FinShaggy Interviews People

Finshaggy, one of your friends on RIU want you to interview Me.

Please read the whole thread that I am going to link, to see if you're interested in interviewing Me. Im not so sure if I want to do an interview, or not, yet. I have youtube videos of Myself in that link, feel free to watch My videos.

To go on an epic mind trip, click on the link below.

To go on an epic mind trip, click on the link above.

Its imperitive that you read and watch everything that I have said, and My videos too.


This would be epic!
So, you can prove you are Jesus?

No, I dont believe that I am "Jesus". I just believe that I am Christ the Prophet.

But, no, I cant even "prove" that I am the Christ, either. I do have a lot of evidence to support My claims. But how does one PROVE that they are Christ? If Jesus was alive, I dont believe even Jesus could PROVE that he is the Christ.

Being the Christ is subjective to the individual, some people believe in Me, some people dont believe in Me. I have My very own Spirituality, where I am the Christ.

But, if you check out that link on the last page, you can read most of My evidence, prophecies, and the Bible stories that I believe I fulfilled. At the very least, it should be very entertaining, and you get a glimpse into My mind. Its an epic mind trip.

Can nevaeh420 prove he is jesus......? I think he can.

It should be a fact that some people believe that I am Christ, and some people dont believe that I am Christ.

But to PROVE to the whole world that I am Christ would virtually be impossible because some people dont believe in any Christ, at all. Im sure that the people dont want to believe in any "new Christ", unless they are very open-minded.

I do have a lot of evidence to support My claims, i.e., prophecies, the Bible stories that I have fulfilled, and things that seem miraculous. Even if the Vatican declared Me as their Christ, would I be the Christ for the whole world?I dont think so.

Check out that link that I posted on the last page to see My ecidence for My claims.

Thanks for your sweet words bro!

I Love this guy. Finn, you should be less drugged and more like this guy. Your very poor interview skills and blantant disregard for respecting the interviewee will not garner you as many clicks as you imagine.

Whats up?

My initials backwards is "OMG", and I will prove it right now.

My Name is "George Manuel Oliveira". My initials are "GMO". Whats "GMO" backwards? GMO backwards is OMG.

My Name, George Manuel Oliveira, means "Farmer God is with us, olive tree." Now go read "Romans 11:16-26" to see where it talks about the "olive tree" in the Bible. Also, if you read "Revelation 3:12", you will see that Jesus said he would have a "NEW NAME"!

That is all for now.


You do know if you really "Could care less" that nearly every post you make wouldn't be about it right?

I just like to share My beliefs.

I am hoping that after I die (whenever I die), people will remember Me.

I wouldnt mind being the "dead King of the world". I want My Spirituality to bloom, after I die. After I die, I just want the whole world to read about Me and watch My videos of Myself.

But, while I am alive, I could care less how many people are "following" Me. I am just looking for witnesses and advocates while I am alive: I dont want any "followers" or "disciples" while I am alive. I want to be incognito, while I am alive.

But, after I die, I want the whole world to read My evidence why I believe that I am the Christ.

I just like to share My beliefs.

I am hoping that after I die (whenever I die), people will remember Me.

I wouldnt mind being the "dead King of the world". I want My Spirituality to bloom, after I die. After I die, I just want the whole world to read about Me and watch My videos of Myself.

But, while I am alive, I could care less how many people are "following" Me. I am just looking for witnesses and advocates while I am alive: I dont want any "followers" or "disciples" while I am alive. I want to be incognito, while I am alive.

But, after I die, I want the whole world to read My evidence why I believe that I am the Christ.

Aren't you afraid some psycho is going to believe you and try to murder you ?finding you won't be hard u always give out your name ! There are a lot of crazy people in this world if the wrong one finds out he can literally kill jesus christ It's going to happen!
Is there anyone besides yourself that believes you are christ? What have u bin diagnosed with?

I dont know who exactly believes in Me. Right now, My Spirituality is just starting; its been about 6 years since I first found out that I am Christ.

Many people have called Me "Jesus" or "Christ", but I dont know if they are being facetious or serious. I could care less, as long as I am happy doing what I'm doing. I don't NEED anyone to believe in Me, I believe in Myself.

I am content being in a very "exclusive" Spirituality, right now: but My Spirituality is all inclusive, but only a few people subscribe to My Spirituality.

I am in My own different Spirituality, I am writing My own autobiography right now.

EDIT- I have been diagnosed with "bipolar", but I believe that I am a megalomaniac with a Christ complex
