First CFL Grow - Help appreciated


Well-Known Member
Not too great but not too bad. I got 21 grams off this first plant. Would have been alil more happy had I hit that magic zip but then again at the beggining I wasn't expecting more than just a few grams per plant. And for less than 2 months seed to dry it's not so bad. Can't wait for my 4/20 harvest. I really think the rest of my plants will yield at least a zip each which gets me over the qp barrier. No kiddin - never would have thought.

Smoked a tiny tiny bud this morning and I'm a lil disfunctional. Definately energetic like I was aiming at but damn is it stoney as well. Reminds me of the goo my buddie grows - who knows maybe i mixed up the seeds and this is the spider goo. cant wait till its properly cured and I can show it off to my friends :)
Man thats awesome, I'm so happy for ya!! So was that plant a 12/12 clone or did you start it as a seedling? Sorry I forget I have read through so many posts recently. If that 21grams is DRY then that is AMAZING! My buddy only got like 26 off his 1st attempt with a 75w HPS and 150w MH in a refrigerator. Not to mention he let it veg & flower nice & long, I'm thinking at least 4months from sprout to harvest.

Gotta get some pics up of that sweet little plant & its buds when ya can, or are they on the previous post?


*EDIT* OK I read back a bit and saw you did have some 12/12 from seed. About how old were they when you topped them? And did you do it multiple times or just once? Thanks man!! :)


Well-Known Member
Man thats awesome, I'm so happy for ya!! So was that plant a 12/12 clone or did you start it as a seedling? Sorry I forget I have read through so many posts recently. If that 21grams is DRY then that is AMAZING! My buddy only got like 26 off his 1st attempt with a 75w HPS and 150w MH in a refrigerator. Not to mention he let it veg & flower nice & long, I'm thinking at least 4months from sprout to harvest.

Gotta get some pics up of that sweet little plant & its buds when ya can, or are they on the previous post?


*EDIT* OK I read back a bit and saw you did have some 12/12 from seed. About how old were they when you topped them? And did you do it multiple times or just once? Thanks man!! :)
At the moment I only have one 12/12 from seed which I topped just once. The plant I just harvested was from seed and vegged 17 days which is prolly why it did so well - gotta love that F1 vigor.

cant wait to see some pics of those finished nugs man
More pics? All you guys ever want is pics? lol. Next time I break out the camera ill get some finished bud shots for you. It's pretty stuff.


Well-Known Member
More pics? All you guys ever want is pics? lol. Next time I break out the camera ill get some finished bud shots for you. It's pretty stuff.
HAHAHA Pics are what make the world go round....well the forum world anyways lol. Besides there are very few plants more stunning and crazy looking than cannabis that's for SURE!!



Well-Known Member
Smoke Report

Before my roomate left for work this morning I pressured her to sample the bud we grew. I loaded the smallest nug I could find into the bong and handed it to her - She left for work an hour ago and I just got these text messages -

"dude, im so stoned on the bus. I cant stop smiling. i'm now thinking of as many arested development quotes I can think of to text to random people"

So i asked her if she had smoked anything else this morning and this is what she replied:

"No. Just our pot. I thnk everyone on the bus knows cuz i keep giggling. i cant hide it."

"THats really good pot. Woo! its all about the love. thats why im giggly . we made happy lovable pot :) I really want a sandwich."

Pretty good smoke report if you ask me. And its just going to get better and better. :)

Much love to this forum for all the tips and really making it happen.


Well-Known Member
Day 61

So I went to check up on the two plant I put on the mountain and they are doing great - I had given up on one totally and it's looking ok - starting full male flowering.

The other plant - in a much better spot was looking amazing but showing no male flowers which I though was wierd. So I looked alil closer and to my amazement IT"S A FEMALE! So I am now the proud father of a healthy outdoor plant and better yet its the super chronic spider kush x goo that I was so dissapointed about not having on this grow.

Here are some of your beloved photos:



Well-Known Member
Couple more girls are going to becoming down in the next couple games. The frostiest as well as the monster and perhaps my favorite a day or two behind. So much for a 420 harvest.

The monster is showing just alittle purple which quite pleases me. I gave her a good plucking today (alot of people say that this is terrible but I have my reasons). The nights have been pretty cool and I've forgotten to leave my window open but will make sure that happens tonight. Hopefully Ill get to see alittle more purple tomorrow.

It's crazy how different each of these strains looks. Like everyhting is different, color, bud patterns, number or hairs and even the hairs characteristics - my favorite have very pointed narrow stiff hairs while another one is more like cotton candy - tons and tons fo hairs all curling everywhere, each calyx has liek 6+ hairs nuts!.

Well here are some pics of the monster - gotta love bud porn



Well-Known Member
Just Checked Trichs - looks like I'll be having an Easter harvest instead of a 420 harvest. Incredibly all three of these plants are now showing alittle purple - I'm sure if I let them go amber they would be really purple but that's not the high I want so chop chop. Pretty colors don't get you more stoned anyways. :)


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics of the dried bud. Brought some over to a buddies and pissed off his friend who just yielded 1/2 oz each off his plants under a 1000w hps. His bud din't look as good either lol. Didn't believe it was CFL bud till I brough up my RIU account - good stuff



Well-Known Member
Harvested my favorite the monster and another of the same type I harvested before (I think - they looked the exact same). Rearranged the flower box - dont have pics silly me. The really tall plant is now laying across the back - I just tilted the entire plant/pot. And I still have the bushy plant left to go. Omg torture while clipping the plants - smelled sooo good and I couldn't smoke due to easter. Have a buncha really good trim - like I felt really bad cutting the fan leaves off my favorite plant becuase they had just as many trichs as the rest. Should make some good hash oil. Here are pics of the plants right b4 chop and after.



Well-Known Member
gr8 pics gastanker! I really enjoyed checking them out! They look like they are gonna be a terrific high! Happy easter!
Thanks! My next plants are going to be a bit bigger and hopefully i'll have a better yield but I definately can't complain about the quality - crazy bud. Lets just see if I can get it cured before it's all gone.


Well-Known Member
Thanks! My next plants are going to be a bit bigger and hopefully i'll have a better yield but I definately can't complain about the quality - crazy bud. Lets just see if I can get it cured before it's all gone.


Active Member
gastanker--great grow ++rep. This is definitely something to point at when people talk shit about cfls. That bud looks amazing. I'm in the middle of a cfl grow myself, and would love some input, especially from an experienced such as yourself. my setup isn't as professional as yours, and i'll be adding more lights as soon as I get the $$

happy tokin':bigjoint::eyesmoke::sleep: