feelin' down


Active Member
i've had a terrible week thus far, been havin alot of problems (friends-lack of, family, work, etc...)
When you feel depressed what do you do to try to get out of that mind-frame? im just felling lonely and like i have no friends.(kinda true)
anyways, any responses are appreciated, i just feel like chattin' to get outta this funk...
:peace: RIU


Well-Known Member
i've had a terrible week thus far, been havin alot of problems (friends-lack of, family, work, etc...)
When you feel depressed what do you do to try to get out of that mind-frame? just felling lonely and like i have no friends(kinda true)
anyways, any responses are appreciated, i just feel like chattin' to get outta this funk...
:peace: RIU
smoke a bowl and drink a cold beer.bongsmilie:bigjoint:bongsmilie


Active Member
Thanks bro, im trying to let it all go... its just not doin the trick, if you know what i mean. just too much shit on my mind.


Well-Known Member
Exercise is the fastest thing to bring you out of it, and it's not so bad stoned.

It gives you all the endorphins etc you need regardless of how shitty you feel originally.


Well-Known Member
kepp as occupied as possible and try not to think of the past, usually mistakes made in the past are what fuck up peoples future.


Well-Known Member
yea man times r rough all over keep your head up bro it will get better but for now a fatt J and a funny movie


Active Member
Its suprising how some good ideas and good people can turn your day around... well, at least it makes me think more postive! thanks you my fellow stoners...


Well-Known Member
i've had a terrible week thus far, been havin alot of problems (friends-lack of, family, work, etc...)
When you feel depressed what do you do to try to get out of that mind-frame? im just felling lonely and like i have no friends.(kinda true)
anyways, any responses are appreciated, i just feel like chattin' to get outta this funk...
:peace: RIU
yo man go read the new thread is this ready to harvest 65 days it will help read all comments

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
I've been feeling down the last week or so. I spent most of today splitting fire wood now I'm sore, sitting in my chair smoking a bowl and I feel better than I have been lately.