FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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You act like my goal in the highest yield. Looks like you stopped reading a little too soon, and decided to be a dick at that time as well. I am not here for the biggest yield. And I don't care hat books you've read, because you still have a lot to learn about weed. Sativa and Indica are NOT phenotypes :dunce: I NEVER "called" phenoltype, I called SPECIES and I was not wrong. The one I said was Idica was and is still the only fat one. While the ones I said are either Sativa or Hybrid all remain skinny. So you need to do a little more reading it looks like :D And that reggie was dank as fuck, I don't see you pulling crazy trichs from shitty reggie seeds, and fluorescent lights, so you can just keep on steppin till you actually try it, then you can say something here, until then your opinion (because that's what it is) is worthless (be the way, why did you say "be jealous", why would I be jealous of you? (Then you go onto basically say you've never grown weed, and are lying about having ever grown) :lol: :lol: And where did I call myself a god???? :lol: :lol: Marijuana advocates are gods now? :lol: :lol: You're like 6 crayons short of a full box :D :lol: :lol:
Mods must have deleted my first post on here since was not entirely relevant as I was DEFENDING you to balzac since he picked on you then went on to post a wacky theory that is disproven with a little knowledge of phytochromes and their effect on flowering. So its a mystery why no one jumps out to defend you... And some pics for ya in case you did not catch them since you imply in your first reply I have never grown, and my bagseed grow was a lie, they are in my journal I recently started, released a lil of uncle sams death grip on my sense of fear towards their power so I finally started one and found the last of my recent harvest. Had to sell it for the max fan I just bought.
Looking back at the beginning of this thread should really give you a perspective of the lil amount of distance you have traveled in this amount of time I even attached a long ago update (#20 just to give you a lil breathing room.. Chiggity check yourself son cuz that was a month ago and my plants that got par burn are catching yours in no time. Give you one compliment, they def took of after transplant but you messed that up by not putting them in the middle or even coming with in a inch of the rim giving them less space to grow, not really a compliment I guess
2013-02-07 12.05.24.jpg2013-02-07 12.04.30.jpg2013-02-07 12.04.11.jpg
EDIT: AH what the hell, my first post to him was in his quote, no matter just wont be in the proper format
Oh and fin all these people blowing this thread out of proportion (I read the first thread in entirety and I want 3 hours of my life back) so that I only bothered to read the first couple of pages of this thread are probably all coming to one thing, yes you can produce a harvest but you can still get better. And it doesn't endear yourself to people when you write a counter post on urban dictionary calling yourself a god essentially. You act like your reggie grow is something to be proud of, newsflash those buds are scraggily and loose. I guarantee that with a good nute setup and co2 supplemented you could double maybe triple your yield. But as you have other advice I'm sure you will brush this off as you have all the others and chalk it up to me hating when I come bearing gifts in the form of knowledge. I hope you consider what I said as I myself have just finished a 2 plant bagseed grow where i pulled 7 ozs. using 600w of led during flower. be jealous. and you won't find any journals sadly as i live in a repressed state where it is still not legal to do what i consider to be my addiction (growing not smoking) as posting pics on this site would not help me sleep easy at night as big as it would make my dick feel...
How do you expect to grow, and evolve as a cannabis cultivator, if you aren't willing to accept the advice of much older, and much more adept growers?
No worries like I said was not relevant as I was defending him, good call to remove imo lol. Plus there is 400+ pages of banter and talks of things done to fins mom and such that it needs to be thinned out or "finned" out if you will lol.
And attrocious if you are under the impression I am older I am 18 months younger than this fool lol and bringing in better harvests now than he prob ever will with his current tactics in mind. You should donate your skull to the gov't so they can finally find some shit that is harder than diamonds fin since this is the only way you will make a positive contribution in humanity as it stands now...
other than you getting a few pennies from google, do you consider this a good thing?
:lol: You don't seem to know what kind of grow this is :lol:
Finshaggy, the moment you realize that I'm better than you is the moment your life gets easier. Start taking notes rookie.

