first closet cfl grow; any and all opinions or tips highly appreciated!!

8)!! do you think they look big enough to transplant into 2 gallon pots that ive already purchased? right now they are all about 6 inches with a few approaching 8 inches, and theyre all on they're like 6th or 7th nodes i think.. there are small branches coming off of every set of nodes too! right now they are in id say half gallon pots? maybe less.. all i know is that as soon as i did the transplant into these pots they loved it, so i just wanna make sure im not waiting too long and those roots arent bunching up too much or anything..

the dude at my local grow shop said that if im just now seeing roots emerge from the holes in the bottom of the pots, which i am, i should wait a little bit longer in order for them to reach outwards instead of down.. he also said for my pot size the plants should be about a foot before i transplant into 2 gallon pots..

anyways, i love how they are looking right now and they are certainly not showing any signs that they are unhappy.. i still haven't had to purchase any nutes yet but i purchased a big bag of happy frog for the 2 gallon pots im going to use, and im told that happy frog has zero nutes compared to ocean forest, which is what i have been using thus far. once i transplant and use the happy frog i think the plants will be ready for their first installment of veg nutes, i plan to veg until maybe june or july, possibly august if i want, so i have plenty of time to veg

thanks for the encouragement calicatt! please let me know if you think they are ready for 2 gallon pots or if i should wait longer until the roots are more developed? also, for the purposes of space (as i have already purchased square 2 gallon pots to maximize floor space), what would be the benefits of topping or f.i.m.? i know that stress techniques such as bending the plant are more beneficial, but all that aside would it be perfectly fine for me to let them all just grow straight up on a single stalk/cola, or will i get more bud if i create more bud sites? i dont wanna alot of small buds i just want large plump buds 8)
just another quick photo update!

they are lookin beautiful and I have now transplanted them into square 2 gallon pots with a mix of ocean forest and happy frog. I plan on adding veg nutrients soon, but until them i'm just waiting till they all get over a foot atleast first. any comments tips or hints would be greatly appreciated guys!



Just read through this thread- they have a made huge improvements. Looks like your doing something right! I just started my first grow, about a week in. Definitely got some good insight. Thanks!
thanks alot guys, i'm hoping they're all girls but i'll be happy with atleast 5 or 6 ladies 8) i haven't added any additional nutrients besides what the soils came with so i'm both hopeful and reluctant in headin down to my local grow shop and gettin some veg n bloom nutes.. any reccommendations on good brands? i'm thinking ill most likely just stick with the fox farm lineup since i have been ecstatic with the results i'm seeing with them.

im also wondering how tall 2 gallon pots will get me, as i still have a long summer ahead and don't plan on throwing them into flowering just yet.. they are at about 12 inches now and im thinking i still want another 2 feet of growth or so


Well-Known Member
fella they are gonna be monsters if you wait until they are 3ft tall before you switch to flower. most plant triple in size during flower.
seriously?? so you're saying if i want to end up with 3 foot plants i should plan on flowering around now? I haven't even had a chance to add any veg nutrients their entire growth thus far lol well i will definitely keep that in mind bro thanks!
wuddup dudes just another photo update, just did the last of my transplanting into 2 gallon pots and my plants are now approaching 18 inches! so i'm gonna throw them on 12/12 today and have just today begun using fox farm big bloom. i will also begin using tiger bloom once the bud sites get more developed 8) guess ill be finding out who's male and who's female now, so that is making me kind of sad lol anyways, heres a photo update:

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Active Member
OMG i'm so jealouse. I can't wait to start growing outdoors. Keep posting updates please ;)
just a small update! ive been on 12/12 and using flowering nutes for about a week now, and i'm now thinking that ive got some males and females beginning to distinguish themselves.. sad.. but anyways, everything's looking good and on track! heres a couple pics:



Well-Known Member
I separate a male from the rest keep it on 12/12 and collect pollen to make seeds. Use a q tip and dab up some yellow powder(pollen) and dab that on a few lower bud sites. Do this away from the rest of the females.


Well-Known Member
darn males!
May the marijuana gods bless you with more females than! They sure are nice and healthy, your gonna have yourself some oz sized colas on them babies :) Straight up to the sun!!!
i did the final count today and its looking like 8-9 females and 5 males for sure, but the 5 that are showin balls are all my biggest ones 8( its all good tho, ive got a few large females at almost 2 feet right now with hairs at every node and the rest are all over 1 foot..

i think i'm gonna kill those 5 males tho, i don't really need the seeds right now because i've recently acquired a bunch that will last me a few growing seasons atleast. does this mean that the remaining females will get more access to light and grow at a faster rate than they've been? also i'm starting to think that alot of the sun leaves are covering the lower bud sites, and i'm thinking i should start thinking about pruning them in the near future?

thanks alot for all the comments you guys! calicat do you think that it would be unusual to get an ounce each from 2-3 foot plants, considering im doing half cfl - half outdoor? that would be awesome to get a half pound outta all those 8-9 females!

ill keep postin!


Well-Known Member
Nice on the count so far....I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya! They sure will grow faster without those boys..... and be happier with more light and air/room, what girl wouldn't ?? ROFL!!
Hey I got 5.4 oz from 3 plants with my first CFL grow so sure you can get an oz pp easily ;)
very nice! and LOL ya im starting to love all the analogies between my ladies and real ladies haha i'm on the hunt for pussy hairs and ball sacks haha

but dammnn I seriously hope I can get these ladies through their entire flowering period and actually produce a harvest! i'm using fox farm big bloom right now pretty much every other watering and am told that I should begin using tiger bloom as well once the bud sites start getting alittle more developed? do you have any experience with the fox farm line-up? also, ive got about half of my lights switched over from 6500k to 2700k, but is it a better idea to have them all 2700? i've been gradually adding more over the course of a week or so, but I just feel like they might want a more full spectrum and also that the 6500k's seem so much more bright!


Well-Known Member
lol....stupid nanners is what gets me, I HATE them things!!

I have not used the Fox Farm stuff before but I'm sure you know it's some pretty awesome stuff if you read your plants correctly and do not overfeed. I used a few 6500k's mixed in with my 2700's to help mix the spectrum up a little and keep my heat down (but you want a little more than half 2700's) .They like that red spectrum when flowering ;) but the blues help some strains with their frost production.
ya ive got about 5 2700s and 5 6500s right now and im thinking i should prolly add a few more 2700s like you said, thanks for tha advice bro! how long do you think the average time is to bud a plant? just wondering 8 )