first closet cfl grow; any and all opinions or tips highly appreciated!!

lol my bad ur thing says mr. ganja and i didn't see anything else signifying if you were a girl or dude, but i dunno why i assumed the latter my bad 8 )

that sounds good it looks like ill have plenty of time to flower 8 )
hey guys and gals, so its been 2 weeks since i switched to flowering and i'm definitely showing some major budsites developing on all 9 of my females, which is my official count.

i've added a few more cfls just to see how much more of a spike i will see in the energy bill. right now im running 13 23w and 1 50w, and alittle more than half are 2700k, the rest are 6500k. so im guessing around 24,000 lumens in an approx. 8 sq. ft area.. so 3000 lumens per sq foot. im also doing about 4 of the 12 hours outside during my peak 10:30-2:30 overhead sun time.

i've been feeding them big bloom every other watering for the past 2 weeks; i started at 2 tbs./gallon, and am now on 4 tbs./gallon. today i went and bought tiger bloom, and according to the fox farm chart im supposed to use 3 tbs big bloom and 2 tbs tiger bloom twice a week until harvest. has anyone out there ran fox farm nutes and have any experience with feeding schedules? does this sound about right? I think I might go 1tbs of tiger bloom per feeding at first...

anyways, other than that everything's looking good! not sure if my buds are where they're supposed to be at at this stage in flowering, but like I said i'm about 2 weeks in and so far the smell hasn't really become an issue yet in my grow room. so i'll just post some updated pics, but please feel free to let me know any reccomendations with fox farm nutes and or if my buds are looking good! 8)

from week 1

from week 2
*correction, the fox farm chart says 1 tablespoon big bloom to 2 teaspoons tiger bloom.. i had purchased the big bloom before the tiger bloom, and so went by what the bottle said and it said for general feeding use 3-4 tablespoons of the big bloom... so maybe i was using too much as compared to the chart? i'm sure the chart takes into account that you're using both at once, and therefore don't need 3-4 tablespoons of the big bloom?

anyways, just used the tiger bloom today and I went with 1 teaspoon to be safe, in combination with 1 tablespoon of the big bloom.. will increase to the recommended 2 teaspoons of tiger bloom within the next few feedings :cool:
more pics 8) they've been flowering for bout 2.75 weeks.. i've got them on a tsp of tiger bloom and a tbsp of big bloom 2 times a week, will be using 2 tsp tiger bloom in the next coming week if they don't show any signs of burn.. comments anyone??

thanks you guys! almost at 5 weeks now, here's some pics from week 4 and 5. let me know what you think! 8)

from week 4


from week 5

so im just now starting to see powdery mildew on some of the leaves at week 6! 8( if its only on the leaves can i just pluck the affected leaves off and continue on to finish the flowering or do i just harvest now? i've read about the different ways of spraying alkaline solutions like sodium bicarbonate and potassium bicarbonate, but im just wondering can i continue flowering or do i harvest asap?