fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread


Well-Known Member
Keep them misted to avoid wilting now that the roots have been disturbed. Avoiding direct sunlight for a few days would also help them recover.

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Damn man, you are one BAD Mutha fucker, IMO. That's one helluva project right there. Hope the ganja gods smile on your grow and they pull through like champs.


Well-Known Member
wow fdd you just transplanted 8 ft bushes!! hope they take well and you dont see too much time in getting them back to health. i guess that 90 day time span fell through or you just decided the fuck with it and moved them to stop stressing about waiting for a knock on your neighbors door.


Well-Known Member
wow, those pics just kind put a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I hope the bounce back from the transplant!!!

Hip Hop Grower

Well-Known Member
I forgot you had this beautiful setup, I remember you were the first one to help me when I joined hered years ago : ) looking great :)


Sector 5 Moderator
OMG... it put a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach too. I sure hope everything works out for you FDD. No advice from me; you are the man!!


Well-Known Member
they look sad, but im praying for the best and still feel hopeful. they are just plants after all. ;)

i felt if i got them in my yard i could quit worrying. i was really stressed yesterday. i would be stressed like that everyday for the next 2 months if i left them. it was a risk to move them, but i'd rather cry for a day over losing one, then stress for 2 months trying to save them all.

i hadn't been watering nearly as much as i could have. the soil was pretty much crumbly dry. due to this fact the roots didn't really spread out too far. the main root balls remained intact while moving them. a lot of the dirt fell off, bit most of the thick roots stayed undamaged. and i only lost a couple of side branches.


Well-Known Member
they look sad, but im praying for the best and still feel hopeful. they are just plants after all. ;)

i felt if i got them in my yard i could quit worrying. i was really stressed yesterday. i would be stressed like that everyday for the next 2 months if i left them. it was a risk to move them, but i'd rather cry for a day over losing one, then stress for 2 months trying to save them all.

i hadn't been watering nearly as much as i could have. the soil was pretty much crumbly dry. due to this fact the roots didn't really spread out too far. the main root balls remained intact while moving them. a lot of the dirt fell off, bit most of the thick roots stayed undamaged. and i only lost a couple of side branches.
Damn dude, that is a ballzy move bro, you must have to carry your nuts around in a wheel barrel brudda...


Well-Known Member
mj plants are pretty resilient and are pretty damn remarkable so I dont see why they wouldnt bounce back after a couple days.
+rep for biggest transplant in mj history ;-)


Well-Known Member
Wow, what a bold move. It makes sense though to suck it up now and avoid the stress of losing them later.
Have you thought of smart pots? Might work perfect.


Well-Known Member
Wow, what a bold move. It makes sense though to suck it up now and avoid the stress of losing them later.
Have you thought of smart pots? Might work perfect.

i was gonna go with those to begin with but by the time we got started all the stores in town were closed. i just happened to have the barrels and what-not laying around so we used them. i still have one wrapped in a tarp.
