First Closet CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
I'm impressed.

Nice first grow, much better than mine went.

Good taste in nutes.

nice record keeping.

One thing, do you flush you media ? Your taller plants looked like they are Zn def.

A good flushing with flora clean or another product at least every two weeks.

Nice work, keep on it
Thanks for the compliments bro!!! Thanks for dropping by! No I haven't flushed at all. I'll go ahead and pick up some cal-mag and flora clean next week. Thanks for the info!


Well-Known Member

So today is day 2 of flowering, and the lights just came back on. Just last night they grew 1.8 inches on Juana, 1.2 inches each on Mary and Stretch. Stretch still looks like complete doo-doo, but Mary has made a come back like I never believed. I will probably destroy Stretch in about 5 weeks or so, I really doubt her stem will be able to hold up any dense buds. Unfortunantly there are no pictures today, but will be adding them tomorrow or the next day.




Well-Known Member
Hi T !

Thats excellent !!

Sounds like all is going well :D

How about getting a cane or 2 for stretch ?
It seems ashame to kill her :(

Can't wait to see more pics :D

Keep up the good work :D


Well-Known Member
Hi T !

Thats excellent !!

Sounds like all is going well :D

How about getting a cane or 2 for stretch ?
It seems ashame to kill her :(

Can't wait to see more pics :D

Keep up the good work :D
Hey GG thanks! Everything is going well so far. Lol as I said in the PM, I wont be the one killing stretch if it comes down to it. Just dont have the heart to kill hard work.

Re-sprayed Humid Dome.

Call me crazy, but these clones are 3 days old. Out of each clone, 3 roots are already coming out of the cube. On all 3 clones they are already starting to grow another leaf set. Is it normal for it to do that this early? Am I still looking at 2 weeks in the clone box, or maybe shorter.

Also, has anyone had experience with Dutchmaster Reverse. It's an addative to the foiler spray mix that gaurantees to reverse the production of Hermies. They 100% gaurantee it, its freaking mind blowing!!!


Well-Known Member
Lights are going off in an hour so I'll post the pics of the room before they go off.

Also if anyone could look at the post before this one, and see if they can answer that question please.

400w HPS Ventiliation

Day 2 Flowering

Day 2 Flowering Closer


Well-Known Member
Wow, they're looking great T!!! :D

I aint too sure about the clones, sounds like they're doing good tho :D

Wow that spray sounds ace !

Keep up the good work xxx


Well-Known Member
you got a nice batch going there!
Thanks email! I can't believe I'm actually in flowering, I've never made it this far :mrgreen:

Wow, they're looking great T!!! :D

I aint too sure about the clones, sounds like they're doing good tho :D

Wow that spray sounds ace !

Keep up the good work xxx
Hey GG xx,
Thanks alot!
Clones are still the same as they were yesterday, so I'm gonna stick wit the 2 week rule for the clones.
Hope to see you soon xx


Well-Known Member

PH went up to 6.2
Added 1tsp of Ph down to 5 Gallons water
Ph went down to 5.7

Current- 71.3
Min- 69.6/20%

Plant Height:
1.6 ft Juana
1.55 ft Mary
1.45 ft Stretch

No signs of male or female yet, still waiting in my rockingchair patiently!


Well-Known Member
hope all of them are femes man.good job and very good and clean setup! best of luck mna!!! Cheers!!! Cheetah


Well-Known Member
Lets hope to hell at least Juana is Female!!
If any are going to be fem, I hope its her. I only took clones from Juana, cause it was the best plant. I got my fingers crossed, I have a good feeling.

hope all of them are femes man.good job and very good and clean setup! best of luck mna!!! Cheers!!! Cheetah
Hey cheetah, good to see you dropped by! Thanks for the luck and compliments. I've spent alot of $$$ and time with this setup and I have really high hopes about it. Once my clones are ready I'll be setting up my new veg room, closet is now the flower room. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I just got out of my grow op and I think Juana is a female. I can't upload the pictures right now until I get a new USB cable ARGH!!! I might just purchase a memory card reader tonight after work. I see the stipules, and near the tops of the colas in between the branches I THINK I see the calix with 2 hairs coming out, but I dont know if thats a new side branch coming out or not. I might just be seeing shit, I'll upload the pictures as soon as I get em on my PC.


Well-Known Member
Thats great news T !!!!

I'm so happy for you !!

{{{HUGS Juana}}}}

I can't wait to see the pics :D

:joint: puff, puff, pass xx


Well-Known Member
I'm at my friends grabbing his camera and usb cable and going back to the pad in a few minutes to snap some pics. Be back in a bit!


Well-Known Member
She doesn't look male, but I can't be 100% sure as all I can see is preflowers, I've highlighted them for you in your pic, hope you don't mind x



Well-Known Member
Hey GG xx Thanks!!!
I thiink that HPS is messing with m eyes lmao! im gonna snap more pics now that i got a good camera brb.