First Closet CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
Less water will cause the roots to seek out more, so I would not keep the Rockwool saturated.
(but completely dry is not good either)
If you spray them, and have a dome to hold that moisture in, they should develop roots rather quickly.
If you have too much water in the Rockwool, they would have no reason to stretch out looking for any.
sweet bro, thanks for the help and support!

oops sorry guys i didnt see that alto said pretty much the same thing except for using less water and using it more often.
im high forgive meh:neutral:
lmao it's al good bro, good help is good help! Thanks for the information and as always kochab, thank you very much for your support!!

I squeeze the bottom of the rockwool and let A LOT of excess water that was just sitting there. The rockwool is still wet but no soaked. I'll have a little bit more info on the update I'm about to write up, give me about 20 minutes or so.


Well-Known Member
:weed:Update Day 31 Flowering/70 Days from Veg:weed:

Nutes in Resevoir:
Moved up from 3/4 to Full strength
Added 6 Gallons Water
8 Tbsp 1 Tsp Flower Part A ( 124ml for Engima :wink: )
8 Tbsp 1 Tsp Flower Part B (124ml)
1.73 tb Max Flower
3tsp of Silica
3tsp of Zone
1tsp of ph down



Plant Height
3.6' with LST

Clones are looking awesome. As above I said, I removed a bunch of excess water from the bottom of the rockwool. The cube is still wet but not soaken wet like it was. I sprayed the leafs of all of the clones and around the dome. Everything looks good so far, and no droop has started to occur in any of the clones.

Buds are starting to appear left and right on this beast. It won't be long now until they start filling in completely and crystals form before my eyes!! Very exciting time right now. Enjoy the pictures of everything. Anyone have a prediction on how much yeild I will have??



Well-Known Member
Lookin amazin tool. I'm glad to see cloning worked out better this time for you. that way you have more getting ready to flower. U gonna throw the clones into flowering when they get rooted or veg? o_O Anyway what was i gonna say lmfao.. :-x I dont kno Oh my guess on yield.. I have never harvested so i'm completely wrong probably.. but i say.. 2-4 ounces? I have no idea if thats even close to being right .I just feel like guessing tho :) U should make a winner.. Gets a free 1/4 ;P


New Member
Clones are looking awesome. As above I said, I removed a bunch of excess water from the bottom of the rockwool. The cube is still wet but not soaken wet like it was. I sprayed the leafs of all of the clones and around the dome. Everything looks good so far, and no droop has started to occur in any of the clones.
sounds great as hell man. I knew youd get it figured out. Not that hard when you figure out a method that works youll be able to tweek with it a little and maximize your results.

Buds are starting to appear left and right on this beast. It won't be long now until they start filling in completely and crystals form before my eyes!! Very exciting time right now. Enjoy the pictures of everything. Anyone have a prediction on how much yeild I will have??
great to hear shes filling in, theres no telling what you can yield from that beast.


Well-Known Member
Tool they're looking brilliant, clones and all. Stretchette is looking massive, she may take a bit longer to mature but looks like you should get a hell of a harvest off of her!


Well-Known Member
I have to say despite what at first looked like a skinny little girl
has turned into an amazing woman! Plants are a lot like people that way.
The sleepers turn out looking great!
Just check a photo of Angelina Jolie when she was 11 and you will get what I mean ;-)
The clones look awesome as well.
I imagine myself sitting on that Rockwool like a tiny island with that
beautiful "palm tree shaped" clone blocking the mid day sun.
Magnificent work Toolage.
Yeild? Hell your only a few weeks into what looks to be long flowering and ripening.
Man I bet they take the full 12 weeks typical of Sativa.
Excellent! makes my wait easier seeing your results dude.


Well-Known Member
Lookin amazin tool. I'm glad to see cloning worked out better this time for you. that way you have more getting ready to flower. U gonna throw the clones into flowering when they get rooted or veg? o_O Anyway what was i gonna say lmfao.. :-x I dont kno Oh my guess on yield.. I have never harvested so i'm completely wrong probably.. but i say.. 2-4 ounces? I have no idea if thats even close to being right .I just feel like guessing tho :) U should make a winner.. Gets a free 1/4 ;P
I will have to veg them out a little before throwing them into flowering, as my plants won't be done by the time these things root. My friend who lives in the Netherlands is going to buy me some seeds from Dutch Passion and mail them to me. Should be here by the end of the month hopefully!! I would hope for 2 ounces, but I'm guessing an ounce. Thanks for the support man!!

sounds great as hell man. I knew youd get it figured out. Not that hard when you figure out a method that works youll be able to tweek with it a little and maximize your results.

great to hear shes filling in, theres no telling what you can yield from that beast.
Yeah hopefully these clones take off, gets a little upsetting to keep failing on this. Before I left the tops were starting to droop a little bit, but we'll find out tomorrow how they are. Thanks for the support and stopping by bro!

