First Cab Grow/ Bagseed experiment


Active Member
good news is all of my other plants are thriving under the 400watt hps, I plan to continue to veg 18/6 under the hps+cfls until thanksgiving (I know metal halides work better for veg). In the past Ive put some young ladies in my flower tent and they vegged for about another 2 weeks before they went into flower. I figure it's still extra lumens on my girls and I think the flower cycle is determined more by the light schedule than the color temperature.
I'm currently running 882watts


Active Member
Smoking pot; listening to Sabbath.... life is good.

The plants have shot up about 2" since I added the hps 3 days ago. I have decided to sprout another seed and add it to the current grow... even though it wont get much time to veg I'm going to flower it with the rest of the plants in the next few weeks. it has been under the 400watt hps since it popped 3 days ago and it's looking like a hearty indica- already working on it's 3rd set of leavesIMG_20131114_105225.jpgIMG_20131114_105237.jpg
at this stage it looks like one of the seeds I got from a surprisingly dank batch of brick weed we most affectionately refer to as "Esel Shizen" I have grown from this batch of seeds a few times now, but this one is going to essentially be a 12/12 grow. later today I will be putting planting it in a 1 gallon bucket because the roots are coming out everywhere on the rapid rooter. I hope to get at least a zip off of it.


Active Member
btw thats not the actual temp in the box, I just had the door open for a while. the actual temps have been around 75f today.


Your little plant seems to be flourishing if that's where its at after 3 days. Looking forward to seeing this one through, best wishes.


Active Member
I just did the final transplant of my big plant into a 5 gallon square bucket, she was a little wilty this morning, guess I didn't wet the soil enough last night.
I ended up with another male... I've never had such bad luck with sprouting seeds, I had high hopes for my stupid little mutant plant until his balls dropped. But I just popped another and have a few more germinating, Getting clones seems to be sort of tough right now too so this may end up only being a 1 plant show so my design may change a bit to better accommodate a single plant. The seedling I sprouted 8 days ago is looking pretty good though and I put "HER"- (hopefully she's a she) into a 3 gallon bucket yesterday. I still plan to flip to 12/12 as scheduled on thanksgiving. So I guess the seedlings will essentially be a 12/12 grow which is cool. I've done alright with 12/12's in the past. IMG_20131114_105225.jpgIMG_20131118_090531.jpgIMG_20131118_090555.jpgIMG_20131118_090606.jpg

as you can see my stupid little clone from the big plant has gone into flower, but she still has pretty good color and I will be flowering her at the same time as the other plants


Active Member
the plants have perked up with a little extra water, I will update with some healthier pics this afternoon