First CFL Grow Piako Poison


Active Member
Hey Tokers!!!

Just thought Id show off some pics of my extremely ghetto grow. I Have a Piako Poison clone (NZ Strain) and a random from bagseed. growing dutch 12/12 from the get go under 1x 150 Mini MH and 1 (soon to be 2) 2600k 100w CFL. They are getting a weak mix of maxicrop and spring water, avg soil. My reflectors are fragmented mylar patterened sheets. My seedling is stretching a bit,so ill bury it down another inch until monday when the second cfl goes in.the clone is looking great, was a bit sad looking at first as it travelled 6 hours in a hot car, perked up heaps with some nutes and some water.



Active Member
Hey again from NZ. Just an update on how my babies are progressing. Had a few minor setbacks such as: kittens eating half my clone, near death due too too much heat etc...

The clone came right after a week of sitting on my back porch in the sun.I thought id let mother nature work her magic since my methods ate dick.

The seedling has shown sex already, female, which is great considering its the only survivor of 6 sprouted seeds. It has also almost grown level with the clone in terms of vegging .

BTW the clone is now known as Davette, the seedling Slagathor.

Davette is starting to smell ever so slightly, which I take to be a good thing.

Both are still under the same 100w cfl and 150w mini mh,
still havent gotten round to installing the other cfl (i know i know)

I was going to try the dutch 12/12 method, but they are going nuts under 24/7 light so ill keep that going till i decide the are ripe and juicy for flowering

Any pointers, comments etc would be greatly appreciated, I NEED THE FEEDBACK!!!

Thanks Again!!!



Active Member
Transplanted the seedling today, added Gro-more (9-8-12) to both, watered, and all happy.

Finally got off my lazy arse and added the 2 additional 6400k 23w fluros, a total of 3 lights at 69w actual. hopefully i should get a boost.

Anyways here are some more pics for anyone who is keeping an eye on this

Just a few questions for those in the know:
How early can i start lst??
How early can i take a clone from my clone??
Is 9-8-12 a appropriate for growth at this age???
Im still using 24hr light, should my girls be needing a rest period by now?



Active Member
hey man nice grow. ya i usually start lst when i get to like the 4th node but i've seen people do it earlier. i'm not very expierenced with cloning cant help u out with that one. if i were u i would get a fertilzer with a high n content or any all purpose fertilizer like 20-20-20. i prefer to use 18-6 as my light schedual during veg. i think it promotes more root growth idk it might just be me=p


Active Member
what kind of soil you using man?
I got a 10l tub mixed up for me by an old lady in my block of flats.Organic topsoil with sand and pebbles.she swears by it, one of those "old family secrets" i guess.

The little white grains on the soil are the nutes, they are a surface soak through type


Active Member
I got a 10l tub mixed up for me by an old lady in my block of flats.Organic topsoil with sand and pebbles.she swears by it, one of those "old family secrets" i guess.

The little white grains on the soil are the nutes, they are a surface soak through type
haha im always about old family secrets. i've never seen those surface soak type. i've always just used water soluble stuff and mix some of that in when i water. usually like 1/4 of the recommended dose though. if i were you i would get something like that because you can regulate your feeding more i think=0


Active Member
Yeah pay day soon so im adding 7 more lights and some better nutes. what do you reckon about throwing the seedling out in the sun during the day???


Active Member
ya man that would be good. unless its a drastic change in temperature or humidity and its a bright sunny day=p


Active Member
although you should try to keep it in the box as often as possible so it can get used to the envirenment. you know what i mean?


Active Member
scored a 150w mini floodlight from a mate,as well as 2 light fittings, all for helping pull a motor from his race car!!! SCORE!!
So now ive rigged up the two 2700k AND the two 6500k cfls in one hanging arrangement,no hanging from cables, all screwed into a fiberglass hood (the fuse cover from the car lol). Im going to try and score a bulb for the floodlight tomorrow, i think they are about 2 bucks. Left my camera at friends but will post pics tomorrow for everyone that is following my little project!!


Active Member
Just a side note; For anyone that thinks getting into growing as a hobby is expensive, here are my total costs to set up.
1xPiako poison clone-Free: from a friend
1xRandom Seed-Free:found it in the bottom of my drawer
Soil-Free: from a little old lady
Pots-Free:Above little old lady,various cut off plastic bottles
Fragment Pattern Mylar-Free:From the dump
Hygrometer-Free:out of an old weather station
Light fittings-2@2.99ea , 2 free from a mate
Cables-free:converted a few extension leads
2x 2700k 23w cfls-$2.50ea from bunnings
2x 6500k 23w cfls-$2.50ea from bunnings
150w Mini Mh lamp-Free:gutted an outdoor lamp
150w Mini Floodlight (mh)-Free from a mate
800ml Maxicrop Seaweed nutes-$7.95 from bunnings
200g Gro-More Gold nutes-$4.50 from bunnings

So that brings me to a whopping total of............................



