FBI Raids Manafort residence.

Are you saying NK has satellites that can detect a launch? Or that they are in a 24 hour state of readiness? Or that they have anything approaching a resilient command and control system?

Just a guess, but I'm thinking it takes them weeks to prepare a launch. They aren't using truck based launchers. They can't move them around easily.

This isn't russia or china. The land mass is small and we have been watching it for a very long time. While I wouldn't take the risk, if trump were given a probability of knocking everything out in the range of 50-60%, he would probably order it.

That's all I'm saying. I'm not a military guru, or a tactical expert. Just taking hunches. He'd probably take far more risks than anyone sane.
The other 40% means millions of civilian deaths. Not worth it.
Your quoting a statement made by someone who hasn't been in the CIA for over 7 years, while N Korea SUCCESSFULLY launched the same missile they launched a month ago last week.
Why do you insist that there is no threat?

Fixed that for you.
Prove me wrong.
FBI coming to your door is not a good think and instead of Mannafort bitching about being raided he puts out a statement saying he is cooperating. FBI come to my door and violet me I'm filing a complaint and a law suit....but of course I would have not done anything fucking wrong,

Law enforcement insiide your home or business is never a good thing. However, they can get a search warrant on very flimsy evidence, even conjecture, and in some cases no real evidence but a suspicion you may try to destroy evidence that may or may not exist.

All they need is a single judge to sign the order. Once they have a search warrant, everything is legal. You can't sue for shit, even if they tear your house apart.

Wonderful systems we put in place. Be a shame if anything happened to it.......
Prove me wrong.
FBI coming to your door is not a good think and instead of Mannafort bitching about being raided he puts out a statement saying he is cooperating. FBI come to my door and violet me I'm filing a complaint and a law suit....but of course I would have not done anything fucking wrong,

OK. Now you're just a flat out idiot.

Again: his taking money for fees from Russians IS NOT A CRIME. He's not going to lose anything.

READ THE ARTICLE: All they took from the house were the same exact papers MANNAFORT HAD ALREADY TURNED OVER TO THEM.

It was a fishing expedition. It's clear (LIKE THE ARTILCE SAYS) that they're trying to pressure him into turning on Trump.

He's not going to because he knows full well there's nothing the FBI can get him for, and even if they try to get him for obstruction, which is about all they can do at this point, he'll get a full pardon and walk.

So, again, bright boy...tell me how he's going to lose everything. Tell me how anybody is going to take anything from him.
Do tell what the documents were or STFU...Thanks
"The pre-dawn raid on the Alexandria, Virginia residence took place on July 26, a day after Manafort voluntarily met with staff for the Senate Intelligence Committee, the Washington Post reported on Wednesday.

FBI agents seized documents and other materials related to the special counsel’s probe of alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 US presidential election."
The other 40% means millions of civilian deaths. Not worth it.

Again, we come down to the sane actor provision. Millions of deaths in asia is nothing to some people. Maybe even a good thing to others.

It would seal the deal on keeping trump not only in office, but it would pump up his approval ratings and make him look like a strong and decisive leader. And what, after all, is more important to trump? A few million asians or being in the news as trump the great......
gotcha. so what you meant to say was that presidential pardons are conditionally absolute.

No. They are absolute. Now you're being stupid as well.

Presidential pardons only cover federal crimes. If a President issues a pardon of a Federal Crime, then no crime ever took place. That would of course remove the ability to sue in Civil Court since the pardon negated the charge.

The Federal Government would have no standing to sue in civil court anybody that received a Federal pardon for the same crime.
Law enforcement insiide your home or business is never a good thing. However, they can get a search warrant on very flimsy evidence, even conjecture, and in some cases no real evidence but a suspicion you may try to destroy evidence that may or may not exist.

All they need is a single judge to sign the order. Once they have a search warrant, everything is legal. You can't sue for shit, even if they tear your house apart.

