FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Damn shin, I had to check this thread out after seeing you complain to the mods about ppl clogging up your thread. Even rollie himself came down to call you out! LOL! That was some funny shit. I didn't see you calling him a dumass or idiot or in fact didn't see you respond at all after his appearance. On a positive note I will say you are an inspiration to all bad pot growers shag. Pictures like yours show other people that someone is always worse than them. Kudos on all of your groundbreaking results thus far! Your methods are amazing and your application flawless! Very soon you may be able to start your own mml website with all of the success and fame you have achieved here. I mean you have one grow with over 5000 posts this is amazing in itself. Just think if this was on your own site....
"Thin" anyone can dream right?
Looks like all the "stress" you put on em really made em pay off! All that milk and they should have very strong bones. So just for the record you still plan on hitting that 2-3 oz/plant mark? How much do you figure the double dank will be worth? Like $1000 an oz? Since high quality dank goes for between 3-400 oz the double dank has to be at least..... double right? maybe even triple? Make sure you show us all your many methods of hash making from the massive amount of trimmings you will have too. I am looking forward to this.:weed: Since I now know how to grow from watching you, I would now like to know how to make hash too.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
No updates. Lame.

We know he has at least one female because of the pics. He'll prob end up killing or mutating them when he puts shit in their stems.


Well-Known Member
He's probably going to try to graft the female onto a lily of the valley plant or something equally as toxic and end up a statistic. I was going to say joke, but he already has that title.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
:lol: I doubt you know what's going on around here. :lol: If they deleted this thread, YouTube will be the only documentation of a new strain being born.
Noone cares about your new"strain" PPl don't come to watch your stunning success. Or in drooling anticipation of dank dank. People come to watch you make a fool out of yourself and to watch you mutilate and torture those poor things you call plants. You are a joke, plain and simple. The fact that this thread still exists is a tribute to RIU's endless patience, and possibly as comic relief for many. I read thru bout 20 pages last nite and at times I laughed so hard I cried.


Well-Known Member
Those plants look so fantastic! This fucking journal is priceless. That beast of a plant in the middle back is something special Fin. Is that the sought after Beanstalk pheno of your Double D strain? I can just see a picture of that beauty on Attitude's website next to all those lesser plants.. Who could resist those magic beans of yours! Getting caught up with this journal is the only thing that keeps me awake on my 6 hour drive home from work every other week! You tha man!!


Well-Known Member
:lol: I doubt you know what's going on around here. :lol: If they deleted this thread, YouTube will be the only documentation of a new strain being born.
Noone cares about your new"strain" PPl don't come to watch your stunning success. Or in drooling anticipation of dank dank. People come to watch you make a fool out of yourself and to watch you mutilate and torture those poor things you call plants. You are a joke, plain and simple. The fact that this thread still exists is a tribute to RIU's endless patience, and possibly as comic relief for many. I read thru bout 20 pages last nite and at times I laughed so hard I cried.
Fin is not a joke!! People in his town are repping the shit out of him all the time. He's practically famous.. I heard people just walk up and shake his hand and ask him to kiss their babies..


Active Member
That is not what this proves. If you watch the videos, the common element in a majority of the male plants, is the fact that I gave the a companion plant. Putting another species of plant with your bud, makes it more likely to be male.
This is the most retarded thing i have ever seen in print.


Active Member
they're dead.*

deader than fried chicken.

Hey Fin, what the hell happened to your grow? You supposedly had some T5s or something for veg and now have a 600w hps or something. Why are you growing midget plants with the exception of that Stretchy Von Stretch A Lot pheno in the back? You started this grow about two months ago and this is what you have to show for it.

Color me not surprised, but perhaps milk and oddball chems are not the right things to be feeding your plants.

If you are growing this for hash, it would help to have MORE foliage, not these pathetic excuses for cannabis plants.

Wat up?

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Fin is not a joke!! People in his town are repping the shit out of him all the time. He's practically famous.. I heard people just walk up and shake his hand and ask him to kiss their babies..
That guy even gets close to one of my babies It'd be wwIII :cuss:PPl are repping him? Well, I guess there is such a thing as bad rep too:spew:I can feel myself getting dumber after every post of his I read! But its like a trainwreck man I can't look away. People say crack is bad. Shit man that stuff has nothin' on fragk! The good voice in my head says run away, run fast and far. The bad voice says I want more, I can't get enuf mor,mor,mor.:o

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Hey Fin, what the hell happened to your grow? You supposedly had some T5s or something for veg and now have a 600w hps or something. Why are you growing midget plants with the exception of that Stretchy Von Stretch A Lot pheno in the back? You started this grow about two months ago and this is what you have to show for it.

Color me not surprised, but perhaps milk and oddball chems are not the right things to be feeding your plants.

If you are growing this for hash, it would help to have MORE foliage, not these pathetic excuses for cannabis plants.

Wat up?
I think it is clear man. We have all excepted that the Dank Dank when it is has finished its 52 month life cycle causes permastoning with just one hit. So the 1/1000th of a gram he will pull in hash should cause severe retardation, seizures and brain aneurysms if taken in too large a dose. So Just one fan leaf will produce enuf hash to get the entire country of portugal high as hell. I can't wait bro. This is gonna be friggin awesome.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
This is the most retarded thing i have ever seen in print.
Whatever do you mean? fin said so It must be true. He is never wrong just ask he'll tell you. How dare you question the thinster. Prepare yourself for a verbal rebuke even your seventh grade math teacher would envy.:shock: I'ma go hide I am scared of the repercussions, you should hide too. Be afraid very afraid.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
i knew you would get majority males, and i pop 10 packs of seeds at a time and still get a consistent 60/40 female male ratio

you got more males cause of the pre-seedling stress


Well-Known Member
this is sad.

i was rooting for spammy to fail, and now that he has failed so spectacularly it just feels wrong.

i'm gonna go rub one out to femspermy and hopefully feel better.


Well-Known Member
this is sad.

i was rooting for spammy to fail, and now that he has failed so spectacularly it just feels wrong.

i'm gonna go rub one out to femspermy and hopefully feel better.
If by 'rub one out', you're making an Italian Mafia reference to killing a plant.. don't - he's killed enough for quite a few people.
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