Fetterman or Oz. Who will win the senate seat?


Well-Known Member
Both man, have specific pros and cons. I do not live in Pennsylvania, but believe the debate should be interesting.As should who wins the election.
Both man, have specific pros and cons. I do not live in Pennsylvania, but believe the debate should be interesting.As should who wins the election.
The only real negative is Fetterman stroking out. I would be willing to bet he is still in better health than at least 1/3 of the sitting senators.

Dr Oz is a propagandist freak who doubles as a foreign puppet.

It would not even be close if not for Putin trying to trigger WW3 and his murderous fellow dictators screwing the rest of the world with high oil prices.
The only real negative is Fetterman stroking out. I would be willing to bet he is still in better health than at least 1/3 of the sitting senators.

Dr Oz is a propagandist freak who doubles as a foreign puppet.

It would not even be close if not for Putin trying to trigger WW3 and his murderous fellow dictators screwing the rest of the world with high oil prices.

The only negative about anyone is they can die at any time..you, me or Fetterman- for any reason. How old is Dick Cheney? He's legally a Cyborg. Strokes happen all the time from major to mini..some have them and they don't even know. My mom had a stroke and one of her eyes turned inward. In time it fixed itself but she still kept working (albeit from home). From there she lived 20 more years.

What would worry me about a Senate candidate is their dirt and likelihood of going to jail or being replaced which coincidently are Trump backed candidates.

Don't vote for someone because you think they may die; the exception is coma. Don't vote for someone in a coma..don't write health for a guy in a coma (one of my partners at my company did this and got termed).
The only negative about anyone is they can die at any time..you, me or Fetterman- for any reason. How old is Dick Cheney? He's legally a Cyborg. Strokes happen all the time from major to mini..some have them and they don't even know. My mom had a stroke and one of her eyes turned inward. In time it fixed itself but she still kept working (albeit from home). From there she lived 20 more years.

What would worry me about a Senate candidate is their dirt and likelihood of going to jail or being replaced which coincidently are Trump backed candidates.

Don't vote for someone because you think they may die; the exception is coma. Don't vote for someone in a coma..don't write health for a guy in a coma (one of my partners at my company did this and got termed).
Agreed, I would have zero issue voting for Fetterman if I was in Pennsylvania, and don't see his stroke as a negative from my pov. I was thinking more as in the only real overall negative narrative I have seen ran on him is that, I have heard him talk he seems as good as anyone.

Besides the alternative is a nonstarter for anyone that actually cares about the attack being conducted on our nation.

Agreed, I would have zero issue voting for Fetterman if I was in Pennsylvania, and don't see his stroke as a negative from my pov. I was thinking more as in the only real overall negative narrative I have seen ran on him is that, I have heard him talk he seems as good as anyone.

Besides the alternative is a nonstarter for anyone that actually cares about the attack being conducted on our nation.

Lt. Governor is heir to the Pennsylvania state throne..and his opponent is..?:lol:. The guy with the stroke is backup over the grifter who poses as a guy.
Republicans vote for a Muslim? Only for power.

Republicans vote for asshoiles, liars, and conmen. One of their first requirements in a candidate is how often they insult people. They don't care about actual qualifications if they were on television then then they're qualified. Hell look at Georgia and that dumber than dumb fool herschel walker who's now admitting he did give that woman a $700 check despite denying it for weeks.

They don't care if they're traitors, dumber than a rock, criminals, etc... All they care about is beating those damn libs. It's the Us vs Them mentality which isn't isolated to just Republicans. There are many Democrats that share that same simplistic mentality but it's more prevalent on the Republican side.

We need ranked choice voting nationwide. That will prevent these idiots from winning the primaries dominated by the extremists and keep them from ever holding office.
There are 2 reasons this race has tightened a little although I don't necessarily buy into polls like I did pre-2016.

Fetterman's stroke and enormous piles of republican PAC money because elections are for sale now.

Most people (high 90s%) either already voted or have decided and are locked in.

Republicans had much better and more serious contenders in the primaries...but their silly ass base picked the Trump endorsed candidates for senate & governor.

Mastriano doesn't have a chance in hell and Oz is just a celebrity carpetbagging conman Dr who sold worthless pills on TV, but he is a well known name.

In 2016, there were 25 Trump signs for every Hillary sign in my area. That is not an exaggeration.
Today, even in areas that haven't been Democrat since the '70s, the Fetterman and Oz signs are pretty much even here.20221018_174016.jpg
The first couple minutes of SNL weekend update 2 weeks ago may be a comedy sketch...but it tells much of the Fetterman - Oz tale. Oz doesn't know Pa.

The commercials with graphic details of dogs suffering in medical experiments are actually sickening. Didn't he have any white mice to play with?

I also remember a time not so very long ago when hundreds of millions $ weren't spent on elections.
Maybe that's what MAGA should mean, bring back the FCC equal time doctrine laws (that St. Reagan got rid of) and use all those millions to benefit society instead of political commercials on TV that start 6 months before elections. Everybody is sick of them and very few aren't attack ads.

What ever happened to JFK's "Civility is not a sign of weakness"?

Go watch a couple minutes of the YouTube videos of the 1960 presidential debates when this country had a bit more class during election cycles. Nixon and Kennedy couldn't compliment each other enough between answering questions.

Today kinda sucks, I'm fortunate to have seen the better days of the past when we tried to improve instead of throwing feces all over the walls.

Thanks social media.

One last thing that makes me go wow...
I read Smerconish.com a lot. They have daily polls there. Smerconish is a middle of the road moderate former republican, now independent. His emails, tweets & letters he reads on his radio & TV shows attack him from both the left and right, so he must be in the middle...

When I voted for abortion I expected to be in a 20% max pool of votes. If this poll turns out to be true and accurate, if the women come out in droves to vote for their personal rights...the Republicans can just pack it in and go home right now, it's already over.

We'll see what happens, confidence is high.
There are 2 reasons this race has tightened a little although I don't necessarily buy into polls like I did pre-2016.

Fetterman's stroke and enormous piles of republican PAC money because elections are for sale now.

Most people (high 90s%) either already voted or have decided and are locked in.

Republicans had much better and more serious contenders in the primaries...but their silly ass base picked the Trump endorsed candidates for senate & governor.

Mastriano doesn't have a chance in hell and Oz is just a celebrity carpetbagging conman Dr who sold worthless pills on TV, but he is a well known name.

In 2016, there were 25 Trump signs for every Hillary sign in my area. That is not an exaggeration.
Today, even in areas that haven't been Democrat since the '70s, the Fetterman and Oz signs are pretty much even here.View attachment 5214504
The first couple minutes of SNL weekend update 2 weeks ago may be a comedy sketch...but it tells much of the Fetterman - Oz tale. Oz doesn't know Pa.

The commercials with graphic details of dogs suffering in medical experiments are actually sickening. Didn't he have any white mice to play with?

I also remember a time not so very long ago when hundreds of millions $ weren't spent on elections.
Maybe that's what MAGA should mean, bring back the FCC equal time doctrine laws (that St. Reagan got rid of) and use all those millions to benefit society instead of political commercials on TV that start 6 months before elections. Everybody is sick of them and very few aren't attack ads.

What ever happened to JFK's "Civility is not a sign of weakness"?

Go watch a couple minutes of the YouTube videos of the 1960 presidential debates when this country had a bit more class during election cycles. Nixon and Kennedy couldn't compliment each other enough between answering questions.

Today kinda sucks, I'm fortunate to have seen the better days of the past when we tried to improve instead of throwing feces all over the walls.

Thanks social media.

One last thing that makes me go wow...
I read Smerconish.com a lot. They have daily polls there. Smerconish is a middle of the road moderate former republican, now independent. His emails, tweets & letters he reads on his radio & TV shows attack him from both the left and right, so he must be in the middle...

View attachment 5214511
When I voted for abortion I expected to be in a 20% max pool of votes. If this poll turns out to be true and accurate, if the women come out in droves to vote for their personal rights...the Republicans can just pack it in and go home right now, it's already over.

We'll see what happens, confidence is high.
When I was a kid, I was (first name) and was taught to address adults as Mr. or Mrs./Miss (last name). I so looked forward to arriving at the age of stature and becoming Mr. (last name). When I suggested to some of the younger generation to more properly address me as Mr. (last name), a common response was or amounted to “**** you, (first name).”
Lol, my first election was 1972. I voted for George McGovern. His name seemed to indicate he could govern.

I voted from school by mail in ballot and nobody complained, probably because Nixon won every state except one.

My "Dick Nixon before Nixon dicks you" T shirt didn't work.

I had the last laugh a few years later when hardly anybody would admit to voting for Nixon by 1975.
But that was back when both sides had a degree of moral integrity while Nixon embarrassed 75% of the country.

If Bobby Kennedy hadn't gotten shot, Nixon never would have been there in the first place and the Vietnam experience would have ended 6 years earlier than it did and we would have had 3 more Apollo missions to the moon. That still disturbs me over 50 years later.
Lol, my first election was 1972. I voted for George McGovern. His name seemed to indicate he could govern.

I voted from school by mail in ballot and nobody complained, probably because Nixon won every state except one.

My "Dick Nixon before Nixon dicks you" T shirt didn't work.

I had the last laugh a few years later when hardly anybody would admit to voting for Nixon by 1975.
But that was back when both sides had a degree of moral integrity while Nixon embarrassed 75% of the country.

If Bobby Kennedy hadn't gotten shot, Nixon never would have been there in the first place and the Vietnam experience would have ended 6 years earlier than it did and we would have had 3 more Apollo missions to the moon. That still disturbs me over 50 years later.
I’ve made my peace with not having had Apollos 18 through 20. Von Braun’s magnificent beasts have had a GREAT run with zero flight casualties. Imagine if one of the canceled flights had caught a solar flare.

Rockets as viable commercial entities are finally coming into their own over 50 years later. Apollo and the Shuttle were necessities of the cold war. Falcon 9 has been knocking them out of the park — a bit too well, allowing cluttersats like LarStink to be attractive to shareholders.

I have my doubts about Shartsip as well, as you might deduce from my cheeky anagrams for the MuskRat’s space ventures.
But if it works, imagine the massive and capable robots we could send across local space from corona to Kuiper! It’s enough to make an alte kacker to remember what an erection feels like!

(insert penis rocket gif here)
