First CFL grow with NO cash spent!

How close are your lights, when the last time you watered, aT the moment im guessing it is a deffienciency once you feed em some nutrients that should clear up, if ur low on cash grab some miracle grow that you can mix with water, just remember to divide what the direcions say by %50

Thats what i feared, I was gonna go with the organic choice(mg) concentrate just not yet but I guess I'm making a run today! Thanks and grow in peace my son. hehehe!
Thats what i feared, I was gonna go with the organic choice(mg) concentrate just not yet but I guess I'm making a run today! Thanks and grow in peace my son. hehehe!

Im missing something. The last pics of his plants looked good. What type of soil are you using FFA? I am using MG Moisture Control Potting mix and I have hardly used any nutes at all to date. I only used nutes twice during veg and once so far during flowering and she is doing fine. Using nute to early on when using MG can burn your plants. I know because I did it. Had slight burn the first time I used any nutes. MG can take your plants all the way through veg. I would let them grow out one more node then pinch off the newest growth. They will spread quite nicely.
Sorry guys I may have left out some details. I'm using 2 part peat moss, 1 part vermiculite, and 1part perlite(MG)which has some slow release nutes, I ran this formula by a few people before I started and was told it could go either way, to nute or not to nute! but I went out this morning and got the MG concentrate and feed them today about 1/4 strength recommended.

give me a min and I'll post a pic of what I was talking about with the color.
kinda hard to see but its right in the center faded yellow to brown. Im pretty sure ive got my watering figured out andmy lights are just close enough to not burn em!
I do not have a ph tester, they dont carry them off season around here...grrrrr!

so conclusion nutes?
Looking good so far! To answer your question: from seed cracking to harvest, depending on strain and stress of course, I average about 15 weeks minimum. That's 6 weeks veg and 9 weeks flower. I do perpetual hrarvest and take clones from the plants headed to flower, and some times even after 6 weeks of veg it seems like the clones (wich are 'older' than their seed parents, regardless of their size) are stronger. So what I'm saying is that maybe sometimes even the 6 weeks of veg doesn't let the plants get old enough before flower, regardless of size. Also don't forget dry and cure time. Here in Colorado It takes me about 3 weeks minimum...that's 5-7 days hanging in dry room and 2 weeks in jars with burping. Hope this helps and good luck!
Looking good so far! To answer your question: from seed cracking to harvest, depending on strain and stress of course, I average about 15 weeks minimum. That's 6 weeks veg and 9 weeks flower. I do perpetual hrarvest and take clones from the plants headed to flower, and some times even after 6 weeks of veg it seems like the clones (wich are 'older' than their seed parents, regardless of their size) are stronger. So what I'm saying is that maybe sometimes even the 6 weeks of veg doesn't let the plants get old enough before flower, regardless of size. Also don't forget dry and cure time. Here in Colorado It takes me about 3 weeks minimum...that's 5-7 days hanging in dry room and 2 weeks in jars with burping. Hope this helps and good luck!

Thinks bro, Rep! Thats exactly the kind of answer I was looking for.
for really good inexpensive nutes that are easy to use, check out this guy.

there are a couple of test grows going on with members of this forum right now with these nutes and they are running as good as if not better than all of the systems where you have to try to figure out the perfect ratios of everything and pray you get it right and at the right times, etc. I have been talking to the owner for the last couple of days and I am going to be using this system from this point on!
The owners is on this forum under the name Dudeoflife. Hope this helps!
for really good inexpensive nutes that are easy to use, check out this guy.

there are a couple of test grows going on with members of this forum right now with these nutes and they are running as good as if not better than all of the systems where you have to try to figure out the perfect ratios of everything and pray you get it right and at the right times, etc. I have been talking to the owner for the last couple of days and I am going to be using this system from this point on!
The owners is on this forum under the name Dudeoflife. Hope this helps!

Yea man I'll definitely check it out but for the mean time I'm one seeing exactly how cheap I can be and two I only use cash, make cash and bury cash, plastic is just another extension of the gov'ts leash!
Seriously guys, there about two weeks old and they smell fire. I don't ever hear anybody talking about smell til there well into flower, should I be excited or did I fuck something up?
Update! So far so good on the mg nutes, I don't think I could put my girls on a 24/0 schedule seems to me they work there hardest when it's lights out. with that said heres some recent pics.
Megan day 13.jpgMegan 13.jpgAnna day 13.jpgAnna 13.jpgJennifer day 13.jpgJennifer 13.jpgAlanis day 13.jpgAlanis 13.jpgGroup day 13.jpg
Lookin' good man! Dont worry, try different things.see what worx for you&your set up;then stick with what worx for YOU, im sub'd bro-grow on brotha