fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread


Well-Known Member
They just don't get it do they FDD? They veg when they veg. You water when they're dry. They flower when they flower. Feed when they're hungry. Chop when they're done. The plant is on it's own schedule. Watch them, love them, and let them do what they do. I love the way you grow. I followed your grow in 2008 and it was PHENOMENAL to say the least. Not kissing ass, just giving credit where credit is due. I can't wait to see what this year brings! Really looking forward to that Franken-bud you have going on to ripen and dry - that's gonna be a smoke to remember.......or not. LOL

Excuse me. Dont start insulting my knowledge, and implying that im a newb because i asked a question about something that has some backing. I wasnt saying that i practice that method or ever have or will, i was simply asking a question to see if anyone else had an opinion or experience with it. :joint::joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
i think it was 189, at costco. they snap together and you can add them on to each other. a lot of people have raised theirs up on blocks as well. i use mine to support my netting. it has multiple uses. well worth the money. :)
definitely sounds worth it. I think I might have to invest in one after I sell an ounce or two of my jack that's gonna get harvested soon. the rest of the plants have almost a month to go and would hate to have a big rain come wreck shop on me!

Costco rules for things like that. it all snaps together? so you don't need any tools to assemble it?


New Member
definitely sounds worth it. I think I might have to invest in one after I sell an ounce or two of my jack that's gonna get harvested soon. the rest of the plants have almost a month to go and would hate to have a big rain come wreck shop on me!

Costco rules for things like that. it all snaps together? so you don't need any tools to assemble it?
ya hella easy, and dont need any tools! i have a couple of those canopies and they are easy as hell to set up if you have a buddy with ya otherwise it can get a little tricky by yourself (ive done it, but took me a while) and MOST definitly worth the money!
i was looking 4 some advice about breeding some plants..i have 11 plants total..9 skunk x random bag seed wich i got from a friend and 2 blue cheese..the skunk i have are planted in the ground in a square pattern 3x3 and there is 1 male i have that i want to mix with 1 of my blue cheese..i dont want a seedy harvest i just want to get 1 branch 2 breed with..how should i do that with out killing the male b4 its done..nice grow man


Well-Known Member
I FREAKED OUT WHEN i HEARD THE RAIN WAS COMIING AND THREW SOME CARPORTS UP TOO! I'm going to go ahead and get enough of them to cover all the rows all the way, so I'll be ready next time. We got about an hour solid rain the other day and everyhting was high and dry... Great job, your doin it right!!
took me a couple hours. did it while my wife slept in. it actually goes up pretty easy. there are a couple little tricks i use and it's pretty stiff so you can tug on it rather hard.

a secure feeling to be protected from the weather.



New Member
hey man, thinking of growing like you did !!!!!! can i turn up the soil and add topsoil and "shit" load of manure plus some guanos and stuff !!! and then plant into it after 3 weeks and have some nice plants ????sweet and cheap !!

cheers man, rep for ya


Well-Known Member
how do you trim all of that lovely bud. Must take you for ever. Do you use a trimmer like trim pro or something.
Ive done A LOT of outdoor trimming and from the looks of the pics he will have 2-3 sessions of 2-3 days trimming for a couple ppl

Im wondering if you cut em down in stages?


Well-Known Member
Ive done A LOT of outdoor trimming and from the looks of the pics he will have 2-3 sessions of 2-3 days trimming for a couple ppl

Im wondering if you cut em down in stages?

Read the thread - he does all of the trimming by himself with a pair of fiskars.


Well-Known Member
Looks great! I love the one that's yellowing off, the buds have a nice blue tinge to them. Looks insane.


Well-Known Member
So fdd, how was living in the tent the whole time ?


it's getting cold, but it's cool. my kitty sleeps with me. i've only been out there a few weeks. should be back inside in a few more. i'm up until 1 or 2am every night anyway, then back awake at 7 or 8 at the latest. so i'm only out there a few hours a night. it's hard to sleep inside when i can hear everything outside. a lot of my neighbors party all night. i figure if anyone is coming they will do it while drunk and feeling brave.

grow space

Well-Known Member
it's getting cold, but it's cool. my kitty sleeps with me. i've only been out there a few weeks. should be back inside in a few more. i'm up until 1 or 2am every night anyway, then back awake at 7 or 8 at the latest. so i'm only out there a few hours a night. it's hard to sleep inside when i can hear everything outside. a lot of my neighbors party all night. i figure if anyone is coming they will do it while drunk and feeling brave.
Hahahaaa..Super sweet mann...
I can already see it, a drunkard feeling lucky VS a badass passionate marijuana grower ( maybe with a shotgun:o )....