First CFL closet/box grow (super dank bagseed)


Well-Known Member
Hey i just read ur hole thread an was wondering how they are doing?
I hav never grown myself, yet, but i think iv heard that you should feed every other watering.
hope u keep this thread going:hump:


Well-Known Member
ok here is my new update i was considering not updating but i see someone finally posted in here again. i am very excited about these plants just trying to get some questions answered. haven't gotten much help as of late hopefully that will change. here are pics 4 pic 4 plants. enjoy. note the lights were moved for the pics....

looking for when i should flower and i am thinking feed every third watering.

all comments WELCOME



Well-Known Member
ph of my runoff? well i am phing my water down to i would have to guess it is like maybe 6.5 i have one of those pool testers and it only goes down so far.

as for feeding i have fed them twice within the last 5 waterings i believe.

looking for i hope a QP yield or at least over 2 ounces. so when do you guys think i should flower. i was just reading somewhere how some people were planting sativas at 12/12 and getting close to an ounce. if they go all the way around the pot i would estimate that at about 2.5 feet. but i know they double to triple when flowering so i don't know if i even need to wait that long. the way i see it i think i spent MAYBE 100 on this and if i get more that 2 ounces of this great bud then it will be more than awesome. i paid i think 200 for and ounce of this stuff to start with. well one of the seeds came from a 375 QP but the bud was almost as good. would love to pull that QP though cause that could hold me over for a bit. i smoke a lot but the way i hear it if grow properly the buds will most likely be better than the commercial i had to begin with

please comments........


Well-Known Member
should i up the feeding i am using MG plant food at i think half strength. and when you say leach? if you happened to look at the rest of the journal at all you will see that those bottom leaves were really bad till i started feeding they have gotten sooooo much better since then.

caligrow i thank you so much for stopping by like i asked but does anyone have an idea as to when i should flower these things in hope to reach my goal given my resources? no more money for lights, no more room to give what you see is what i will have for the remainder


Well-Known Member
Still got a while id say, the plants dont really look that healthy. Id say cut down to 1/4 dose and try and get some better nutes, from what iv seen MG is pretty bad (i no you said your not getting anything else but for like £10-15 you can get some better nutes that will more than pay for itself in the increase in yeild). You will want to get the plants healthy before you put them into flower imo. And yeah, probs best to flush your soil to get rid of some of the salts build up.


Well-Known Member
if there was a salt build up wouldn't i be able to see it on the top of the soil?

one person says i need more N. another says to cut my feed dose in half...kinda a dilemma?

they had no nutes or PHed water till 02-29-2008 when i flushed with correctly PHed water. then on 03-05-2008 was the first time the got any nutes at all and the first water after the flush.....tell me where to go from here guys i want healthy plants and a good yield..but i am still and will be broke if i can make this miracle grow all purpose plant food 24-8-16 work then i would really like to. that is what someone told me to get so i did. anyway please help i am scared now; i thought they were looking much better.



Well-Known Member
No, salt build up isnt gonna be on top of the soil, itll be below the surface, its what the roots dont use. when U flush U'll see brown water coming from the drainage holes at the bottom of the pots if U have salt build up.

but if u havent been feeding that often it may be something else.

Im using MG also. been using it for a while and its been pretty good to me. It looks like Ur using the moisture control brand of MG. Either that or the plants are severely overwatered at the moment.

do U have a moisture meter?

when they get overwatered they will droop like that bcuz the oxygen isnt gettin to the roots. Overwatering will also cause the yellowing, bcuz the roots will lock out everything. dont try to correct this by adding more nitrogen, instead, add an oscillating fan to the grow room, and aim it at the soil. and if it gets worse U may need to transplant into another medium

as far as a feeding schedule, id just foliar spray them until they perk up. run out and get some superthrive & hydrogen peroxide and give them 1 tsp of each /per gallon of water, in ur next feed.


Well-Known Member
No, salt build up isnt gonna be on top of the soil, itll be below the surface, its what the roots dont use. when U flush U'll see brown water coming from the drainage holes at the bottom of the pots if U have salt build up.

but if u havent been feeding that often it may be something else.

Im using MG also. been using it for a while and its been pretty good to me. It looks like Ur using the moisture control brand of MG. Either that or the plants are severely overwatered at the moment.

do U have a moisture meter?

when they get overwatered they will droop like that bcuz the oxygen isnt gettin to the roots. Overwatering will also cause the yellowing, bcuz the roots will lock out everything. dont try to correct this by adding more nitrogen, instead, add an oscillating fan to the grow room, and aim it at the soil. and if it gets worse U may need to transplant into another medium

as far as a feeding schedule, id just foliar spray them until they perk up. run out and get some superthrive & hydrogen peroxide and give them 1 tsp of each /per gallon of water, in ur next feed.
thanks for this comment seems you put time in to trying to help me. but i have a few problems. it isn't MG soil or moister control. i have been watering ONLY when the soil is dry if i stick my finger like 1/2-1" in it. if it is moist i do not water. i don't have a moister meter but i have heard a lot of grower say that the finger test method works just fine. and yes i think they have only been fed maybe 3-4 times.

with the lights still so close to the top of the pots the soil seems to dry out just fine and not take too long.

