ff tiger bloom


Active Member
Will ff tiger bloom help with my yield or do I need to use it with big bloom to see any noticeable results


Active Member
watch the PH with tiger bloom, its PH is 3.3 straight from the bottle.. if u wanna know more about the fox farm PH take a look at my first grow in my sig.. i broke down the ph levels for each FF nute.. sorry.. that had nothing to do with ur question.. :/
I've been reading that ff tiger bloom in potent but when you break it down to ppm the 2 tsp as recomended only totals 234 which seems a bit low considering that other places i have read recomend 100 to 400 ppm for smaller plants and 400 to 800 even 1000 ppm for bigger plants.

How is FF so potent lookin at the numbers?

I'm not questioning the knowledge, or experience of the growers above i am just curious considering i just bought some tiger bloom two days ago.


Active Member
I have one more question how often should I feed my girls? I'm currently giving them half strength solution every Friday is that not enough or am I on the right track


Well-Known Member
If your plants are just beginning to flower, then its good to start off at about half to quarter strength and build up to the recommended dosage. i like to go a bit lighter than they recommend cause less is more with the stuff. it really doesn't take much to really burn your plants, so keep an eye on leaf tips and fringes as you build it up to full strength. I'd just keep feeding them on fridays, or just feed them a really light dose every other watering between feedings. i find that once a week with the 3 tsp/gal ratio works well. sometimes ill go with 7 tsp in my 2.5 gal container. less is more.


Well-Known Member
On the directions of FF tiger bloom it says to use upon first signs of flowering. Most other ferts say use before flowering for best results.


Well-Known Member
i used tiger bloom 2tsp the first time then 3tsp after that, and used it every watering for my first grow. then again i think i water differently than most. came to about 0nce evey 5-7 days... another little secret yall may like to know is my first grow they flowered hella fast like 40ish days n i nuteded them like i said, but i didnt even flush them and ther was no chem taste at all!