FERO 336x3W and more, perpetual 12-12

Say Enduro if I may ask have you ever heard of or Know anyone that tried Dr. Earth potting soil? I know you are a big fan of Super Soil and all with it being organic, I'm looking for something close with out all the cost and time to make some SS. I'm a big time compost user but somehow I got bugs so I'm not going to use it for my next grow.

DO NOT USE DR. EARTH SOIL!!!!. Its HORRIBLE! Tried them all. If you like multiple nutrient deficiencies and more gnats than you have ever seen in your life. Then this is the soil for you....... So far roots organic soils are the best store bought soil that I have used. I've tried all dr earth, black gold, fox farm, empire, roots, canna. The dirt I dig up in the woods on the mountain is even better than dr earth.
Thanks for the info Hyroot, that's why I'm shopping for dirt. My compost has bugs and I'm not taken it to the house or them either. Guess it's that hour drive to the Hydro store tomorrow.
When I make my own compost. for the first week after I add vegetable left over and dried up water leaves and what ever, there are bugs. After everything breaks down and turns into compost the bugs die off. I have even seen predatory mites in my own compost too. They eat all other bugs then die off when their food source is gone. Compost is awesome and your best friend when working with soil.
Thanks for the info Hyroot, that's why I'm shopping for dirt. My compost has bugs and I'm not taken it to the house or them either. Guess it's that hour drive to the Hydro store tomorrow.

You could always neem it before you use it. Your own compost is the shit, you know what goes in it and all. I am sure there is a way to bring it in. My first go at supersoil, I made my own recipe and I had the pile of SS sitting outside just wrapped in a tarp and I must say it wasnt that bad for bugs. I also had my compost in it. I did get bugs though and now all my SS is stored in garbage bins.

Oh yeah in case you guys don't know about it, I am attempting to make my own tincture from Subcool's thread tincture 101, I put a picture of it there too but I understand not all that many of you in the LED section are pro-organic. So here it is! Glycerin + Pot + 60 days = potent pain killer, apparently!! so thats that:
View attachment 2314387

I spent quite a bit of time in the room last night. I had to change the carbon filter and I decided to move the inlinefan outside of the room. I got the inline fan to blow into the veg cabinet (was a 12/12 flowering cabinet) So I will be using a lot less power in this cabinet, I took the Blackstar out as well as the carbon filter and the inline fan. Dont need to worry about smell in this one. Will veg 16hours a day, mainlining at least one plant for now (just simple mainling, dont want to invest too much time on a REG seed, when I have a fem I want to mainline at least 8 tops..

I reorganized the next batch to get a better canopy. My focus is on the AGENT ORANGE in the middle, doing very well and very healthy. It's in 10 gallons container but I got almost 4 gallons room to top up with SS. Everything is looking very healthy it's too bad I had the light so far away from most of them for too long they are well into budding and are not even 10'' tall. They will come out nicely anyway they are getting more light now. The more I think about it the more I think pure Indicas dont do as well 12/12 from seed, they dont get that stretch. But anyway this is most likely my last run that was 12/12 from seed will start to veg a little bit, I will keep the odd plant 12/12 from seed but for the most part I want to grow slightly bigger trees and use less containers.

Anyway, 2 weeks and the Agent Orange will be eating up 60% of the light, I hope! I dont know what to do with the Acapulco Gold, It's all yellow, running out of fuel as well and now it feels like there isnt much I can do and it's not nearly done I mean like 40+days to go. I should have killed the runt in the first place!! Oh well as soon as I feel like I am running out of room she will go in the hash pile.

No pics from the tent, Everything is looking really good in the tent, the big one in the middle is starting to fade, 40% brown hairs, but it could be any of the Sativas too so I am not sure if I should feed or let fade. Anyway everything is fattening up nicely in the tent. A few more days for the Chemos so I ll have pics then.

Sorry for the novel :bigjoint: Happy Growing!!!
Enduro you're killing it buddy!! I'm starting a 12-12fs grow of my own soon, but won't have it going on like this!!hahaha I'm going to see what I can do with a plant, and 4-5 42w CFLs..wish me luck!!
not really, I harvested one plant that was from clone, most of my clones died when I first tried, I am trying a few atm. I learned a good way of cloning using a clear shoe box from walmart that I will try when I am more serious about it.