Wonderful systems we put in place. Be a shame if anything happened to it.......
an Illegal search and seizure by the police in conflict with the 4th Amendment may give you the right to sue the police for damages.
4th Amendment
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

or we can just say FUCK the constitution
It would seal the deal on keeping trump not only in office, but it would pump up his approval ratings and make him look like a strong and decisive leader
by an unprovoked attack against a clearly militarily inferior natiion? don't think so.
by an unprovoked attack against a clearly militarily inferior natiion? don't think so.

You mean it's like attacking Iraq, only without the fame and acculades? ;)

Sadam's Iraq had no part in 911. He himself was at war with the taliban and al queda. He had no weopons of mass distruction, they were still spun up to convince the country. But somehow bush the junior did ok with that one. hmmmm.
Read the news, and learn

North Korea has successfully produced a miniaturized nuclear warhead that can fit inside its missiles, according to a confidential July assessment from the Defense Intelligence Agency, The Washington Post reports. The Japanese Ministry of Defense also believes North Korea has achieved miniaturization. It is unclear whether North Korea has tested the miniaturized weapon.

In fairness the "Defense Intelligence Agency" also told us that N Korea had these capapbilities back in 2013, and they also told us that Saddam Hussein had nukes in 2003 as well. Their track record of "intelligence" has been pretty spotty.
You mean it's like attacking Iraq, only without the fame and acculades? ;)

Sadam's Iraq had no part in 911. He himself was at war with the taliban and al queda. But somehow bush the junior did ok with that one. hmmmm.
they just wanna play a goofy game where if we attack nk trump is a bully and if we let nk attack another country then they can say that he didn't do anything to prevent that. No matter what trump will figure out a way to upset them.
read what i posted about how pardons are NOT absolute, idiot.

I did. It is YOU who aren't reading, idiot.

It was suggested that Mannafort could "lose everything" by a civil suit. He can't if he gets pardoned. Nobody can that has been pardoned.

Presidential pardons ARE ABSOLUTE.

Example: Lets say you are found guilty of a federal crime and are sentenced to 2 years in prison and a 200,000 dollar fine.

The President pardons you.

That's it. It's over.

The Federal Government can't then walk down to civil court and say, "We'd like to sue rkymtnman for 200,000 dollars for this crime he committed."

The judge will have them thrown out of court head first.

Since you have been pardoned for that crime, no crime was ever committed, ergo the federal government has no standing to sue you in civil court, ergo presidential pardons ARE ABSOLUTE.
You mean it's like attacking Iraq, only without the fame and acculades? ;)

Sadam's Iraq had no part in 911. He himself was at war with the taliban and al queda. He had no weopons of mass distruction, they were still spun up to convince the country. But somehow bush the junior did ok with that one. hmmmm.
NK doesn't have the oil like Iraq
both have fake WMD's.
what better way to take the heat off Russian collusion than starting a war?

this is the job of the United Nations not the US.
"The pre-dawn raid on the Alexandria, Virginia residence took place on July 26, a day after Manafort voluntarily met with staff for the Senate Intelligence Committee, the Washington Post reported on Wednesday.

FBI agents seized documents and other materials related to the special counsel’s probe of alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 US presidential election."
OK. Now you're just a flat out idiot.

Again: his taking money for fees from Russians IS NOT A CRIME. He's not going to lose anything.

READ THE ARTICLE: All they took from the house were the same exact papers MANNAFORT HAD ALREADY TURNED OVER TO THEM.

It was a fishing expedition. It's clear (LIKE THE ARTILCE SAYS) that they're trying to pressure him into turning on Trump.

He's not going to because he knows full well there's nothing the FBI can get him for, and even if they try to get him for obstruction, which is about all they can do at this point, he'll get a full pardon and walk.

So, again, bright boy...tell me how he's going to lose everything. Tell me how anybody is going to take anything from him.
violating FARA is a crime and comes with fines and jail time and lawyer fees. Stay tune
Presidential pardons ARE ABSOLUTE.
except in civil cases, state cases, cases where the person refuses to be pardoned and the can't pardon people for contempt of not testifying to Congress.
