i had to go to another court to pay the fine on the "marijuana case" that they had found with a false warrant.... sure am glad I am not a kid anymore.

cool totally true story, jew hater.
People keep accusing me of having a strategy. I don't.

I support more money to make sure honest judges and public defenders are available to protect the rights of the average citizen as strongly as the executive branch has the ability to prosecute. I support laws that prevent law enforcement over reach and corruption (yes, falsifying evidence is corrupt policing) and the assignment of resources to enforce that. I support enforcing the protections in the constitution.

I don't have a strategy to accomplish that. The only position I have that has come close to strategy is to vote in people who will make a positive change, even if you don't agree 100% with them. Stop sending our goals down the highway because you don't get it your way.

You can see cases every day where the justice system at all levels fails people. It doesn't work as described, unless you are rich or powerful. It's far too easy for a leo to get a search warrant, and the consequences for even openly deceitful claims don't exist. Nothing happens even to prosecutors who get caught either fabricating evidence or witholding evidence that would exonerate a defendent. It's happened so many times it isn't even noteworthy any more. People are still sitting in jail after DA;s were found to have acted illegally during the course of a trial.

That isn't right. The system doesn't work. Despite the protestations of a professor working within the system.
I'm on board with those goals. A better system for everyone is just that.
cool totally true story, jew hater.

Would it be annoying AF to play a game I'd like to call "Who's that Jew Hater"? Someone I'm ignoring got called out but I can't see who it was or what they wrote. Many of the members in my ignore list have expressed anti-semitic views so it wouldn't be like shooting ducks in a barrel.

I'm going to have to go with Pada.

Show me Pada!
Would it be annoying AF to play a game I'd like to call "Who's that Jew Hater"? Someone I'm ignoring got called out but I can't see who it was or what they wrote. Many of the members in my ignore list have expressed anti-semitic views so it wouldn't be like shooting ducks in a barrel.

I'm going to have to go with Pada.

Show me Pada!
nope, abe supercro's latest sock ever since his depressing fall from grace.
And now we know.

Mannafort changed lawyers. There's only one reason you do that: his family attorney is not a criminal attorney, so he's gone out and picked up a criminal attorney to handle his upcoming strategy.

They found something.
That has nothing to do with my previous post on this subject.

In order to get a warrant approved, you must show probable cause. Now, granted, with Mannafort and everybody else changing their stories constantly over this, that goes a long way towards probable cause.

But they still have to show probable cause beyond that. What makes them truly think that there are materials in his house that are relevant to the investigation?

That's a tough question to answer.

The problem with probable cause is that it's very subjective: it really depends on who hears the argument as to whether or not it's approved as such. There is no black and white, clear line on PC.

I'm sure they used the recent shenanigans, leaks and probably more that we don't know about to get that warrant.

But many news sources are saying they came away with nothing but what they already had.

My statement is simply this: IF that is true, then they're in a world of shit. Because NOW they can't use that argument (the changing stories, etc.) to get another warrant signed.

Example: Say now they wanted to search Ivanka's apartment she was in for the same reasons. They use the same story. No judge is ever going to approve that because that argument was already used and turned out to be false.

No judge is going to ever sign another warrant based on that argument again. Ever. Because then it's just a fishing expedition and completely baseless.

In the end, you can't go through EVERYBODY'S house based on the same argument hoping you get lucky. That simply does not, never has and never will happen.

That was my point.
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort is changing his attorneys as a federal investigation heats up into his financial transactions, according to people familiar with the matter.

Manafort's case will now be handled by Miller and Chevalier, a boutique firm in Washington that specializes in complicated financial crimes among other issues, these people said.

The move could signify a realization that the case has heated up, one of these people said, and that Manafort needs specialized criminal counsel. The switch comes after the FBI raided his home last month and a number of financial institutions were subpoenaed, these people said. The Washington Post first reported the home search, and Bloomberg first reported the bank subpoenas.
And now we know.

Mannafort changed lawyers. There's only one reason you do that: his family attorney is not a criminal attorney, so he's gone out and picked up a criminal attorney to handle his upcoming strategy.

They found something.

of course they did and he got his first dose of reality evidenced by hiring a specialized firm.

They've been living in Trumps Pied Piper alternate universe with alternate facts far too long.

The rule of law only recognizes facts that can be verified..