Firm / Crunchy / Dark, leafs (White Russian)

The Smasher

New Member
My leaves are sandpaper like to the touch, and since the plant started has darkened a good bit on the leafs.
Only thing I can seem to figure out about my leafs points to a possible deficiency or what I feel might be low humidity from the cold weather.

These have been topped once on the main stem and then once on all other sub stems.
Recently Re potted and growth has moved back to the roots for a few days.

I don't feel I have over fed them. They stand around 2ft+ tall and I have only fed them with Miracle Grow at 50% strength twice in its life. I use a very large CFL 300 watt equivalent at 6700k on 24/7 and it sits maybe a foot and a half away so its not light burn or over heating.

Im unable to test the ph of the soil. I have a tester but its crap and never changes no matter what I put it in. Most of all my growing gear is set for hydro but I decided to keep these moms in soil.


The Smasher

New Member
I found this in a post by Uncle Ben I believe was his name.

  • High Light - yes, it’s true, you can give our faves too much light. Cannabis does not receive full sun from sunrise to sunset in its natural state. It is shaded or given reduced light levels because of adjacent plant material, cloudy conditions, rain, debris and dust collection on the leaf surface, twilight periods of early morning and late afternoon, and light intensity changes caused by a change in the seasons. Too much light mainly serves to bleach out and destroy chlorophyll as opposed to causing leaf cupping, but it often goes hand-in-hand with high heat for indoor growers. Again, back off on the light and concentrate on developing/maintaining an efficient and robust root system. Keep in mind that all but equatorial material receive less light during flowering than during the vegetative stage. "

    I do keep the light on 24hrs and this CFL might be too bright or on too much does this look like the cause to anyone? Expert Advice would be much appreciated.​



Well-Known Member
Your plants look great...what your describing sounds to me like lack of check if that's it, spray them down a couple times a day for the next couple days, make sure they are watered, and if you like add a humidifier..I would say i'm 95 percent sure it's humidity, remember your humidity can be ok but if you don't water enough and have close lights a high humidity will not Keep the leaves had been very dry lately which does not help


Well-Known Member
For light if it is just one plant you would probably benefit from breaking that up a little into multiple bulbs..but it's not to much, also I personally would only flower with a hid or your really risking yourself and wasting time on something that is not worth it!

The Smasher

New Member
I flower clones with a 1000w HPS with big king cobra hood. I just use the 300we CFL for the blue light and cheaper and cooler to run than 400-600w HID's. These are just clone mothers.


Well-Known Member
Those plants are 100% perfectly healthy. Keep doing exactly what you have been doing without any changes, and most importantly stop worrying yourself. Those plants are perfectly hesalthy.


Well-Known Member
Ok your pics look good but do not listen to them you described the beginning of a leaf moisture issue perfectly and the method to fix that can't have any ill effect in veg so although your plant looks good I would check the moisture of your soil, your heat, and humidity and if you are sure you notice a change in the feel of the leaves you probably caught the problem before it had a chance to get worse which depending on environment may or may not have..I would take corrective measures, spray bottle 3-4 times a day for a couple days and see if it makes the hairy leather feeling go away