First CFL closet grow ghetto rigged


Active Member
wait until the soil is fairly dry then do it..... makes the soil stay compacted together
i don't doubt the method's you're using, but i noticed it's easier to transplant when the soil is a litle damp (not muddy or just watered just a bit damp) it's stay's together and also it drop's easier out of the pot when you flip it ( the added weight of the water make's it drop ) but ... that's jkust my opinion , i'm not experienced grower or anything

Peace !
yeah i'm gonna be doing that tomorrow i decided since i have to to work here in a bit and ill have to re adjust my lighting...since the containers are much bigger.... but i was thinking i'd just slice the cup with a box cutter and plop the entire thing out..
New setup... (4) 26w 6500k cfls.... (1) 150w hps ...... (3) 2.5 gallon containers... transplanted this morning from plastic cups that contained kellogg organic soil.. too the bigger containers with Fox Farm ocean forest... ;o


added a vent with a computer fan in the bottom of the corner..... made controlling the temp.. so so much easier... i just set my wall ac to 70 and let it cool that hot ass box down... i haven't added an exhaust yet but plan on doing so ;) they love the ocean forest so much more.. im just watchin em grow now!! ;) will post updated pics soon...
im on 18/6 and was wondering if it's bad to have the hps on for 12 out of 18 hours while the while the cfls are running all 18hours... then a dark period of 6 then repeat... will this cause any harm?? or more chance of male or hermis?... i only do it because at certain times of the day it gets really hot..
it should say on the box you got them in...usually if it doesn't say something like full spectrum 6500k then you just have a soft white
growin good now... my temps have been a little high... like 84(f) been trying to bring them down.. i got rid of all the insulation from the attic that's right next to it and have it exhausting heat into there...bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie



not to knock your grow but for almost 3 weeks long and its only grown that much something isnt right.. i think you might need to give it a good watering.. in every picture i saw the soil look dried out. now that doesnt mean water a bunch everyday.. just give it a good watering then let it dry out till next watering/feeding.. just saying, 3 weeks and only one set of leaves hardly 2, theres something not right. BUTTT there's definitely potential.
yeah i kinda fucked them in the beginning... by not putting them in very good soil... and didn't put them into the fox farm OF until about 2 weeks old.... and just upgraded my lights.. and they more than tripled in size since.... also..... i've been watering every 3 days or so... i wait until i stick my finger in and feel no moisture... should i be watering more..... thanks!!


no every 3 days is good, almost too much. But if you say that you've been checking to see if its dry and that it is, then thats fine. I would make my plants want the water/nutes, water it , wait till the soil dries out(NOT COMPLETELY DRY) just about 4 inches deep (in a 5 gallon pot) then i would give nutes, wait till that dried and give it a watering. But let it be known i was not starving them just making sure they use up whats in the pot and then giving them what they need so youre not overloading them. I had great results. check them out. White Widow



make sure theres holes in the bottom of those buckets tylarflowers. also your plants will most likely grow out of that growbox