Some of those sativas are so sweet you are right haha, some will go through reveg, and not the high yielders, but the frostiest plants I have ever seen(2 of them). If I am successful with the reveg I will let them grow into monsters!!

thanks :bigjoint:

pics of the tent tonight .... EDIT: tomorrow
Hey Endur0xX,
Great thread, I like reading novels! What kind of strains are you going to be running next?
well in the room atm I have one Agent Orange (shes got all my attention), I got a few Oh God and Gods treat from Jordan of the Islands. I got a small SLH that is halfway there and a Chemo almost there (both in the same container, they are small they were in the cabinet for a while.) .I got 2 yougner K-trains just starting to bud and I still got one K-Train almost there as well and the weird Acapulco Gold. I got K-train or Chemdog sprouting atm from the seeds I had in some buds.

In the tent I have 2 Chemos, 1 Berry bomb, and the other 5 are supposedly Sativas, Eldorado; Red Dragon; Lemon Skunk; Super Lemon Haze; White Castle; Blackberry . One bean never sprouted and I think its the SLH so the other 5, I am pretty bad with my seeds and I have no clue whhich one is which, it makes it hard right now because I dont know which one I should be feeding (half of them have another month to go but its hard to tell!!)

So yeah I am having fun, glad you enjoy my novels hehe!!

Oh I guess your question was what strain will I be growing next! hehe I am hoping to get a mom with the remainders of the Agent Orange seeds from TGA and keep that strain going for a while. I will try to reveg 2 sativas. And I will attempt growing an Autoflower in my veg cabinet, A Petite Blanche from Campo Cultivator. He has a sweet deal going atm 50seeds for 50pounds! Looking forward to try those out!! I will start with one under a AF-150 in my cabinet, we shall see!! If all goes well with the Auto I might do a run or half a run with them in the tent or the room. Stay tuned!

Nice novel, how is your hand doing by the way? I'm lookinmg forward to seeing some shots of that Agent Orange, I belive that will be the next seed I buy along with some Ace of Spades.
35 pics!! waaaaa, dont be overwhelmed, you dont have to look at them all, only you might be missing out.

I went blueberry picking today, not sure how the picture got in there... 40lbs for the freezer!!


Its a bit all over the place so I will try to name what I know and group them and the rest will be a mixmatch of them all.

Starting of with my favorite Sativa:

Here is my other favorite:

The often forgotten one, in the left corner of the room:

The other forgotten one (middle one in the back)

The High yielder in the center of the tent:


my injured hand getting better next to a bud from the high yielding sativa (you can see the scar on my big knuckle is looking really good!!!)

The Berry Bomb (the hairs are just starting to turn brown and its about time coze its supposed the be the fastest strain in there!!)

The Chemos (2 of them) as usual, I am not getting all that much out of them they really dont like the 12/12 from seeds I am thinking, but even though they are short there is a lot of meat to them (you can see better the pics with my hand)

The party cup thats in the tent a few other close ups!

Happy Growing every one :bigjoint:
well I am so sorry I took too long and now its a big mess

EDIT: nevermind I just spent 10 minutes redoing it!!
More pics!! hehe this time from the room and not that many!

As requested, AGENT ORANGE 12-12 from seed, doesnt she look good or what!

The party cup

I am so glad I waited on this one, that's the last K-train from the previous batch and she was a runt I was going to cut her a while back but I decided to wait and get some good mature buds even though she appeared to be dying. Well the smell that is coming out of her right now is to die for!!! just a few more days.

Things are coming along very well under the AF-600 even though I had it way high for the first part of their life it's getting pretty green in the room, another 2 weeks and I ll be struggling with the canopy.


Happy Growing even more everyone :bigjoint: I am on fire tonight.
Everything in the tent is fading nicely. 2 plants in the tent are classic sativas and will take longer to finish. The rest appears to be almost there, and they are getting plain water from now on.


I put the Agent Orange in the corner, it will do well there.

The K-trains(mostly under my FERO 4G and the 100wdiamond)
I believe those are Oh god or God's treat or both

SLH (same container as the chemo)


2 Reg Agent Orange and the party cup

Group shots

Happy growing :bigjoint:
From the finger hash I just smoked, I think I just harvested a SLH. I didnt think it was in the tent. Now that I look at it closely it does look like SLH buds. Not quite 1oz (110g wet) But I left some on it coze I am gonna reveg that one she is the most frosty plant I have ever grown. Everything down to the popcorn bud was super frosty ... I wouldnt call it popcorn buds anyway.


The Sativa in the center, that one should yield pretty good

The Berry Bomb almost ready!

My other favorite Sativa that one should yield well...
