FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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New Member
and rice. they handle the manure part all by themselves.
I was serious. How do you raise chickens? I'd pm you but it looks like you have been in trouble before ;) So I can't. So I have to ask here. I'd rather see an UncleBuck chicken raising journal over a Finshaggy grow journal any day.


Well-Known Member
Bout to have hella chickens! Like 6 at least come spring. I will start a thread in the gardening section come spring, I hope buck will hel with chicken advice :)


Well-Known Member
I was serious. How do you raise chickens? I'd pm you but it looks like you have been in trouble before ;) So I can't. So I have to ask here. I'd rather see an UncleBuck chicken raising journal over a Finshaggy grow journal any day.
they're super easy, but not possible in alaska due to cold temps (unless you're willing to bring them in over the long winter).

basically, the breed we have is known for going "broody", aka just sitting around waiting to hatch eggs. so when one goes broody in the spring, we'll put some fertilized eggs under her (available from craigslist). once they hatch, we bring them inside with mama for two weeks or so and give them chick starter feed. once they're big enough and feathered out enough to handle the cool evenings, we kick them out. mama looks after them until they are big enough to help themselves.

that first night after mama abandons them is always so cute and tragic all at once. they will just hang out by mama's coop tweeting until we put them in their own coop. takes a few days until they learn, but after that it's all easy.

sometimes we give our chickens a bath. surprisingly, they love baths.



New Member
You are really harshing the vibe here bud. Im sure you like dank but this thread is for the dank dank.please don't get it shut down.
I've already spoken with a moderator about this. The thread continues for good reasoning that I respectfully agree with. This particular moderator spoke my language so I'm just fine with this thread continuing.


Well-Known Member
Got 2,000 views on this thread yesterday. Ya'll try to get 3,000 today, aright? We're off to a good start with 250. We're over 9k :D :D
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