First CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
id use about 1 quart of water each time i watered and u flush with 3 times the amount of the container so 15 gallons when u do


Well-Known Member
Also, you should wait a good 3-4 days min. inbetween waterings.. and when you do water do it slowly.. Not all at once. and once you see first signs of water dripping out the drainage holes its time to stop..


Well-Known Member
Yeah as JN811 said, drainage is very crucial, don't over water. Just check out how moist the soil is on top and just beneath the surface. Just be careful not to disturb any roots. That'll also give you a good idea of when to water. Good luck, Man! =)


Well-Known Member
Not sure if my holes are big enough to drain out of, but i do have holes. Usually when I water, i water until it starts to build up water, and then i stop, and wait for that to absorb in, then keep on doing that, and i don't do it til water runs out, but i know my roots don't run the entire length of the 5 gal, so i think I'm safe there? i usually water ever 3 days. but I'll start waiting til the 4th and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
It's funny because they came from almost identical weed, and one's tall and thin, and one's fat and bushy. I might flower in 2 more weeks, yay or nay?


Well-Known Member
My girl's been ready to flower for a while, now. I'm vegging a bit longer this time, though. I want to get a better yield, so I'm learning from my last grow. I have a good few sets of alternating nodes. They're getting pretty big and beautiful. =) Little preflowers have been around for a while, now. Nice, little calyxes with pistils all over. =) Happy, happy, Joy Joy!