Finding a Hidden Stash


Well-Known Member
Last night I was getting ready to make my last run of shatter with the remaining material I had, and while doing so I came across 8 ounces of nugs in a can that I thought was empty. I've been smoking hard this summer and still have at least a month until my next harvest, so I was about to start conserving my stash. Now I'm back to Rastafarian levels of puffing.

Has anyone else had a similar experience? What's the most you've ever found?
Last night I was getting ready to make my last run of shatter with the remaining material I had, and while doing so I came across 8 ounces of nugs in a can that I thought was empty. I've been smoking hard this summer and still have at least a month until my next harvest, so I was about to start conserving my stash. Now I'm back to Rastafarian levels of puffing.

Has anyone else had a similar experience? What's the most you've ever found?
A pound vacuum sealed that fell behind something when I was moving.
Last night I was getting ready to make my last run of shatter with the remaining material I had, and while doing so I came across 8 ounces of nugs in a can that I thought was empty. I've been smoking hard this summer and still have at least a month until my next harvest, so I was about to start conserving my stash. Now I'm back to Rastafarian levels of puffing.

Has anyone else had a similar experience? What's the most you've ever found?
Sounds even better than finding a loose $20 bill in the pocket of a jacket from last season.
Half-of-a-pound? Must be a coffee can with dense nugs!
I found an ounce or so, untrimmed, I had hanging. It was supposed to be temporary, in a low lit corner of my house, while I trimmed other stuff. Must’ve gotten weary from trimming, and forgot about it for a couple months until I just noticed it hanging from a little decorative light thingy.
Now it is going to end up as an oil I use for IPM spray, or into my compost-tea tank.
Half-of-a-pound? Must be a coffee can with dense nugs!
I found an ounce or so, untrimmed, I had hanging. It was supposed to be temporary, in a low lit corner of my house, while I trimmed other stuff. Must’ve gotten weary from trimming, and forgot about it for a couple months until I just noticed it hanging from a little decorative light thingy.
Now it is going to end up as an oil I use for IPM spray, or into my compost-tea tank.
It was in a large Cvault.
Half-of-a-pound? Must be a coffee can with dense nugs!
I found an ounce or so, untrimmed, I had hanging. It was supposed to be temporary, in a low lit corner of my house, while I trimmed other stuff. Must’ve gotten weary from trimming, and forgot about it for a couple months until I just noticed it hanging from a little decorative light thingy.
Now it is going to end up as an oil I use for IPM spray, or into my compost-tea tank.
You use extracts in your *spray? I've never heard of this. What's the recipe?
You use extracts in your *spray? I've never heard of this. What's the recipe?
Just trying it out-
I made coconut oil extract in a crockpot before, and got the idea to add some to my ipm spray as a “soap” (brain not coming up with word I’m looking for…) to help it stick.
I figured the plants create the resin as a protective against disease and pests, so may as well add some back with my ipm.
I heat fresh rosemary in the coconut oil, along with sunflower lecithin. Then, while warm add a good amount to slightly above room temperature water.
It can be a pain because it clogs up if it cools too much, but that also helps it to stick with the plant longer. Smells good, non-toxic, and my plants have never been burned by it, and seem to photosynthesize just fine with it.
Tested on spider-mites on a pepper plant and they were frozen in place, dead.
Also drew a circle around ants on my wall with it and they were extremely hesitant to cross it, and once they did they didn’t come back.

Now my plants are flowering so may just do one more small application, then use citric acid dilution the rest of the season.
Man I wish. Had to smoke on already vaped bud past few months :cry: lol it's actually not that bad, had some cbd buds mixed in there & it got me where I needed to be. I'm going to do the same again soon so I can actually do a proper cure on my harvest & not smoke it all uncured
Working at the grocery store in the diary dept. Shift is about to end. Being lazy in the cooler. "Fine ill go do this one thing...I noticed it was empty". Grab the stuff and walk out to the shelves....see a rolled up sandwich bag in the bottom of the dairy cooler. Def could tell it was a drug bag. Looked around...thought I was being set up. Loaded the goods and scooped up the bag. Had a recently purchased single 1/8 nug of fire. I was 19 or 20 at the time. Went and played roller hockey...hi as fuck!
Have only ever found what the dope devil had taken off me of my own stash - but did find my dads stash back in the day remember him and my Marg arguing she was shouting you need to stop smoking so much at my father he was like wtf
Then I got a telling off cause I had eaten 6 pop tarts and all my dads cookies in one sitting :weed:
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Last night I was getting ready to make my last run of shatter with the remaining material I had, and while doing so I came across 8 ounces of nugs in a can that I thought was empty. I've been smoking hard this summer and still have at least a month until my next harvest, so I was about to start conserving my stash. Now I'm back to Rastafarian levels of puffing.

Has anyone else had a similar experience? What's the most you've ever found?
Found 9oz in a paper bag between 2 books.... had been there for about a year and had totally forgotten about it... tasted quite nice... it all went quite quickly between me and some mates
Not so long ago I was having to buy some while waiting on my own, once ready, dried and ready to be packed I found about 1.5oz of dross in a kilner jar, it could have saved a few quid had I have found it earlier but that's life :-(

Another time I new I had a £50 note and new I hadn't spent it, while having a look for it I found £100, I never did see the £50 again but the £100 helped take the sting out of it :-)
I found maybe a QP of broken down hash material from god knows when after making this post. It was doubled up in zip lock freezer bags and wrapped it a garbage bag. It's weird because I've never stored it in plastic bags. There's a ton of kief, but it smells super old, so I'm not sure what I'll do with it. I may end up just tossing it out.