fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread


Well-Known Member
That snake creeps me out every time I see it . Looking good. What ferts you been using up to this point? I know you just switched but was curious.


Well-Known Member
Yeah between the cat and snake I think you're covered.
I love how the cat was chillin just right when you took the pic so it looks he/she is on guard duty, lol


Nice Job fdd. read through the entire thread. Ive learned alot just from reading. I would say goodluck but clearly you dont need it. subd
o yeah
fdd2blk = weed growing master


Well-Known Member
it appears the verde is MUCH stronger than the age old i was using. it calls for 1 - 5ml per gallon. i have been using 15ml per gallon of the age old. i just fed the secret garden with the verde. the first 2 plants got a HUGE dose before i reread the label. the other 6 got about 2 - 5ml per gallon. i'm going to feed the main garden in the morning. i will feed them 30ml per 5 gallons of water per plant. then watch them closely.


Well-Known Member
haha thats funny my post got delete right on, why cant we all delete any post we want or lock our own threads when someone we dont want postin in it is. only the great fdd can do that though, dont step on his toes he might bite you head off with words and act alike an ass


Well-Known Member
haha thats funny my post got delete right on, why cant we all delete any post we want or lock our own threads when someone we dont want postin in it is. only the great fdd can do that though, dont step on his toes he might bite you head off with words and act alike an ass

now you force me to give you infractions?

all i'm trying to do is share my grow.



Well-Known Member
im done following any of your threads cuz u expect people to read through hundreds of pages to find a anwser that can be answered by u in 2 seconds and then get mad at them, i think alot of your posts onhere fro m when u joined asking commom sense questions and know one treated u the way u treat others. peace im off your thread i like tiu and dont want to be banned