Dr Oz has pushed every fringe supplement that exists over his career, yet he claims to "vet" everything and uses his Medical License to distract people from his criminal quakery. The only people who would vote for this guy are cynical Republican party grunts who support their party's reach for power above all else.
I’ve made my peace with not having had Apollos 18 through 20. Von Braun’s magnificent beasts have had a GREAT run with zero flight casualties. Imagine if one of the canceled flights had caught a solar flare.
Rockets as viable commercial entities are finally coming into their own over 50 years later. Apollo and the Shuttle were necessities of the cold war. Falcon 9 has been knocking them out of the park — a bit too well, allowing cluttersats like LarStink to be attractive to shareholders.
I have my doubts about Shartsip as well, as you might deduce from my cheeky anagrams for the MuskRat’s space ventures.
But if it works, imagine the massive and capable robots we could send across local space from corona to Kuiper! It’s enough to make an alte kacker to remember what an erection feels like!
I wonder how much mass we can add to the Earth, from mining the rest of the solar system for raw materials?
could we add enough to alter the Earth's orbit?...
i realize most of it would probably get processed and used in space, but not all of it.
how much would the world's economy stumble if someone running a mining bot found an asteroid full of diamonds, or some equally or more valuable material? a few metric tons introduced into the economy would surely cause some ripples.
I wonder how much mass we can add to the Earth, from mining the rest of the solar system for raw materials?
could we add enough to alter the Earth's orbit?...
i realize most of it would probably get processed and used in space, but not all of it.
how much would the world's economy stumble if someone running a mining bot found an asteroid full of diamonds, or some equally or more valuable material? a few metric tons introduced into the economy would surely cause some ripples.
The trend will be away from planets as we get our space legs. Being at the bottom of a hole is expensive in the universal currency of space commerce: delta V.
As for diamond, we will soon learn to 3D print large complex shapes from monocrystalline diamond, like cutting tools and heat sinks. De Beers may try to shore up the value of natural terrestrial diamonds, but that will possibly be a losing battle akin to the ad campaign for veal.
During the transition, I imagine the major article of commerce to the surface will be elements whose utility exceeds their terrestrial supply: platinum metals and perhaps the light isotope of helium.
I researched fetterman a little. It appears he is well educated and a career politician. It also seems that he has been supported much of his adult life by his parents. I personally do not like career politicians, because it appears that they get into the good old boy Network. I think that part of breaking the cycle in the United States, is to move away from career politicians. It has been my experience that when someone later in life enters politics itis normally because they think they can change what is wrong. This election, as well as others November 8th, I find very interesting.
For me personally, when people make rash General statements about a group of people they negate their whole argument.
I researched fetterman a little. It appears he is well educated and a career politician. It also seems that he has been supported much of his adult life by his parents. I personally do not like career politicians, because it appears that they get into the good old boy Network. I think that part of breaking the cycle in the United States, is to move away from career politicians. It has been my experience that when someone later in life enters politics itis normally because they think they can change what is wrong. This election, as well as others November 8th, I find very interesting.
For me personally, when people make rash General statements about a group of people they negate their whole argument.
When certain groups, specifically maga, unite around a fixed set of corrosive lies whose aim is to undo the republic (remember January 6?) the argument is by no means negated.
Dr. No has sold snake oil for money. That is prima facie evidence that he will abuse the trust built into an elected public service position. And he has the imprimatur of the traitor: by itself sufficient reason to vote for the opponent. In this instance, the career politician is not just the better choice, but the only choice.
When certain groups, specifically maga, unite around a fixed set of corrosive lies whose aim is to undo the republic (remember January 6?) the argument is by no means negated.
Dr. No has sold snake oil for money. That is prima facie evidence that he will abuse the trust built into an elected public service position. And he has the imprimatur of the traitor: by itself sufficient reason to vote for the opponent. In this instance, the career politician is not just the better choice, but the only choice.
I don't know much about Oz. I know that a lot of people consider Osteopathy to be Snake Oil, but it's really helped my daughter more than any traditional approaches have. Homeopathy is another one that people often consider Snake Oil, and while it's never really worked for me, I know other people who swear by it. What about traditional Chinese medicine, is that Snake Oil too? What Snake Oil does Oz sell exactly?
I don't know much about Oz. I know that a lot of people consider Osteopathy to be Snake Oil, but it's really helped my daughter more than any traditional approaches have. Homeopathy is another one that people often consider Snake Oil, and while it's never really worked for me, I know other people who swear by it. What about traditional Chinese medicine, is that Snake Oil too? What Snake Oil does Oz sell exactly?
