First attempt

I am using some closet space right now with some flouros and regs for practice. Eventually I just want to do a PC micro grow. I don't smoke all that often and yield is not that important. So I will eventually want to try that route, but decided this was an easier route for a first run of regs. I did have one casualty (my very first sprout) it started shooting so fast and then just wept over. I believe it was too much water. The 3 cups in the right row are just over 2 weeks while the left row is a week. The second picture is my strongest grower ATM. I am looking to getting more light in there soon.

Thanks for the comments but what is wrong with the foil. I mainly use it to help block the light from flooding the room when I leave the closet door open.
NM, I found the answer. The crinkles cause too much focus on spots rather than a reflective flood which can lead to spotting or burning.
When I move to a micro grow in a PC case what will be the best strain to buy? Lowryder #2 seems obvious but Jack Frost says it is short too.


Well-Known Member
IDK but their are alot of techniques to keep them short like LST, Topping, FIMing, Super cropping. Just search aroun RIU youll find some incredible info. But im new to this stuff myself so i dont have much answers. Sorry. Updated Pics? and check my grow if you can