fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread


Active Member
Hang in there, fdd. Some of us are actually watching and listening, rather than trying to make some needless, chest-thumping point.


Well-Known Member
Hang in there, fdd. Some of us are actually watching and listening, rather than trying to make some needless, chest-thumping point.
i'm a simple man with a simple plan. some people like to make this all harder than it really is.

thank you for your support. it really does mean something. :hug: bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
they are vegging. i thought i explained this. :neutral:
i knew that, but i just thought the others would be pollinated to, but someone posted that they cant be pollinated if they are in veg and i didnt know this and now i do so sorry if i missed it. i learn somthin new every day still.


Well-Known Member
HaHA. FDD you have the patience of a stalking tiger man. If I opened up a thread and had artards ask me these questions I would be cursed out a lot worse. Anyways man, great growing and better show of patience. Must have learned that from the plants!:eyesmoke:

Keep up the good show, some of us still take it for what it is~~~ Dude


Well-Known Member
i knew that, but i just thought the others would be pollinated to, but someone posted that they cant be pollinated if they are in veg and i didnt know this and now i do so sorry if i missed it. i learn somthin new every day still.
any hair can collect pollen. i do have hairs everywhere. some of them will get pollinated. when i say this though people immediately assume "seeded bud". so as to not have to go thru the whole explanation over and over again, i often just brush things off in hopes that people will realize it's not important to me. i do apologize if this comes off as harsh or assholish. sometimes i'm just too tired to type. ;)

any random seeds get thrown into a "bagseed" jar. so far i have half a film can full of these seeds from the past 2 years. they are all mixed and all random. someday i'll have some fun and grow a bunch out. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
you all aren't that bad. i had people at another site telling me to pull up half my plants because they were too crowded. said i was compromising my yield. :neutral:

my plants are 6 foot tall and just as big around. i have repotted the few in pots and have some topping plans to take care of on the flowering grapefruit D. the side shoots are vegging and growing fast while the top lingers in stasis. i'm chopping the top off tonight but am waiting until i can get pics of me doing it. the sun is too bright now and i'm off to the lake soon.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i'm a simple man with a simple plan. some people like to make this all harder than it really is.

thank you for your support. it really does mean something. :hug: bongsmilie
you have mine also.. like i have said b4 some peoples children...LOL


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
you all aren't that bad. i had people at another site telling me to pull up half my plants because they were too crowded. said i was compromising my yield. :neutral:

my plants are 6 foot tall and just as big around. i have repotted the few in pots and have some topping plans to take care of on the flowering grapefruit D. the side shoots are vegging and growing fast while the top lingers in stasis. i'm chopping the top off tonight but am waiting until i can get pics of me doing it. the sun is too bright now and i'm off to the lake soon.
OK, last year mine were closer then that and had 10 and 12 ft plants.. and one hell of a yield..
how you told them they don't now shit


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i showed them my video of my 9 foot tall, 8 foot wide, 30 foot long wall of weed and they still clowned me. :shock:
that's just cuz they can't grow like you and they are jealous.. that's all.. if they only knew what you know.. or did just what you do..and what they could have.. if they just put the energy they put into putting others down they could have what you have..


Well-Known Member
FDD sorry you have to deal with all the clout. I just wanted to say Im impressed. Your plants are certainly taking off. Great job! My humblest respects.

Everyone else..... shhh.... yesterday morning pics were front page.....


Well-Known Member
any hair can collect pollen. i do have hairs everywhere. some of them will get pollinated. when i say this though people immediately assume "seeded bud". so as to not have to go thru the whole explanation over and over again, i often just brush things off in hopes that people will realize it's not important to me. i do apologize if this comes off as harsh or assholish. sometimes i'm just too tired to type. ;)

any random seeds get thrown into a "bagseed" jar. so far i have half a film can full of these seeds from the past 2 years. they are all mixed and all random. someday i'll have some fun and grow a bunch out. bongsmilie
not harsh or rude at all. thanks for the info onthat though. some seeds inyour bud is never bad, u probably got a bunch of dank fuckin crosses in your seed jar.
your the man fdd.


Well-Known Member
verde is definitely a veg nutrient anyways, its just expensive because of the art and packaging. it is good shit for sure though. let me know if you like it better than age old. I still go for the cheaper stuff as long as I dont notice any difference in yield or quality. Great job so far man. My garden looks the same just the plants are half the size cause they got put in the ground late and I havent been able to afford any nutes yet other than fish and kelp. Cant wait to see the finished product!


Well-Known Member
Again, damn son. Fk the haters, they cut themselves short, instead of asking how, those chose to tell you why, for all the wrong reasons, so throw a load in the washer, crack open a beer and enjoy the solitude offered by ur great wall knowing the whole time those fools fked themselves and ur the only one who got off lol.:joint: keep it green


Well-Known Member
flowering requires heavy nitrogen. 16 is pretty heavy. that's all i care about. in 2 months, when flowering starts, i will get some bloom nutes. something high in P. it's that simple.

you asked if i am using it for BOTH veg and flower. who is flowering and why would you assume i am using it for flowering?

what's with all the questions in the first place? i post everything that i do. the questions you are asking are things you are coming up with on your own. i have no questions. i feed when they need food. do you see any other nutes? am i hiding something? i don't get it.

anything else you need to get off your chest?
the reason why i call you a dick is cause you make a point to ignore someones question about the nutes you posted. when i asked again you give a dick response which isnt necessary. all i wanted to know is whether you planned on running your grow solely on the VERDE or if you planned on getting something else. you could have simply responded the first time and said i will be using VERDE for veg and will be looking into more nutes for flower. i never assumed you were using it for flower, thats actually why you ask questions, so you dont make assumptions. the reason for questions is because you leave holes in your updates, all you said is i found new nutes for 70$ a gallon. it doesnt really say alot so questions are in order. dont be so upset when you have one of the most watched grows and some one asked a question which is prefectly reasonable.


Active Member
the reason why i call you a dick is cause you make a point to ignore someones question about the nutes you posted. when i asked again you give a dick response which isnt necessary. all i wanted to know is whether you planned on running your grow solely on the VERDE or if you planned on getting something else. you could have simply responded the first time and said i will be using VERDE for veg and will be looking into more nutes for flower. i never assumed you were using it for flower, thats actually why you ask questions, so you dont make assumptions. the reason for questions is because you leave holes in your updates, all you said is i found new nutes for 70$ a gallon. it doesnt really say alot so questions are in order. dont be so upset when you have one of the most watched grows and some one asked a question which is prefectly reasonable.
Just move on, dude. You've made your point, so just drop it.