:lol: This is seriously the funniest thing I have heard in a while. And I've been watching "Always Sunny" the past few days :lol: :lol: Thank you for that laugh. (You know that you grasp at attention by talking about me, no one would care what you had to say if every one of your posts didn't have a funny version of "FinShaggy" in front of it. :lol: ) You can't be "better" than something you are only a small part of :dunce:
How do you expect to grow, and evolve as a cannabis cultivator, if you aren't willing to accept the advice of much older, and much more adept growers?

By studying growing on my own instead of listening to all ya'll ride FoxFarms dick and shit. I study the past 3,000 YEARS of marijuana cultivation, not just what people have said on this website for the past 15 years :dunce: You take the people here's words as gospels, therefore you're a tool of RIU, I get my grow and name out to the world by posting it on RIU and doing shit the way it's SUPPOSED to be done, RIU is a tool of mine.
:lol: You don't seem to know what kind of grow this is :lol:

:lol: This is seriously the funniest thing I have heard in a while. And I've been watching "Always Sunny" the past few days :lol: :lol: Thank you for that laugh. (You know that you grasp at attention by talking about me, no one would care what you had to say if every one of your posts didn't have a funny version of "FinShaggy" in front of it. :lol: ) You can't be "better" than something you are only a small part of :dunce:

I lost you at "This is seriously"
By studying growing on my own instead of listening to all ya'll ride FoxFarms dick and shit. I study the past 3,000 YEARS of marijuana cultivation, not just what people have said on this website for the past 15 years :dunce: You take the people here's words as gospels, therefore you're a tool of RIU, I get my grow and name out to the world by posting it on RIU and doing shit the way it's SUPPOSED to be done, RIU is a tool of mine.

Yes lets study what people knew about growing plants when everyone thought their crops were dependent on sun-gods, rain-gods, and various other gods. Sure there is a lot of good information there. WHere exactly are you getting your info, citation please.
By studying growing on my own instead of listening to all ya'll ride FoxFarms dick and shit. I study the past 3,000 YEARS of marijuana cultivation, not just what people have said on this website for the past 15 years :dunce: You take the people here's words as gospels, therefore you're a tool of RIU, I get my grow and name out to the world by posting it on RIU and doing shit the way it's SUPPOSED to be done, RIU is a tool of mine.

So we're SUPPOSED to be massacring plants like you? Man, I never knew.
Wait, so your wasting time and effort to grow shitty weed, to see if the shitty weed you grow is better then the best weed people grow? Am I correct in the point of this thread?

Or are you just a shitty, uneducated, counter-productive grower whose using that as a cover for his atrocious growing skills?
Wait, so your wasting time and effort to grow shitty weed, to see if the shitty weed you grow is better then the best weed people grow? Am I correct in the point of this thread?

Or are you just a shitty, uneducated, counter-productive grower whose using that as a cover for his atrocious growing skills?
Hitting the nail right on the proverbial head lol, He says he left out the stress test info for our benefit when he started and now he just rambles about things he is contemplating doing if they are not dead by the next update.

wait, so your wasting time and effort to grow shitty weed, to see if the shitty weed you grow is better then the best weed people grow? Am i correct in the point of this thread?

Or are you just a shitty, uneducated, counter-productive grower whose using that as a cover for his atrocious growing skills?

ding! Ding!
Wait, so your wasting time and effort to grow shitty weed, to see if the shitty weed you grow is better then the best weed people grow? Am I correct in the point of this thread?

Or are you just a shitty, uneducated, counter-productive grower whose using that as a cover for his atrocious growing skills?

too all the people that are just dumb enough to believe this guy... random google people, newbies.. you know who you are.
the two people fins arguing against..
stolen from your journal sorry bro. now ill let sammy speak for his own plants..


hey fin how old are your plants

here is even mine

these are less then a month old i know that much because i didnt take pic today and today marks a month for these bitches.. 2x y greiga.. 2x blue widow.. 2x og kush.. 1x critical jack... all from dinafem, cept the y griega, thats from medical seeds... but see what a little research and accepting some advice gets you.. you have a sheet with 15 stress techniques.. good job bro youre about to make some mids

you only get out of a grow what you put into it.. so al that stress, lets see how youre feeling when and if you have a female that throws off more seeds then bud.. then prolly try to sell it too wont ya haha
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