female or hermie??


Well-Known Member
hey redivider...looks good with the blankets...sorry about your loss...that sucks. reading through your thread and seeing the pics in reference to other hermied plants, I'm now paranoid that one of my girls, which is at 4 weeks, may be a hermie. sucks...oh well, time will tell. It would make sense as she went through hell as a child, absolute hell, to the point where I almost killed her...i took the pic below yesterday. I took the pic cuz I thought it was a real nice swollen callix...now I'm not so sure... (btw: +rep)



Well-Known Member
it might be... damn shame too, that plant looks sick...

how far into flower are you?? I can't even remember where i'm at... maybe wk 3...

i'm going for a short personal grow box... capable of holding 1 maybe 2 plants 12/12, short and bushy....

i wanted to have a bigger grow n shit, with an HPS and everything but don't have the room or $$$ right now....

but since it's my first grow i'm learnin a lot n shit....


Well-Known Member
hey that's what it's all about...the learning. my girls are at day 28 of flowering, the one above is just a single cola about 6 inches high. i've got a bushier one that's LSTed and has a solid nine bud sites...see pic below



Well-Known Member
i have mine tied down too... it has about 9 budsites... it's getting there.... i'm puttin a lil more light tomorrow.... 2 23 watt CFL bulbs i have here..1 daylight 1 softwhite... that'll bring my total lumens to approx 12000, in that emergency blanket lined, 1.3 square foot box!!!... and dammit if that's not enough i dont give a fuck.... i was gonna buy more bulbs but i'm not, i can't be spending my $$ like that (even though i've only just passed the 100 dollar mark)....i have bulbs here that work perfectly fine.... and that's how it's gonna stay till harvest... i still have like 5 weeks to go, hoping for the best....


Active Member
It's a female. Look at the buds forming, All you have to do is look towards the beginning of the plant for nodes/ "Balls" as some of us may call them. Happy growing.
man, i dont see any brown, but all i gotta say is, who cares. it looks nice, it looks healthy so just grow it and toke it if it tastes shitty pawn it off on some chump, destroy and bebuild and learn from your mistakes. just for the sake of not fucking any other plants separte it if you need to and keep this revolution going.


Well-Known Member
alright, i hope you guyz are still reading this... i found a ladybug today, but there's the no pest strip inside my box.. i took it out, but do you guyz the lady bug will look for the lil critters in my box still?? i put the no pest strip 3 days ago, and saw one f those things yesterday..... i don't want to put the ladybug in the box and have it die... should I just release the ladybug and let the pest strip work??


Well-Known Member
update, pics taken today....

i started PH-ing the water to correct levels and she looks REAL nice now... i'm thinking a couple more weeks... maybe less... she is stinkin up my place so nice:blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke:

the bud in the first pic is like 5 inches long, the second and third pic is the same budsite...each one starts out from the main stem below where the photo was taken, can't really see it because of the leaves, but trust me, they're longer than i thought i was gonna get, pretty impressive considering how she was raised and she only had a 27 day veg.....

this puppy has 11 budsites, they are all getting nice n thick, the pics are the 2 largest...... and like the other ones are smaller but still like a good 3-4 inches long, and plenty of smaller budsites hidden within the canopy.....

they are not REAL fat but they got real long and thicker when i phed the water...

trust me newbies, don't think PH don't matter cuz it does!!

i think she looks great, for my first grow, indoors, CFL's, tiny box, cheap soil and cheap nute, can't ask for anything better for 115 dollar investment.... and this ain't the last plant comming out of that box, I CAN GUARANTEE IT:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:

can't wait to smoke this mo'focka!

opinions people, i want some feedback!! don't tell me it's a she, cuz i know that!!!! :blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke:... how much longer you think til chop chop????



New Member
looks good man
amazing that it wasnt pollenated ,huh
id say u still got a few weeks ....be patient
ull know when its ready cuz itll look ready
also looks like u got some nute burn,maybe lighten up some


Well-Known Member
i haven't fed it in 2 weeks, i transplanted her cuz she was getting some mold. .... i was VERY gentle... jeje

i saw that burn yesterday.... i normally feed on sundays but last sunday (not yesterday, the one before) i skipped it cuz i forgot (whoops!)... so i transplanted last monday, and since the soil apparantely has light food in it, decided against feeding her anything last week.... and didn't feed yesterday, it was football sunday, i kinda left her in her box and left...timer takes care of the light.... got back all drunk n shit, went to bed.... flushed that soil today.... no food in that soil today either... it was 5 gallons of water, and a little bit of molasses at the end... that's it....

i'm done feeding it anyways, don't want to smoke no plant food, she has some buds that look like they want to be done, the other ones not yet..... either way molasses and water and that's the diet till chop.....


New Member
o so those r old burns?
anyways looking good
sounds like u know what to do from here
good luck to ur future grows


New Member
whatever lady
i meant to say what i said.....only cuz u carry the same characteristics of one....
seems like u like to get involved in stuff that doesnt concern....just like a bitch
just keep doin what ur doin kiss-ass
itll only get u so far

now thats very nasty.