Tool they're looking brilliant, clones and all. Stretchette is looking massive, she may take a bit longer to mature but looks like you should get a hell of a harvest off of her!
Yeah it's def going to take some time to flower this beast. Def didn't think it would grow this big, but sativas are like that :grin:

I have to say despite what at first looked like a skinny little girl
has turned into an amazing woman! Plants are a lot like people that way.
The sleepers turn out looking great!
Just check a photo of Angelina Jolie when she was 11 and you will get what I mean ;-)
The clones look awesome as well.
I imagine myself sitting on that Rockwool like a tiny island with that
beautiful "palm tree shaped" clone blocking the mid day sun.
Magnificent work Toolage.
Yeild? Hell your only a few weeks into what looks to be long flowering and ripening.
Man I bet they take the full 12 weeks typical of Sativa.
Excellent! makes my wait easier seeing your results dude.
LMFAO i looked up those pictures, and wow! Yeah it's amazing she started out as such a runt and has turn into a beast! It probably will take a full 12 weeks but will probably cut it at 9 weeks, to get that uppidy high. I also don't want to take 12 weeks because I want to do a whole reformation of that closet to make the next grow at full optimal conditions. I will take a good month to reconstruct that room into exactly what I want so I won't have to keep updating the room on a daily basis. Thanks again alt0 for all your support bro it's very much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
"but sativas are like that :grin:"

Haha i just hope mine dont mimmic strechette i wont have room for them! I dont actually know what i'd do if that happened...


Well-Known Member
well if they start showing dominance in sativa then i'd start LST them now. It'll make it alot easier later on to keep them low and you can maintain it to be like a bonsai tree!!


Well-Known Member
well if they start showing dominance in sativa then i'd start LST them now. It'll make it alot easier later on to keep them low and you can maintain it to be like a bonsai tree!!
Ha ! Lol ya my sativa is getting big.. it thank god slowed down only cause of my ph prob / nute prob / w/e lol.. But i'm scared about if she'll take off once shes healthy as can be again!


Well-Known Member
Yeah i was thinking of doing that anyway soon. My next stage is to attempt fimming which i may try tomorrow. I think i know how to do it from reading tutorials before but i;ll do some more research anyway lol especially with my luck...

Neway keep up the good work! I cant get over strechette, and to think you contemplated cutting her down at one point! :O


Well-Known Member
Yeah i was thinking of doing that anyway soon. My next stage is to attempt fimming which i may try tomorrow. I think i know how to do it from reading tutorials before but i;ll do some more research anyway lol especially with my luck...

Neway keep up the good work! I cant get over strechette, and to think you contemplated cutting her down at one point! :O
Fimming is just trimming half of the leaf growth at the top node.. topping is removing it all together which in-turn forces the plant to continue growing it two to four directions instead of one. Fimming will allow one main stalk, stunting the growth of the plant.


New Member
Fimming is just trimming half of the leaf growth at the top node.. topping is removing it all together which in-turn forces the plant to continue growing it two to four directions instead of one. Fimming will allow one main stalk, stunting the growth of the plant.
i think that you need to read up a little more on the subject. If you have done the FIM method and it only produced one stalk for you then youve done it wrong.

Most every time I use the FIM method I can get from 4-8 shoots from that area (not just one).
and also its not just trimming the leaf growth you have to cut it in a U shape, with the center bottom of the U being the center of the leafnode


Well-Known Member
i think that you need to read up a little more on the subject. If you have done the FIM method and it only produced one stalk for you then youve done it wrong.

Most every time I use the FIM method I can get from 4-8 shoots from that area (not just one).
and also its not just trimming the leaf growth you have to cut it in a U shape, with the center bottom of the U being the center of the leafnode
We must've read about the "fuck-I-missed" technique from different sources.. or maybe I just read it wrong and found a NEW ONE!

When I chop off the top growth I get 2-4 main stalks.. when I chop off half of the leaf growth at the top I get about 8 nodes stacked on top of each other.




Well-Known Member
We must've read about the "fuck-I-missed" technique from different sources.. or maybe I just read it wrong and found a NEW ONE!

When I chop off the top growth I get 2-4 main stalks.. when I chop off half of the leaf growth at the top I get about 8 nodes stacked on top of each other.


The "fuck-I-really-missed" technique?


New Member
We must've read about the "fuck-I-missed" technique from different sources.. or maybe I just read it wrong and found a NEW ONE!

When I chop off the top growth I get 2-4 main stalks.. when I chop off half of the leaf growth at the top I get about 8 nodes stacked on top of each other.



When i use the FIM method i get a bunch of shoots coming out of the top like you are describing the results you get from topping(except i get a lot more than just topping gives).
The first time i read about it was in high times but ive found several different pieces of info on it since then.
Ill start doing a couple this way on a couple of my outdoor babies and show the results that I get.


Well-Known Member
toolage bro sorry to go on about fimming in your thread..

Kochab: shit well it appears ive done it wrong then... I didnt make a "U" shape when cutting just a straight cut. Too late now to make adjustments i would have thought as it was about 7 hours ago...


New Member
toolage bro sorry to go on about fimming in your thread..

Kochab: shit well it appears ive done it wrong then... I didnt make a "U" shape when cutting just a straight cut. Too late now to make adjustments i would have thought as it was about 7 hours ago...
oh damn... sometimes it still comes out with more than topping even if you dont make the cut semi-circular.....

yeah sorry bout all that toolage.....
how ya clones looking today?


Well-Known Member
lol guys you don't have to worry about posting, was an interesting read! Give me about 20 minutes, imma go take some pics and do a daily update! Hope everyone is having a great day, I know I am :joint: