First Closet CFL Grow


Active Member
nice grow homie, i too suffered a tragedy as one of my big bang plants at a young age had a light fall on it..root was severly damaged and had to tie it to a support. waiting to see if it will recover (second day from incident but leaves are green still, just the new ones are little shriviled seems like a bad sign lol). have any idea if this traumatic event could make it a hermie, grown from feminized seed??


Well-Known Member
I took 3 clones from Juana today. Put the dome on top of a monitor for a little bit of heat on the bottom. 2 26w 6500K cfls are above the humidity dome.

Current Temperature/Humidity of Closet

Sprayed Mary,Juana,Strech with Foilage spray from Dutchmaster.
.5 Litres of Tap water in Spray Bottle
2 TB of Dutchmaster Penetrator
2 TB of Dutchmaster Liquid Light

PH - 5.6
PPM - 1150
Will be throwing plants in flowering on Wendsday!

3 Clones from Juana

Ready for Action!!

I'm a STRONG believer in ALL Dutchmaster Products!


Well-Known Member
nice grow homie, i too suffered a tragedy as one of my big bang plants at a young age had a light fall on it..root was severly damaged and had to tie it to a support. waiting to see if it will recover (second day from incident but leaves are green still, just the new ones are little shriviled seems like a bad sign lol). have any idea if this traumatic event could make it a hermie, grown from feminized seed??
Thank you very much! Thanks for dropping in!!!
It's very possible, I wouldn't doubt that my middle plant is gonna be hermie. I don't feel as if I'm experience enough to give you a true honest answer if yours will go hermie. My thoughts on the matter though, if I'd have to give one is even if its a feminized seed, with the right amount of stress anything can go hermie.


Well-Known Member
Nutrients to Resevoir:
.5tb Part A
1tb Part B
1/4tsp PH Down
1 Tsp Superthrive
Added 1 Gallon Water


Max: 77.9/34%
Min: 70/20%

Light is still 27 inches away, and they aren't stretching, but tomorrow I will be raising the plants closer to the light.

Throwing alll 3 plants into flowering tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!

Lights on: 7 AM
Lights off : 7 PM
Watering for 20 min lights on twice every 6 hours
Watering for 10 min lights off twice every 6 hours

Re-sprayed the dome and leaves, everything looks good so far.



Well-Known Member
Before I throw these in flowering tomorrow, I wanted to get some insight on an experiment. I asked this question in a thread in Advanced Techniques but no replies so I'll try one more time :mrgreen:.

Has anyone tried or know someone who has tried in flowering for only 6 weeks by putting the light schedule at 6/12? A friend of mine who is growing said he's going to do that on his next grow, but I've never heard of it from him and I've yet to read anything on it. IF ANYONE could get me some info on it that would be appreciated!!!!


Well-Known Member
Before I throw these in flowering tomorrow, I wanted to get some insight on an experiment. I asked this question in a thread in Advanced Techniques but no replies so I'll try one more time :mrgreen:.

Has anyone tried or know someone who has tried in flowering for only 6 weeks by putting the light schedule at 6/12? A friend of mine who is growing said he's going to do that on his next grow, but I've never heard of it from him and I've yet to read anything on it. IF ANYONE could get me some info on it that would be appreciated!!!!
try it see what happens, I'm gona try diffrent things my self


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot bro!!! I'm scared to try it out because I dont want to mess up my grow. It seems logical, I will probably do it with my clones.


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot bro!!! I'm scared to try it out because I dont want to mess up my grow. It seems logical, I will probably do it with my clones.
yea try to root a few clones then kick them in a seprate area if you don't want all of them to have the same time and keep track on how they do


Well-Known Member
alright toolage finally clicked that you hada link to your grow journal in your sig lol

Your grow and set up looks brilliant! Im ordering a similar 400W HPS to you in the next couple of days for when i go into flower. I hadnt realized how big the things were lol shouldnt be too much of a problem just going to invest in more fans than i thought.

When you say day "" is that from when you planted the seed or ?? If from when you planted, bloody hell i didnt hava clue they grew that fast, were yours around the same height as mine at day 12ish?


Well-Known Member
alright toolage finally clicked that you hada link to your grow journal in your sig lol

Your grow and set up looks brilliant! Im ordering a similar 400W HPS to you in the next couple of days for when i go into flower. I hadnt realized how big the things were lol shouldnt be too much of a problem just going to invest in more fans than i thought.

When you say day "" is that from when you planted the seed or ?? If from when you planted, bloody hell i didnt hava clue they grew that fast, were yours around the same height as mine at day 12ish?
lol soulds awsome, you should check out my setup but I still haven't gotten an answer if just starting to root clones if they need direct or indirect light and can I root them in my veg room
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Well-Known Member
cool set up, i wish i had enough room and guts to have more than a couple of plants going, im still unaware of how easy it will be to keep odour under control so im sticking with two for now and hoping ONA gel will do it. Anyway i would think clones need direct light, however im not a pro, im on my first grow currently. And yeah keep them in your vegging room.


Well-Known Member
cool set up, i wish i had enough room and guts to have more than a couple of plants going, im still unaware of how easy it will be to keep odour under control so im sticking with two for now and hoping ONA gel will do it. Anyway i would think clones need direct light, however im not a pro, im on my first grow currently. And yeah keep them in your vegging room.
ok cool thanks, I got told indirect light is the best but if that was the case then why does growers use Clo tubes when rooting clones, thanks the 5 bug plants my friend gave them to me, that setyp is about half a month old now but the 5 big girls are from Jan and the small ones are from the start of this week


Well-Known Member
Hey giggle, glad you could stop by!

Right now I am using 2 26w lights for my clones. I figured light woulda been best thing, but we'll find out. So far so good and I will post pictures of the clones in a couple of days. I'm changing out my water for flowering at 1 AM when the lights go off. After that I will switch lights to 12/12. I"ll post pictures of the whole grow op tomorrrow. Thanks for all your posts/feedback. Keep em coming!


Well-Known Member
Hey giggle, glad you could stop by!

Right now I am using 2 26w lights for my clones. I figured light woulda been best thing, but we'll find out. So far so good and I will post pictures of the clones in a couple of days. I'm changing out my water for flowering at 1 AM when the lights go off. After that I will switch lights to 12/12. I"ll post pictures of the whole grow op tomorrrow. Thanks for all your posts/feedback. Keep em coming!
cool so if I started to root clones in my veg area they should do awsome?


Well-Known Member
well my friend did it with light, and in the video with Mr green thumb he grew his clones under light. I've seen it done so I know it works, but it does seem logical that roots don't like the light when they are trying to start.


Well-Known Member

The lights just went out and I just changed the water. Here is everything. Plants were in vegetative for 39 Days!!! Total height is 1.5 feet tall. Lets watch these bad girls grow!!!!

Nutes in Resevoir:
6 Gallons of water
4.56 tb Flower Part A
4.56 tb Flower Part B
1.73 tb Max Flower
3tsp of Silica
3tsp of Zone
1.5tsp of ph down



Lighting Schedule
7 AM on
7 PM off

Will post pictures of everything tomorrow.


Well-Known Member

The lights just went out and I just changed the water. Here is everything. Plants were in vegetative for 39 Days!!! Total height is 1.5 feet tall. Lets watch these bad girls grow!!!!

Nutes in Resevoir:
6 Gallons of water
4.56 tb Flower Part A
4.56 tb Flower Part B
1.73 tb Max Flower
3tsp of Silica
3tsp of Zone
1.5tsp of ph down



Lighting Schedule
7 AM on
7 PM off

Will post pictures of everything tomorrow.
haha nice man good luck