First CFL closet/box grow (super dank bagseed)


Well-Known Member
thanks adamizer for your help. in this case i will continue to feed for now and try to get them healthy so i can flower. and pics are coming soon i just have no time right now sorry.

should i put peroxide in my water?


Well-Known Member
i don't know much about peroxide (as in hydrogen peroxide i'm assuming) but I've seen it used to help with overwatering. It's hard to tell whether or not overwatering is a problem with you but i have to agree with some other people your soil looks full of water. What kind of soil are you using? it looks rather...chunky. maybe you need something with better drainage?


Well-Known Member
ummm well i can't remember what it is called but it was like someone said with no fert/nutes in the soil. pretty much just like a dirt. it was really black.....but i mixed it with a good amount of perlite to help with drainage. and the pics are always with wet soil because i take pictures right after i water. they get watered 1-2 times a week. only when the soil is dry there is pretty much no way i am over watering unless i should water with less water and more often. sorry i don't have pics yet they are coming i promise.


Well-Known Member
Bingo. No ferts, just what i expected. Pearlite = happy. Sounds like you're okay on watering (frankly the pics don't say overwatering either) and nutes is your main concern. No need for peroxide imo but i found this for you. GROWFAQ I don't think that peroxide could really hurt your plant that much (as long as you follow the directions) but i'd just start feeding every watering and see what that does for you.


Well-Known Member
sorry i still haven't got new pics i have kinda been on a binge and work you know how that goes. but uhh i just watered (they needed it bad) and i put in nutes, superthrive, and peroxide. they were a little wilty not too bad. still not looking too great but there is a bit of new growth. i am really working on finding time to take pics.


Well-Known Member
OMG guys i am sorry i took the pics just swinging by to say i am they are still alive. i cut some of the dead shit off but still looking a little grim but there was a lot of new growth. i just lost my job and i am living on the run right now till i get a few things figured out. i am gonna try to come here with a nice set of pic and talk about this and get these girls healthy.


Well-Known Member
ok guys i am sorry for not having a picture update for like a month. but i just tried to get the pictures and guess what haha the batteries are dead. anyway things are looking 100% better. i have been feeding with every water plus superthrive and peroxide. all the dead yellow stuff (plus some other fan leaves) have been removed and i have TONS of new growth. i have all these new places that are what i assume going to turn into co-main colas. i am once again very excited. oh i also installed a new fan a few days ago blowing directly on the plants and lights has cut my heat almost in half it seems. i mean it is a noticeable amount cooler now than before. lush green now rather than looking dead. can't wait to get some batteries and show them off. once again i am sorry i hope you still get a kick out of my grow.

i also may be flowering sooner than i thought it looks like the new branches/colas are going to grow higher and faster than i thought. we will see in the next few weeks. also gonna try to back off the nutes a little now that i have a good healthy look. good idea?


Well-Known Member
I would switch the nutes to some kind of blooming formula until 2 weeks before harvesting, looking forward to updates:-)


Well-Known Member
so i should go ahead and switch to flower nutes while still in veg. wouldn't that be bad? if not i guess i could.....i got a job today.....YEAH...but i still got no batteries. so i will get those pics as soon as i can.


Well-Known Member
No swich to flowering nutes when you switch the light cycle to 12/12
haha of course!


anyway i just moved my lights up a little. and watered and gave a hair-cut. i have pics here of each plant, my two fans (one venting one circulating), a close up (hope you can tell) of the side view so you can see my new shoots coming up. the water they just got was nute free but still had superthrive and peroxide in it. oh and a pic of the haircut. the big fan leaves have been getting in the way of the new growth and they are a little scraggly anyway so i cut a lot off. today and last time i watered. quite excited that they are looking good again. they have been really thirsty as of late so they have been watered quite often prolly 2-3 times the past 7 days. almost every 2-3 day they have needed it. ok i think that sums it up comments are welcome..................




Well-Known Member
there are 8 clfs, 2 umm 32 watts i think and like 6 ummm what are they like 26 watts or something. they have vegged a really long time due to them being stunted in growth. but now they seems to be growing about 200-300% faster haha. they really were bad off. they were almost dead.

you really think they look nice? cause i do and i am excited as shit.


Well-Known Member
Well you could do what you want, but if your goin to flower then try to get as many as you can of the 42W 2700K CFLs, they sell them at walmart for like $8, maybe a 6 to 2 ratio of the 2700k to the 26W ones(dont remember the k) for when you flower


Well-Known Member
we will see when we get there. i was originally going to wait till they were all trained all the way around the pot before flowering. but now i may start at like halfway or something like that. not sure yet i have to see how they grow in the coming weeks. with them finally healthy and growing fast i may still wait.........hmmmmm


Well-Known Member
ok so i go in and check on my plants yesterday and they were bone dry and wilted really bad. i had looked in on the the night before and they were fine. so i watered them well and they perked right back up. but here we are today and i stick my finger in the dirt and the first 3/4 inch at least is dry.....should i be watering every day...? this just seems like too much to me please respond because i am waiting to hear what anyone thinks.


Well-Known Member
ok so i am thinking water once every other day and feed every other watering. tell me if this sounds good i want them to stay healthy.


Well-Known Member
ok so turns out i only have 60-70 days before family shows up. sooo i have to go ahead and flower these things. so should i leave the lights off for 24 hours before switching to 12/12?