Finish the sentence above you!


New Member
not to talk with your mouth full???? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!

When I was young I really hated when my parents would.................


Well-Known Member
Have dominatrix style sex in the room next to me for 10 consecutive hours, scarring me for life in the loudest fashion humanly possible.

I use air freshener after i shit because,...


New Member
OMG who are your parents. That is hilarious. i'm sorry but :lol::clap: I almost choked on my coffee. LMAO!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have dominatrix style sex in the room next to me for 10 consecutive hours, scarring me for life in the loudest fashion humanly possible.

I use air freshener after i shit because,...


New Member
in my zone because i work at home and get to toke. wahhoooooooooooooo

If I were to choose any job I could do and get apid for it ; it would be............


New Member
say that" you should be ashamed of yourself . lol

I reckon this is the last time that I will ever....................