FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Since I'm sharing techniques now... Might as well tell ya'll, I'm thinking about maybe seeing how food coloring effects plants, just on 1 or 2 though. So they might be "dying their hair" lol

So is this a stressing technique?

The only way that will stress a plant is if it finds out the colour used is not in street fashion....

I am yet to have my mind 'freaked' by your 2 mentioned techniques fin, however i am a man of patience and i know i wont be disappointed in entertainment value...
When you get done jacking it your sister, you should put the ejaculate into the plant water and feed it to the plants. They would love the protein.
So is this a stressing technique?
Not sure... I'd have to find out more about food coloring, as well as what happens to plants ability to absorb light when they are purple instead of green. I don't mean it to be a stress technique though, I just want to see what happens. And when I stab my plants tons of ya'll are going to freak out, that was only ONE of the "shocking" things I am going to do to my plants, for the other shocking one you will have to wait till like 2 weeks before flower... But I'll give you a hint, here it is... I think when people say "talking/singing to your plants helps them grow", it is like a game of "telephone" and was misconstrued into the word "singing", then evolved simply to "talking", I think that that method has NOTHING to do with human speech though... There's the hint :)
Lol ok Fin, sure. It's not an aspect of a regional dialect or anything. I will admit that words are only as true as the meanings one ascribes to them. Therefore since you are sure I am backhandedly implying plants could possibly have feelings go for it. I guess they could, they could even have tiny little cellular level brains and not a series of automatic responses to environmental conditions. On a more serious note, have you spunked on those plants yet?
that was only ONE of the "shocking" things I am going to do to my plants, for the other shocking one you will have to wait till like 2 weeks before flower... :)

I thought you are in flower now....wait...dont tell got a time machine!

Don’t mean to interrupt this intellectual dialogue but when I watched the new update I felt like I was going to vomit, motion sickness I reckon from Fin’s shaky hand.
I had an Idea an I can't find any information online about it, so I have to reveal to RIU what one of my stress plans is, so that I can ask you guys what you think (And now is another one of those opportunities to give me advice I will listen to, just like when I asked about 1000w HPS and it's necessary distance from the plants) So... Apparently the Burmese and Mexicans have tricks where they pierce the stalk of the plant about 2-3 weeks before harvest (not uncommon in America in the 60's, old "hippies" would stick a nail in the stalk, but the thing that was different than what we used to do here in America is...), when the wound was open on the plant, the Burmese would insert opium... In Mexico they pierce the stalk with Acote Pine to give the buds a "Piney Flavor"... Now, my initial plan with piercing the stalk is STRESS. The plant will think it is in harsher conditions, so it will go into flower harder and faster. But what if I were to put some MXE (legal to buy and use for things like this) in the wound of a plant? (1) I'm pretty sure it would take some pain away from the plant (2) May do something similar to whatever the opium in the Burmese plants did, not sure what it does though... So what do ya'll think? If I try it I will only try one plant, so we can see what happens.
Another idea. What if I pierced and added a Cannabinoid, like 5F-AKB48... Do you think it would have any effect?
Don’t mean to interrupt this intellectual dialogue but when I watched the new update I felt like I was going to vomit, motion sickness I reckon from Fin’s shaky hand.
you just reminded me to post today's update. NEW UPDATE!!! :D [video=youtube;zO_R03-ZDns][/video]
wow man lookin good...

They barely hit veg dude, should have waited another week at least... Your going to have 2 ft rinky dink plants if that!

These statements were found on that page you posted:

Plant perception or biocommunication is the idea that plants are sentient, that they respond to humans in a manner that amounts to ESP and that they experience pain and fear. The theory is dismissed by scientists because plants lack a nervous system.

Recent research has shown that plants can respond to electrical impulses, but their lack of a central nervous system and nociceptive A delta fibers implies that plants have no feeling of pain

The television show MythBusters performed an experiment to verify or disprove the concept......The show concluded that the theory was not true.[

It's post a bunch of bullshit, but then you post information that directly contradicts everything you say. I mean most of the stuff you believe isn't backed up by any facts, and with a simple google search you will realize how full of shit you actually are.
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