F’ing PM.


Well-Known Member
We’ve had unbelievable weather in my area. Warm days, nights are cooling. The humidity has been under 25% like forever, but I’ve had PM pop up a week after I introduced beneficial Andersoni mites.
I did a 1-4 milk spray because I’m in to flower and I don’t use chemical fungicides or pesticides.
the milk mixture looks like it knocked it back. How often have you guys used it to keep PM at bay until harvest?
We’ve had unbelievable weather in my area. Warm days, nights are cooling. The humidity has been under 25% like forever, but I’ve had PM pop up a week after I introduced beneficial Andersoni mites.
I did a 1-4 milk spray because I’m in to flower and I don’t use chemical fungicides or pesticides.
the milk mixture looks like it knocked it back. How often have you guys used it to keep PM at bay until harvest?
Yup Me too Bro. I've tried the 60/40 milk water, and a few days later the baking soda, oil, water spray. Both within the last week. And still new spots keep appearing on my new buds. And it sucks because I got a couple 7 ftrs.
Same reason as mine.Too much foliage. Peroxide was working until the 50S hit at night. Exploded. Using 1Tsp cider vinegar/ qrt. water. Seems to be helping. But too late. Hard rescue defol in progress. And cider when I'm done. And I know better. Getting old. I.e; lazy. Keep you posted.

pm sucks bro not gonna lie I use chemical fungicide/pesticide I had to I had a crop of autoflowers that all got hit hard during flower I hit it with that stuff first time and it showed signs of going away so i waited a week and hit them with it again and shit was gone I didnt notice any flavor/smell problems but again i only used 2 times. I ended up using it on all of my photos as a preventative measure and i have not seen any pm at allllllllll

Also because of my climate and how i saw the autos did i made sure to plant mold resistant strains!
pm sucks bro not gonna lie I use chemical fungicide/pesticide I had to I had a crop of autoflowers that all got hit hard during flower I hit it with that stuff first time and it showed signs of going away so i waited a week and hit them with it again and shit was gone I didnt notice any flavor/smell problems but again i only used 2 times. I ended up using it on all of my photos as a preventative measure and i have not seen any pm at allllllllll

Also because of my climate and how i saw the autos did i made sure to plant mold resistant strains!
Eagle 20? You do know that when combusted it creates a cyanide byproduct? It's not something you wanna be smoking.
We’ve had unbelievable weather in my area. Warm days, nights are cooling. The humidity has been under 25% like forever, but I’ve had PM pop up a week after I introduced beneficial Andersoni mites.
I did a 1-4 milk spray because I’m in to flower and I don’t use chemical fungicides or pesticides.
the milk mixture looks like it knocked it back. How often have you guys used it to keep PM at bay until harvest?
HO2O 3%.
pm sucks bro not gonna lie I use chemical fungicide/pesticide I had to I had a crop of autoflowers that all got hit hard during flower I hit it with that stuff first time and it showed signs of going away so i waited a week and hit them with it again and shit was gone I didnt notice any flavor/smell problems but again i only used 2 times. I ended up using it on all of my photos as a preventative measure and i have not seen any pm at allllllllll

Also because of my climate and how i saw the autos did i made sure to plant mold resistant strains!

Yeah. I hit it good with a 40/60 mixture and saw immediate results.. it’s worse on my Purple Punch than my Wedding Cake and I guess it’s because the foliage is heavier on the PP.
I hit all the plants in my garden cause I’ve got cucumbers about 12 feet away and they’re pretty susceptible to PM.
How long did you wait between sprays? Not sure how close to harvest I wasn’t to spray milk! Maybe I try cutting back the concentration cause I’ve seen people recommended a 25/75 milk to water!
I don’t really want to spray bicarbonate cause I’ve got beneficial mites working the plants.
Eagle 20? You do know that when combusted it creates a cyanide byproduct? It's not something you wanna be smoking.

Yeah... I don’t do the nasty shit! These plants have not been sprayed with anything since I cut them back in March and that was a Green Cleaner dip. I thinned out the plants the end of July but they filled back in again, Upper 80’s days low 50’s night does it even with super low humidity.
What the milk is doing is raising the pH. This is why a sulfur vaporizer is so effective indoors. It gets much more complete coverage. The prblem with foliar applications to raise the pH of the leaves is that it's nearly impossible to attain 100% coverage. Even with a surfactant to prevent beading. Potassium Silicate would be another means of raising the leaf pH, probably more effective than milk.

