Finish the sentence above you!

about 24 courses, starting with some peeking duck and ending with warm black forest cake and real vanilla ice cream and a cup of steaming latte..

when it rains I like to...
i could give u guys some of this sweeeet white widow i bought today. Puff Puff pass:joint::joint::joint:

I think "???" will win the euro 2008 football championships
england didnt qulify lol. I think the netherlands will win it

i dont kno whos in th ufc any guy called Dave.

its good when i...........

Ya i dont follow euro ball, lol, pulled it out of my ass. A for effort.

Ahh, no, good try.

Matt will be the winner! youll all see!

Take that line, oh so good... so good...
dankdallia, has the nicest rack. Check her avatar if you dont beleive me.

(check my signiture, i have a pic:wink:)

The only thing that gets me going in the morning is...
fell right into beautiful dank dalia's arms!!!(lol this is turning into some sort of poem or song really quick, but it's cool)

I can't wait to go home so I can>>>
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