Capt. Stickyfingers Well-Known Member Dec 1, 2011 #2,202 because that bitch is allergic to latex and everyone likes to see her walk around with an irritated brown eye
because that bitch is allergic to latex and everyone likes to see her walk around with an irritated brown eye
Capt. Stickyfingers Well-Known Member Dec 1, 2011 #2,208 prepared by Steven Segal cuz you know he can cook, he was a chef on that navy ship where he took out like 50 guys single handed
prepared by Steven Segal cuz you know he can cook, he was a chef on that navy ship where he took out like 50 guys single handed
Capt. Stickyfingers Well-Known Member Dec 1, 2011 #2,211 in one of the police cars sits Ted Nugent, waiting to
Dizzle Frost Well-Known Member Dec 1, 2011 #2,212 score some 12 year old Thai hookers and an Oz of blow
cannofbliss Well-Known Member Dec 1, 2011 #2,213 then to his suprise ted nugent sees gary coleman bumpin and grindin to the music
Sunbiz1 Well-Known Member Dec 1, 2011 #2,214 Blowed money the other day, on ho's and various do-do's.
rowlman Well-Known Member Dec 2, 2011 #2,217 then the Nuge pulled out a badge and screamed wango tango motherfukers, your busted
Capt. Stickyfingers Well-Known Member Dec 2, 2011 #2,218 I hear you Fred Bear. You take the highlands and I'll go down in the...... swamp. We're gonna get that buck.
I hear you Fred Bear. You take the highlands and I'll go down in the...... swamp. We're gonna get that buck.