FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Hey shaggy, i was wondering how you feel about replicating rain on your plants. Youve got so many of those water bottles laying around im sure you could rig up a rain system? Might look like its raining jizz all over your plants with the milk in there but it could optimize the conditions...grow some dank dank :):):):):):)
Shags got the milk, now

I'm not even going to watch any more of his videos. You know what is great? When you ignore finshaggy and come here, it's like a public chatroom. Kinda nice.
Root mass and foiliage mass are related, I highly doubt your roots are "huge". They're already dying it seems.

Roots are more important than foliage (IMO).

Agreed, they look like they are on their way out. Give em a redbull. They need a pick me up.
Hey shaggy, i was wondering how you feel about replicating rain on your plants. Youve got so many of those water bottles laying around im sure you could rig up a rain system? Might look like its raining jizz all over your plants with the milk in there but it could optimize the conditions...grow some dank dank :):):):):):)
Not enough room for something like that. Would be cool to have a drip system though.
Oh, if anyone missed me milking my weed, or if you don't know how milking marijuana even works. Here's the update: [video=youtube;vhoaSjth0Vk][/video]

Pheww, I wasn't sure what to expect in that video...relieved to see it was just you giving them a milk bath.
Never ceases to amaze. Just when I am thinking no one can be that fucking dumb... Fignasty proves me wrong. He should be killed for wasting seed... His father as well
Never ceases to amaze. Just when I am thinking no one can be that fucking dumb... Fignasty proves me wrong. He should be killed for wasting seed... His father as well

the cookie monster belt buckle and the lack of a father in his FB photos tells me daddy probably left at an early age and it scarred clancy something fierce.
the cookie monster belt buckle and the lack of a father in his FB photos tells me daddy probably left at an early age and it scarred clancy something fierce.

My dad didn't leave us, we left him because he drank all the time. He lived like a mile away from us our whole lives, and after like 7th grade we stopped visiting him :D
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