Fetterman or Oz. Who will win the senate seat?

Braindead Basement dwellers voting for braindead basement dwellers. Doesn’t matter , Pennsylvania is already dead
Gov. Wolf wanted to send every household making under $80,000 a check for $2000. Leftover covid funds to help with inflation, etc. And if it isn't spent it apparently goes back to the feds.

Can you guess which party is blocking it?

I guess some people would rather watch Fox News instead of going shopping or paying down their debt. Those are the truly braindead.
Gov. Wolf wanted to send every household making under $80,000 a check for $2000. Leftover covid funds to help with inflation, etc. And if it isn't spent it apparently goes back to the feds.

Can you guess which party is blocking it?

I guess some people would rather watch Fox News instead of going shopping or paying down their debt. Those are the truly braindead.
Debt? 48 debt free on my way shopping thinking about a new side by side . I’ll buy it outright so I still wont have debt to pay down. Braindead people get caught up in debt but keep shopping on credit. Another thing ive never had is a credit card. Brain dead people shit higher than their ass . Imo a house and a vehicle are the only acceptable debt but those are paid. Btw its all clean , no college , no excuses and make a little less than 80 . Pass out the “extra” covid loot? Lol the fact Is i don’t need or want any handouts. if you make 80 g a yr and you cant get by yup your brain dead or need to move.
The list of towns in PA that look like this are long no need to show philly. You really think either of them can fix this? A ha a ha a ha
Or better yet, will fix it?
one of them will try, while the other one will ignore it and let it go on, as it just helps their fucked up agenda....
Democrats at least try to fix shit, they try to make things better for EVERYONE...republicunts just let things fucking rot, because it gives them something to point at and say that it's the fault of democrats...even though 90% of what they point at is their own doing, and they have no intention OR ability to fix a fucking thing.
you're big into saying it doesn't matter, but you couldn't be more wrong...acting like things don't matter empower the fucks who think that way...quit fucking empowering the do not a motherfucking goddamn thing republicans, they're 90% of the reason those towns are falling the fuck apart.
The list of towns in PA that look like this are long no need to show philly. You really think either of them can fix this? A ha a ha a ha
Is it like it is here and that is a by-product of white people abandoning the cities back when the federal government was setting them up in the shiny new burbs? At what was it 95% tax on the mega rich to pay for it?

Asbestos, lead paint and pipes, weird ownership rules that make it hard for cities to do anything without the support of the Republicans in the state capital. Yeah without a magic wand or genie, the only realistic way for that mess to get cleaned up is a lot of time, local citizens and businesses taking it into their own hands. Government could help, but with Republican gerrymandering power to stop anything from getting done (like Mississippi's water) it is not going to happen until their rich donors have something they want done to benefit them in those cities.
Debt? 48 debt free on my way shopping thinking about a new side by side . I’ll buy it outright so I still wont have debt to pay down. Braindead people get caught up in debt but keep shopping on credit. Another thing ive never had is a credit card. Brain dead people shit higher than their ass . Imo a house and a vehicle are the only acceptable debt but those are paid. Btw its all clean , no college , no excuses and make a little less than 80 . Pass out the “extra” covid loot? Lol the fact Is i don’t need or want any handouts. if you make 80 g a yr and you cant get by yup your brain dead or need to move.
Good for you.

When somebody offers me money, I fucking take it.

And if I don't need it, I can find somebody who does other than the government. Guaranteed.

Also, I generate around $750 - 1000 a year paying for things I had to buy or pay for anyway through cash back credit cards.

Who's brain dead again?
A stroked out meathead, or a wackjob conspiracy theorist.

Great choices.

I remember when VP Cheney shot someone by accident with bird shot hunting quails; additionally, he was a Cyborg for much of the time spent in the #2 spot and the GOP was just fine with it all- the above post has no meaning because the GOP has done it all already in spades.
one of them will try, while the other one will ignore it and let it go on, as it just helps their fucked up agenda....
Democrats at least try to fix shit, they try to make things better for EVERYONE...republicunts just let things fucking rot, because it gives them something to point at and say that it's the fault of democrats...even though 90% of what they point at is their own doing, and they have no intention OR ability to fix a fucking thing.
you're big into saying it doesn't matter, but you couldn't be more wrong...acting like things don't matter empower the fucks who think that way...quit fucking empowering the do not a motherfucking goddamn thing republicans, they're 90% of the reason those towns are falling the fuck apart.
Id have to vote to empower either.
Yup it is sad . Wish I could find a politician anywhere that didn’t make me pick between hard or fast . Then after you chose one , they give you dry instead.
Yup it is sad . Wish I could find a politician anywhere that didn’t make me pick between hard or fast . Then after you chose one , they give you dry instead.
well, really, what makes me sad is that you can't see the very clear difference between the two parties. neither one is perfect, but to claim they're the same is clear evidence that you aren't even trying to keep yourself informed.
Apathetic nonsense.

If a guy was laying on the street bleeding after being mugged, would you just drive on by?

If a group of terrorists storms the Capitol carrying the political signs of a certain politician along with Nazi & Confederate flags and people die there, you just going to ignore that?

Were there 'good people on both sides' at Charlottesville?

Apathy improves nothing and empowers the dark side. Carry on though.
The debate Tuesday night should be interesting. Some are saying it may be the most watched debate for the Senate ever. I understand they are having to make special arrangements so fetterman will be able to understand and comprehend what's going on.
Good for you.

