fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread


Well-Known Member
i trim the branches down to manageable size and throw them in a box. my wife grabs them from there and pulls all the fan leaves and any hash buds i missed. then she tosses it in another box. i grab it from there and do all the finally trimming, then i hang it. she trims all the nuggies off the sticks once it's dry. we have a pretty good system going. except that we are on our 20th+ day in a row and are simply becoming exhausted.

the neighbors are cool. ;)
Nice, I'm glad you have a working system going :) If you're hands/wrists are sore and hurt, I've had positive experience with dipping and keeping my hands/lower arms in hot water with Epsom salt to relax the muscles :grin: Cannabis ingestion also works well but the hand bath works really well in helping ease the muscles from being sore the next day. Just a tip I found useful for me, thought I'd share it although I wouldn't be surprised if you already knew all this ;)


Well-Known Member
Damn FDD that shit is insane.....are you gonna give us an estimate of how much you harvest when it's all over or is that outta the question too :P


Well-Known Member
estimation not necessary. a rough figure can be easily figured through simple calculation. And that is all you really need to know lol. :weed: :joint:


Well-Known Member
it was 100 here today, again. only got a few small ones trimmed. spent the day trying to fix my gas line. fucked it all up instead. got all the parts i need, now i just need to put it all together. i broke a fitting off that dives underneath a concrete slab. then i ran a 7/8" rotohammer bit thru the other end trying to drill a new hole. ended up punching thru the line within the slab. now i have to reroute the whole thing. copper and iron so i have to sweat fittings and torque wrenches. gonna be another loooong day tomorrow. i have had to crawl under that damn house 6 times now. my elbows and knees are tore up and my back and shoulders are killing me from doing the "pushup crawl". thankfully it's been hot and i've been sweaty so the cold showers midday are actually kinda nice. :cool:


Active Member
The way I look at it, we have a chance to legalize the herb and treat it like alcohol, except for the fact that you aren't allowed to produce any alcohol legally unless it is a small amount of beer or wine. We can grow our weed, and smoke it too. The power we can take away from the gangs and cartels, and tax revenue that can be created if we efficiently regulate the industry is great. The only people I can see that would be in favor of the current prohibition would be those that profit from it.


Well-Known Member
The way I look at it, we have a chance to legalize the herb and treat it like alcohol, except for the fact that you aren't allowed to produce any alcohol legally unless it is a small amount of beer or wine. We can grow our weed, and smoke it too. The power we can take away from the gangs and cartels, and tax revenue that can be created if we efficiently regulate the industry is great. The only people I can see that would be in favor of the current prohibition would be those that profit from it.
wrong section for that. this is my grow thread. ;)


Well-Known Member
wrong section for that. this is my grow thread. ;)
FDD that cracker jack looks delish. We are back to June gloom down here. I dont think some of these strains will make it this year with the funky weather. I feel for you crawling under the house at 100 degrees outside, ouch! I hear you on the trimming brother. I dont have as much but I hear ya.

Are the Plants in pic 1 really in those small planters? It looks to me like its just the way the cameras positioned. If those monsters are growing out if those sized pots WOW. Sorry if im wrong but i doesnt seem so.


Well-Known Member
Are the Plants in pic 1 really in those small planters? It looks to me like its just the way the cameras positioned. If those monsters are growing out if those sized pots WOW. Sorry if im wrong but i doesnt seem so.

yes, they are in those small pots. :)

i just chopped it last night without getting any more pics. i was going to, but didn't really have time to stop and grab my camera.