FinShaggy is Building a Town

holy shit hope that dude rots for the shit he did, he continued to go out with the girl too? did he comfort her the sick fuck.. sometimes our justice systems cannot put true justice on someone for the crimes they have committed.

fin are you doing to have a jail, or some other form of justice?

Justice will be covered in the 8-12 hr documentary. Coming soon.
He will get dealt with inside :)

he was in jail for beating up his mother already..
he threated to kill her father after he killed the brother, he even admitted it by saying the same thing will happen to your dad as your brother, he threw Molotov cocktails at their house...the sister is a dumb worthless bitch ghetto wanna be...she knew he did it everyone did but the incompetent police never followed threw with the lead 4 years ago...
What a sick fuck. There is jail house justice, and he deserves it.
apart from the strange tone, isn't this something done from time to time?
not so much buying a town, but a fringe religious group will move to a small town and become the dominant voting group
think i've seen this in the news a few times over the years
Yeah, happens all the time. It's called "Founding a town".
Sorry, I thought we were doing a group vomit.

You seem like quite the dreamer based on the threads and plans you create (president, writer, founding a town, communicating with aliens), maybe try second life (or similar) they too have their own virtual currency, or perhaps already suggested in the previous 18 pages: Sim City? Your unrealistic plans become a lot more realistic in a virtual world and you might get some more satisfaction from it.

Seriously, watch:

Sometimes you got to shave and go back to reality even if it's just for the sake of being able to escape it regularly again. Don't you think 'now' would be a good time to get your shit together and cut the crap?
Yeah, happens all the time. It's called "Founding a town".
you need 2,000 people to be recongnized as such correct?
Also what about sewers. Where will people shit and where will it go? Infrastructure concerns will be addressed in much later videos I assume?
this happened in Australia. A farmer didn't like the wheat laws so he pulled some shit somehow and now his land is his own 'micro nation' where he is exempt from Australian law. You can go and visit the prince of Hutt river and he stamps you passport lmao. I wonder if the gov could stop him if he opened up his own mmj program
this happened in Australia. A farmer didn't like the wheat laws so he pulled some shit somehow and now his land is his own 'micro nation' where he is exempt from Australian law. You can go and visit the prince of Hutt river and he stamps you passport lmao. I wonder if the gov could stop him if he opened up his on mmj program

dont encourage him
you need 2,000 people to be recongnized as such correct?
Also what about sewers. Where will people shit and where will it go? Infrastructure concerns will be addressed in much later videos I assume?
These concerns will be covered in the 8-12 hr documentary.
Have you considered the attention span of your target demographic? Oh shit, you're going to make 8-12 hours and break that down into 5 minute video clips aren't you?
Yep. 8-12 hr documentary, with 1-3 hr segments, made up of 1-30 minutes videos.
This will be know as the "Pretome", there will be a second documentary made that will start with sculptures and land surveying, and move into city building and politics. That will be the main documentary. This 8-12 hr one is just so people can see what we plan to do.
You know guys & gals, even if you think he's an idiot, has horrible ideas, can't grow a dandelion, and is a dirty and repulsive individual - he still has just as much right to post what he thinks and feels here as you all do. How about some of that famous tolerance, or turning the other cheek, or just ignoring what another person is doing with their own time?

No one makes you read his threads, no one makes you comment, and it just makes you look bad to come in here and bash on someone for doing exactly what you cry about having the right to do.

Just my 2 cents, but here's a whole dollar. Keep the change, I think some of you could use it.

its posts like this why I read these threads... dont get me wrong, they are Hilarious to muse about all the ridiculous things posted in them and I am truly lost on why he enjoys such harsh treatment.... but posts like Orithils reminds me that we really are people on the other side of the screen, and humanity still exists in this cold electronic streamline.