You can also consider a product like actinovate. Again, coverage is the problem though. PM is a real bitch. The systemic stuff that doesn't need full coverage like myclobutanil is unfortunately not healthy for us or your mites.
What the milk is doing is raising the pH. This is why a sulfur vaporizer is so effective indoors. It gets much more complete coverage. The prblem with foliar applications to raise the pH of the leaves is that it's nearly impossible to attain 100% coverage. Even with a surfactant to prevent beading. Potassium Silicate would be another means of raising the leaf pH, probably more effective than milk.

You can also consider a product like actinovate. Again, coverage is the problem though. PM is a real bitch. The systemic stuff that doesn't need full coverage like myclobutanil is unfortunately not healthy for us or your mites.
Never heard of milk working because it raises the ph? I mean isn't it slightly on the acidic side?
I know that it does contain enzymes and anti fungal properties in it that help prevent pm but from what I used to read on it is that they don't know why it works ...it just does.

Alls I know is I'm a hard core believer in preventing the problem before you have one. I've learned to start earlier in spraying with bacterial fungicides , twice a week actually and I've not seen a drop of pm in a few yrs.
What the milk is doing is raising the pH. This is why a sulfur vaporizer is so effective indoors. It gets much more complete coverage. The prblem with foliar applications to raise the pH of the leaves is that it's nearly impossible to attain 100% coverage. Even with a surfactant to prevent beading. Potassium Silicate would be another means of raising the leaf pH, probably more effective than milk.

You can also consider a product like actinovate. Again, coverage is the problem though. PM is a real bitch. The systemic stuff that doesn't need full coverage like myclobutanil is unfortunately not healthy for us or your mites.
Where did you source this? Everything I have read in the past 3 weeks states science has no idea how milk works on PM. Only theories like free radical release when oxidized under UV or IR from sun. And baking soda lowers PH to seven killing the PM. Trying to keep things factual. PM and flower are serious. Thanks.

PS. Why is it no one mentions defoliation and removal of debris to minimize spore concentrations to slow spreading? Or the fact that PM can't live above 90F.
Never heard of milk working because it raises the ph? I mean isn't it slightly on the acidic side?
I know that it does contain enzymes and anti fungal properties in it that help prevent pm but from what I used to read on it is that they don't know why it works ...it just does.

Alls I know is I'm a hard core believer in preventing the problem before you have one. I've learned to start earlier in spraying with bacterial fungicides , twice a week actually and I've not seen a drop of pm in a few yrs.
Citrox is the ultimate fungal and bacterial preventative. Also effective cure. Just it has gone from $40 to $80 to import to USA. Damn petrol poison company lobbyist. First year without it. Never again.
I just found some PM on my plants, I am assuming due to poor airflow because they are some big bushy plants. This is my first time dealing with it and I am wondering what are the chances that it will be detrimental to my grow. So far it seems very mild, I have defoliated to remove all the effected leaves and to increase airflow. I am 2-3 weeks into flower and it is a quick strain expected by the breeder to finish late September.

Any info you peeps can give me to battle this is greatly appreciated, I dont want to lose these giants.

It is a monster. Maintain heat as high as plants tolerate. Maintain airflow. Minimize humidity and start treating it. It expands rapidly. May wish to turn fans off at night to inhibit spore transfer to other plants.
It is a monster. Maintain heat as high as plants tolerate. Maintain airflow. Minimize humidity and start treating it. It expands rapidly. May wish to turn fans off at night to inhibit spore transfer to other plants.
I wish that I could control the wind and climate but unfortunately I am at the mercy of mother nature outdoors.
I wish that I could control the wind and climate but unfortunately I am at the mercy of mother nature outdoors.
That's the gamble. I'm trying apple cider vinegar. Looks promising. But just started using it. 1 Tsp/qt of water. Spray in early morning. Avoids burn from acidity sitting on leaves all night. Not convinced yet. All other remedies have failed so far.
My understanding of how milk works for PM is bc it has a beneficial bacteria that works similar to how yogurt works for us as a beneficial bacteria. I used it this year with potassium bicarbonate when I got some pm, but it didn’t go away until I started yanking out the undergrowth and small branches. I don’t think much works to get rid of it once you have it, only prevention, judging from what I saw this year. Luckily I was able to cut it out before flowering really took off
I went cheap and used neem as preventative. Failed to prevent anything this year. I'm ordering Citrox this afternoon. Will look at greencare. Never heard of.