First cfl grow


Well-Known Member
I have a lst question.

Alright so I used a coat hanger to bend the plant down. It was hard to get the hangers to stay in the soil, I didnt put them in too deep. But I got it to stay mostly down between the last 2 nodes. the light is moistly hitting the backside of the leafs, and the top of it isnt getting the most light, it gets more on the otherside of the leafs. Is this a problem? I could possibly get the top to face up towards the light... but it would be a major pain. there are old leafs just face down against the soil, do I just leaf em like that?

Al Capone

Well-Known Member
what with wrong with the transplant y is it going to die ??????
We'll I don't want to hijack the thread, but since you asked, I put plant into a new pot, root was nice, looked fine, root looked all intact, then the next day one of the leafs died (if you look at the progress chart on the first page of this thread, I'm on about day 6-7) so i only have 2 big leafs 2 small ones, one died, that leaves me thinking I screwed up (i only have one big leaf left), that's why I think its going to die, we will see though. I'm germinating new seeds incase it does die.


Well-Known Member
I just noticed the cardboard bucket splitter was moving so I had to fill in the other side with soil. I decided I would go ahead and keep the splitter and plant another plant in it. I took the healthiest plants out of the giant white cup, came out perfect slid right out of the cup all in one clump of soil. there were roots everywhere.

it was actually 2 plants, it was just an experiment, one of them is growing sooo slow it is 1/4 the size of the other one growing in the cup, and it has only its first pair of leafs, its almost 2 weeks old too, the other one is alright. [I also sort of killed the midget plant, I tried to top it with my fingers and im just seeing what happens because I dont care about that plant.]

anyways, the lights are all rearranged, more light on the healthier plants.

I also have a plant growing really retarded, its been super stressed I think... tipped the cup its in atleast 5 times. I will have a pic later, that plant is now under a 23 watt 2650k cfl directly over it with a reflector.


Well-Known Member
Its major sagging, close to dead, and very undergrown. I mean its about 20 days old, and it looks like day 5.

that one was purposely watered more than the other plants, so it could be overwatering, and it was under barely any light, 1 18w cfl about 8" above it, without a reflector. It was the only place I could fit the light, so thats where it went.


Elite Rolling Society
Man, after you get a plant a few inches tall, it is very difficult to kill it 100% DEAD. with love and attention, you can bring it back. I 've seen plants with all the leaves yellow or gone, and they came back to life. I've seen plants stepped on, and smashed, and came back to life. Do not give up. Think positive and flush the plant with clean water a day or 2, then re-feed and wait.

Al Capone

Well-Known Member
Man, after you get a plant a few inches tall, it is very difficult to kill it 100% DEAD. with love and attention, you can bring it back. I 've seen plants with all the leaves yellow or gone, and they came back to life. I've seen plants stepped on, and smashed, and came back to life. Do not give up. Think positive and flush the plant with clean water a day or 2, then re-feed and wait.
to late for me LOL i just killed mine :( I'm starting over


Well-Known Member
the plant that I knew was going to die because I gave it no light and never watered it and tipped it over like 5 times, finally about died. Its very discolored and now all its leafs are like dead. that ones leaves actually smelled more than the other plants though.


Elite Rolling Society
You are going to get popcorn fluff buds with those low wattage cfls.
Home Depot has 65 watt CFL for $19.98 each.