When somebody offers me money, I fucking take it.

And if I don't need it, I can find somebody who does other than the government. Guaranteed.

Also, I generate around $750 - 1000 a year paying for things I had to buy or pay for anyway through cash back credit cards.

Who's brain dead again?
Thank you . Btw it wasn’t a brag pal. I don’t own a big fancy house or a high end vehicle. I’ve struggled and sacrificed like most but I own it . It took most of my life to own anything short of a shitbox vehicle on alot less than 80g. Its weird to me that we’ve been discussing the homeless situation.And btw good for you im glad your the kind of person who would give it to someone who needs it more. I help and have helped alot of people out when i can too. Problem is most dont or simply cant give enough to help for more than a meal or two. It counts and is commendable, but most don’t/ wont. Imo people making 80 grand and yes i know thats not wealthy but they dont need two grand they’ll buy a new tv or rims with. 55% of the country makes less than 50 g and roughly half of that make less than 20. I could be wrong but id bet alot that no where near 55 percent of people are in danger of losing it all. Never mind the idk, 80 percent making under 80. How do all the homeless get their check? Zero is less than 80 but i doubt any of them get any yet send it to someone doing 80 in hopes they stuff it in a homeless persons pocket. Doubtful wouldn’t you say. Im personally over seeing people crying about evictions wearing 1500 dollar jordansMaybe if there’s millions of “extra” covid dollars, it would be better used on something or someone a little more needy, no? Oh im glad your also in a position to use your credit cards and paying off immediately for getting a small amount of some of the cash they most likely sharked from you and/or other customers . I guess i lose out on the 750 or i could say I spent it on the piece of mind knowing if my finance’s fall down tomorrow I don’t owe the sharks at 24% intrest with penalties .
Thank you . Btw it wasn’t a brag pal. I don’t own a big fancy house or a high end vehicle. I’ve struggled and sacrificed like most but I own it . It took most of my life to own anything short of a shitbox vehicle on alot less than 80g. Its weird to me that we’ve been discussing the homeless situation.And btw good for you im glad your the kind of person who would give it to someone who needs it more. I help and have helped alot of people out when i can too. Problem is most dont or simply cant give enough to help for more than a meal or two. It counts and is commendable, but most don’t/ wont. Imo people making 80 grand and yes i know thats not wealthy but they dont need two grand they’ll buy a new tv or rims with. 55% of the country makes less than 50 g and roughly half of that make less than 20. I could be wrong but id bet alot that no where near 55 percent of people are in danger of losing it all. Never mind the idk, 80 percent making under 80. How do all the homeless get their check? Zero is less than 80 but i doubt any of them get any yet send it to someone doing 80 in hopes they stuff it in a homeless persons pocket. Doubtful wouldn’t you say. Im personally over seeing people crying about evictions wearing 1500 dollar jordansMaybe if there’s millions of “extra” covid dollars, it would be better used on something or someone a little more needy, no? Oh im glad your also in a position to use your credit cards and paying off immediately for getting a small amount of some of the cash they most likely sharked from you and/or other customers . I guess i lose out on the 750 or i could say I spent it on the piece of mind knowing if my finance’s fall down tomorrow I don’t owe the sharks at 24% intrest with penalties .
I agree. That money would be spent better going directly to homeless shelters or kitchens that feed the Homeless.
The debate Tuesday night should be interesting. Some are saying it may be the most watched debate for the Senate ever. I understand they are having to make special arrangements so fetterman will be able to understand and comprehend what's going on.
He'll likely 'understand and comprehend what's going on' more than you will.

You ever been to Braddock, Pa?

Most people wouldn't want to be mayor there. You have to be damn tough just to live there. Most people would run the other way in a heartbeat.
Thank you . Btw it wasn’t a brag pal. I don’t own a big fancy house or a high end vehicle. I’ve struggled and sacrificed like most but I own it . It took most of my life to own anything short of a shitbox vehicle on alot less than 80g. Its weird to me that we’ve been discussing the homeless situation.And btw good for you im glad your the kind of person who would give it to someone who needs it more. I help and have helped alot of people out when i can too. Problem is most dont or simply cant give enough to help for more than a meal or two. It counts and is commendable, but most don’t/ wont. Imo people making 80 grand and yes i know thats not wealthy but they dont need two grand they’ll buy a new tv or rims with. 55% of the country makes less than 50 g and roughly half of that make less than 20. I could be wrong but id bet alot that no where near 55 percent of people are in danger of losing it all. Never mind the idk, 80 percent making under 80. How do all the homeless get their check? Zero is less than 80 but i doubt any of them get any yet send it to someone doing 80 in hopes they stuff it in a homeless persons pocket. Doubtful wouldn’t you say. Im personally over seeing people crying about evictions wearing 1500 dollar jordansMaybe if there’s millions of “extra” covid dollars, it would be better used on something or someone a little more needy, no? Oh im glad your also in a position to use your credit cards and paying off immediately for getting a small amount of some of the cash they most likely sharked from you and/or other customers . I guess i lose out on the 750 or i could say I spent it on the piece of mind knowing if my finance’s fall down tomorrow I don’t owe the sharks at 24% intrest with penalties .
If you care whether or not people read your stuff, you should learn about paragraphs.

I get dizzy looking at walls of words. So do most people.

You ever read a book printed like that?