Cheap Huh........

And for such a frankenstein setup with less than $20 spent, im getting pretty damn good results
So anyone who wants to try it, GO FOR IT

I am truly starting to appreciate what a hardy little plant cannabis is, and will damn well grow in spite of how much you abuse them!!! GO WEED!!!! :)


Active Member
Transplanted the seedling today, added Gro-more (9-8-12) to both, watered, and all happy.

Finally got off my lazy arse and added the 2 additional 6400k 23w fluros, a total of 3 lights at 69w actual. hopefully i should get a boost.

Anyways here are some more pics for anyone who is keeping an eye on this

Just a few questions for those in the know:
Good to see you got some 6400k's in there

How early can i start lst??
Usually at around the 3rd or 4th set of fan leaves you can start LST
How early can i take a clone from my clone??
About the same time you start LST
Is 9-8-12 a appropriate for growth at this age???
Start small, but yes you can start adding a 9-8-12, but be careful and start small and see how she reacts to it
Im still using 24hr light, should my girls be needing a rest period by now?
You should wait another week or 2 before you go 12/12 if you want to get a decent yield.. you could switch to 18/6 i'm sure though

hope that helps, keep up the good work!


Active Member
Well here are a few more for ya guys. The clone is really going nuts nw, it grew a whole leaf set overnight, and it is getting a nice strong shape to it. The seedlining is coming along quite nicely, might trim its lower leaves...what do you guys think??:shock:



Well-Known Member
found ya bro,my clones about three weeks? older than yours so should be good to be able to compare, never heard of the piako poison before,if its good shit you should at least take 1 clone off it before u flower to use as a mother ,easy as to do clones bro,i dont use rooting hormones,pointless if u ask me, i like to experiment with shit so i took twelve clones, three clonex rooting gel,three with non ph'd town water soaked 1 minute,three with with a dip in molasses water,three soaked in molasses water for 1 minute,the soaked mollases water showed roots through the bottom of the peat pots (just like the 1 your clone came in)3 whole days before anything else, then came the tap water ones,these six looked fairly healthy the whole time,the rest came a couple days later and were fairly equal, to make that mollases water i used 1/4 teaspoon of mollases mixed in a cup of warm water and let it cool in the fridge to room temp,just normal old red seal brand black strap mollases from countdown,kiwi seedraising mix from warewhare,$10 warewhare propogator,lil peat pots,mist em with tap twice a day,dont water the pots until roots come out just mist the clones,+ 1 20ish watt blueish cfl,and if the peat pots and soil start to look satched stick some handytowels in there for a couple hours,i also breath on em after i mist,pretty easy really,can sell those lil suckers for up $25 or swap for tinnies/foils or take one a week veg til 8inch or so then flower and pretty some u be havesting one every week( just realised non-nzers wont have a clue what tinnies/foils are lol, i wonder if theyve even heard of the mighty TE PUKE THUNDER lol i think we keep that strain secret from the rest of the world );-):bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
p.s. ya grows goin along nicely i see, dont worry about choppin any leaves yet,they do all the work absorbing the light so more leaves usually means faster growth, i only realy chop em if they already dead from lack of light or get a fungus,when they are dead they should just fall off when you touch gonna take some picks of my mate down the roads plants for everyone to laugh at, he's 1 of those people who cant help em selves continuously pulling off the feeder leaves,been tryin to enlighten him for 3 seasons now ya just cant tell him lol,he calls em shade leaves and thinks they just block the light from gettin to the buds lol,then he wonders why he got fingernail sized buds,no shit man hes got 2 plants about four-five foot tall and not a single feeder on the whole f'n things lol,poor plants look naked, should be here any day tellin me they gone herm again and wonderin why lol, i will get more off 1 branch than he will get off both and they the same height, from now on i shall call him d-fizzle and mayb start a thead called DONT DO WHAT D-FIZZLE DOES lol


Active Member
Yeah go the Almighty te puke THUNDER!!!!! Havent been able to track any of that goodness down for a few years now, makes me think of Back of the Y lol. For any non-kiwis out there a tinnie is $20 bucks worth of grass, 1-1.5 grams, named this becauses they are wrapped in tinfoil sticks. We really should start a Kiwi Grow thread...what you reckon???