I took my kid to a chiropractor once, and I thought it was weird. I think the Chinese herbs and acupuncture have merit though. I've had acupuncture as a kid myself. My parents were hippies, and it was a hippy thing to do back then.
I've seen these western doctors prescribe some stupid shit though. I'm still reeling over the fact that when I took my kid into the ER due to losing conscientiousness following a recent concussion, the ER doctor's answer was to do a covid test, due to her high temp. When that came back negative, their answer was to do a second covid test. Apparently this ER doctor had never heard of a Neurogenic Fever, and scoffed at my wife for suggesting it.
Shivering, sweating, feeling hot, feeling cold — these are all symptoms you could have for months after a head injury. Learn why and how it's treated here.
I don't know much about Oz. I know that a lot of people consider Osteopathy to be Snake Oil, but it's really helped my daughter more than any traditional approaches have. Homeopathy is another one that people often consider Snake Oil, and while it's never really worked for me, I know other people who swear by it. What about traditional Chinese medicine, is that Snake Oil too? What Snake Oil does Oz sell exactly?
Daily Kos is a progressive news site that fights for democracy by giving our audience information and resources to win elections and impact government. Our coverage is assiduously factual, ethical, and unapologetically liberal. We amplify what we think is important, with the proper context—not...
Daily Kos is a progressive news site that fights for democracy by giving our audience information and resources to win elections and impact government. Our coverage is assiduously factual, ethical, and unapologetically liberal. We amplify what we think is important, with the proper context—not...
Of all the possible choices you could use as a reference, you picked Daily Kos? Ok. That article was too filled with opinion and very little specifics.
This is the most info that I could really glean from that opinion piece:
"While holding a medical license, Mehmet Oz, widely known as Dr. Oz, has long pushed misleading, science-free and unproven alternative therapies such as homeopathy, as well as fad diets, detoxes and cleanses. Some of these things have been potentially harmful, including hydroxychloroquine, which he once touted would be beneficial in the treatment or prevention of COVID. This assertion has been thoroughly debunked."
Hydroxychloroquine is harmful eh? Hmm, not according to this study:
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) has been shown to be at least somewhat effective in treating patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Recently the US Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warnings of fatal ...
Of all the possible choices you could use as a reference, you picked Daily Kos? Ok. That article was too filled with opinion and very little specifics.
This is the most info that I could really glean from that opinion piece:
"While holding a medical license, Mehmet Oz, widely known as Dr. Oz, has long pushed misleading, science-free and unproven alternative therapies such as homeopathy, as well as fad diets, detoxes and cleanses. Some of these things have been potentially harmful, including hydroxychloroquine, which he once touted would be beneficial in the treatment or prevention of COVID. This assertion has been thoroughly debunked."
Hydroxychloroquine is harmful eh? Hmm, not according to this study:
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) has been shown to be at least somewhat effective in treating patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Recently the US Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warnings of fatal ...
Fake peer reviews: They’re all the rage. Sixteen papers are being retracted across three Elsevier journals after the publisher discovered that one of the authors, Khalid Zaman, orchestrated f…
When you click on Additional Infirmation in your link, the lead author is no epidemiologist or virologist.
From Am J Med (same publisher), a counter to the cherry you picked.
Here are a few videos about a liar from New Jersey who lies about how many houses he owns, where he buys his groceries, and lies to you about health care products that’ll make him a buck. Fam…
And to put the proverbial cherry on the hot mess sundae, you are speaking in support of a full-tilt maga. Didn’t you present yourself as independent, even left-leaning? Why do you so often carry water for the fascists? It confuses me.
Fake peer reviews: They’re all the rage. Sixteen papers are being retracted across three Elsevier journals after the publisher discovered that one of the authors, Khalid Zaman, orchestrated f…
When you click on Additional Infirmation in your link, the lead author is no epidemiologist or virologist.
From Am J Med (same publisher), a counter to the cherry you picked.
Here are a few videos about a liar from New Jersey who lies about how many houses he owns, where he buys his groceries, and lies to you about health care products that’ll make him a buck. Fam…
And to put the proverbial cherry on the hot mess sundae, you are speaking in support of a full-tilt maga. Didn’t you present yourself as independent, even left-leaning? Why do you so often carry water for the fascists? It confuses me.
I never said that I supported Oz, I've only questioned the demonetization of his "snake oil". I've just been failed by the standard western medicine model too many times to trust that "the experts" always know what's best. If I just listened to what the first expert told me about my child's orthodontic plan, they would have done jaw surgery to correct a small overbite. No thank you. I sought out an alternate option, not covered by my insurance, which somehow has corrected the issue without jaw surgery. Go figure. We only had to get 5 different opinions first.
I'll look at your links closer later. Happy Sunday.