feeding so i SHOULD NOT feed in the water for now? instead you say to do some foliar feeding? i can do that no problem. and next time i water i need to put superthrive (i think i have most of the times i water); AND peroxide? what does the peroxide do? also should i do another flush? i really do appreciate all the help sorry that i don't know what i am doing


Well-Known Member
ok i just spent a good about of time in my box. i moved the lights up noticing that my plants were being burned. pulled off some burned stuff and there were also dead leaves that fell off. still not looking to good but i have no idea what to do. if i can't get them healthy i will just give up all together. here are some pics. one is of the stem i tied on my biggest one seems the stem is growing around the string should i cut it. also i tied soem of them again today. i really need some help to get these babies better.

they could use some water but i am waiting on what to give been told lots
  • add more nutes
  • add less nutes
  • water less
  • add peroxide
  • flush
i am at a loss and if i have two unsuccessful grows in a row of a "weed" that should be able to grow on its own then i will have to just give it up all together :cry:.....

OMG i hope someone can help would hate to have waisted all this time and bit of money.



Well-Known Member
last attempt for help here if i get no input i will be forced to water tomorrow.

i am thinking of stopping this anyway i can't get anyone that can seem to help me get some healthy plants. seems like it is becoming a total waist of time.

if i get them healthy i will continue. if not you guys won't have to worry about hearing from me anymore.


Well-Known Member
Thats the first thing u need to do, relax. Change isnt gona come overnite, in my opinion i would say go back to wat always works, plain water! Its wat god uses to grow natural weed so i say just stick with it for now, water only wen soil is dry, ease off on the nutes, forget about flowering for now, focus on getin dem healthy, also about the yellowing: chek temp? like i said ease off on chemicals, make sure ur lights are 2-4in from the plants an i dont remember if u hav a fan but if not den get 1 an get the air circulating, u also might wana try to giv the o2 or watevr plants consume thers plenty of guides on here that tel u how to make one with bakin soda in a bottle or somthin like dat, sorry but dats all i can give u an remember be patient
giv me som updates on the girls if u can:mrgreen: Ul probaly laugh about dis wen ur smokin ur own homgrown bud!!!:joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
i watered yesterday with lite nuts and superthrive. i'll go ahead and stop with the nutes. temps are ok i know. and lights at the right distance. they really don't look much better. i'll post new pics soon as i have time for now i w2ork all weekend....long hours.


Well-Known Member
I did a soil grow before and i used a so called 'soiless' mix with pealite and sphagnum peat moss. The reason it's called soiless is because there are no actual nutrients in the mixture. This is, essentially, a hydroponic system because all nutrients but be supplied through solution instead of just being in it like with fertilized soil.

I may have missed something but i didn't really see anywhere what kind of soil mix you're using but it looks like sphagnum or something similar which would mean it lacks basic nutirents for plant growth. Nitrogen, the main vegetative growth nutrient, is mobile meaning that the plant, if it does not have enough of it, will move it to where it is most needed, which in this case, is the new growth at the top. You're plants are a great example of this because the little nitrogen they can find is being routed to the new growth at the top and the old leaves are starving to death.

That being said i understand that you are in a bit of a financial crunch, but if i were you, i'd bite the bullet, walk into your local hydro store, and purchase a 3 part general hydroponics (grow, bloom, micro) nutrient system or something similar. I suggest this one because i know it works.
I suggest this for a couple reasons. Obviously you're pH meter is completely inadequate if it cannot measure below 6.8 because 5.5-6.5 is the only range you need to keep your solution at. BUT these nutrient solutions are designed as such that you they usually buffer their own pH in solution meaning that making these solutions will (usually) automatically adjust your pH to the right range. This could potentially save you money on a ph test/adjust kit (which is like 15 dollars in the hydro store) and also keep your ph on target.

ALSO you need to feed your plants. The nutrient solutions mixes will do that perfectly.

Total cost for more than enough solution for your first cycle = $30

I don't know if you're using the miracle grow drops that you put in your watering pot but at least do something. You need to be feeding them with some kind of solution every day or every other day depending on your drainage. You shouldn't need to hold off and wait to feed again you can just feed everyday and they'll be okay. Just keep an eye out for nutrient burn.

But ya they are starving sooo bad. I hate to see you discouraged.

Mainly? Figure out if your soil affords ANY nutrients at all! IF NOT then give them the necessaries!


Well-Known Member
I've done a few soil grows and i have to agree with Coolman1a use only water for a while but go light with the water its good to let the soil get a little dry as it promotes root growth. just my opinion. peace and chronic to all :)


Well-Known Member
and yes i think they have only been fed maybe 3-4 times.
hey i hate to be a jerk and contradict the people telling you to flush but if you haven't really fed them very often with nutrient solution then salt buildup is not your problem, which is what flushing (or using straight water) is a solution to.

your plants need nitrogen
this guy really knows his stuff, but i bet he didn't realize that you haven't really been feeding (or else chances are he wouldn't have suggested buildup as a problem)

Just buy some cheap all purpose nutes like mirical grow start off with 1/4 strength and build up
pretty sure i've read from this guy a lot and he knows his stuff too.

I get the feeling that people are looking at your pictures and not reading and immedieatly assume buildup (which granted kinda looks like that)

either that or i'm just making an ass out of myself