First Closet CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
:weed:Update Day 32 Flowering/71 Days from Veg:weed:

Nutes in Resevoir:
Added 1/4tsp ph down



Plant Height
3.7' with LST

Rockwool is starting to lose alot of it's water. It actually looks like one of the stems that I cut off the clone is trying to grow back, kind of weird. I really think these things are going to start rooting soon. There is very little droop in the clone and the color and strength of it looks great! Let me know what you all think!

What can I say but oh wow! The buds are really starting to build its way up through the stem. I walked into grow op today after work and the smell kicked me back. It reaks of some stinky skunk in that room. The temps have been very steady, starting out at 70 at the beginning, maxing out at 78, and getting down to 66 at night. Good 10 degree drop, which is recommended. Let me know what you guys think of the stinky goodness!!



New Member
lol guys you don't have to worry about posting, was an interesting read! Give me about 20 minutes, imma go take some pics and do a daily update! Hope everyone is having a great day, I know I am :joint:
my day has been going pretty good toolage, glad to hear that yours has been too,
clones look really well mate. i think that keeping the rockwool a bit dryer seems to be helping with the droop of them.
and its great to see momma in flowering is doing so well.


Well-Known Member
my day has been going pretty good toolage, glad to hear that yours has been too,
clones look really well mate. i think that keeping the rockwool a bit dryer seems to be helping with the droop of them.
and its great to see momma in flowering is doing so well.
hey bro sorry for the late response lol, GTA IV has taken up most of my time. Yeah the rockwool is drying up pretty well, I should hand water it when it starts getting near bone dry right? Waiting for the lights to come back on so I can do another update should be another 30 min or so.


Well-Known Member
:weed:Update Day 33 Flowering/72 Days from Veg:weed:

Nutes in Resevoir:
Added 1/2 Gallon Water balanced to pH 5.5 to dilute the nutes



Plant Height
3.7' with LST

Well the clones are not looking so hot. Only one of them is still looking like a FULL survivor. 3 of the 4 are starting to get purple stems and are drooping pretty bad. The other one has a full green stem and is still sturdy and standing strong!! Will still be keeping an eye on them.

I actually found a good way to have a cheap heating pad. I pointed 4 CFL's at the bottom of the tray and its actually quite warm at the bottom. We'll see if this helps them out at all.

Starting to show signs of nute burn but all in all, so far so good. Had to tie them down a little more as they were growing pretty high. This sativa just want to grow and grow and grow!! For some reason this camera isn't getting the best pictures of all of her bud shots, probably cause of the HPS. But there are so many bud sites and they are just bursting out all over the place getting bigger every day.



Well-Known Member
:weed: Stretchette lookin' good Toolage
She is starting to fill in some
bet she is starting to smell great by now

Here :joint: I carried that over from my thread, passes back.


Well-Known Member
Well everyone, I couldn't waiit till tomorrow for this update! Those CFL's at the bottom of the humid dome I think did the trick. 1 of the 4 clones have roots coming out of the bottom and it wasn't even the best looking clone either. I'm hoping by the next 2 more days maybe even another one will root. I will be going out on wendsday to buy 3 more pots, bigger rockwool cubes, more hydrockcs, another water pump, another air stone, and some more tubes. I've decided to go hydro again, as I think I've done pretty well with it so far!!

I also have a video for everyone. I got extremely stoned and made kind of like a little ghetto music video of my plants and my favorite band tool. I'll post it whenever it finishes uploading to photobucket! Hope you enjoy it and heres a :joint: for everyone this fine evening!!
I'll have pictures of the clones and plants tomorrow for the daily update.


Well-Known Member
Great video mate, and great news about the rooting clone! Must have been the heat! Keep up the excellent work. Cant wait to see Stretchette in 4 weeks time or so :P How many days in total did you say your aiming for in flowering?


Well-Known Member
very good
Stretchette is looking sweet dude
just a matter of waiting now are you going to flush and for how long?


New Member
Well everyone, I couldn't waiit till tomorrow for this update! Those CFL's at the bottom of the humid dome I think did the trick. 1 of the 4 clones have roots coming out of the bottom and it wasn't even the best looking clone either. I'm hoping by the next 2 more days maybe even another one will root. I will be going out on wendsday to buy 3 more pots, bigger rockwool cubes, more hydrockcs, another water pump, another air stone, and some more tubes. I've decided to go hydro again, as I think I've done pretty well with it so far!!

I also have a video for everyone. I got extremely stoned and made kind of like a little ghetto music video of my plants and my favorite band tool. I'll post it whenever it finishes uploading to photobucket! Hope you enjoy it and heres a :joint: for everyone this fine evening!!
I'll have pictures of the clones and plants tomorrow for the daily update.

sounds good man. :hump: glad u finally were able to figure that shit out man, it REALLY helps to know that all your little ones are females.
And if waiting on the sativas are getting to you, you may wanna try an indica next grow, the smoke is a bit stonier, but they mature lots easier/faster

Heres the new video. Enjoy!!
and great garden to go along with a great band too.:hump::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
Nice video, plants looking very nice it in.
hey bro thanks alot for the support! they are def smelling great!
Great video mate, and great news about the rooting clone! Must have been the heat! Keep up the excellent work. Cant wait to see Stretchette in 4 weeks time or so :P How many days in total did you say your aiming for in flowering?
Yeah its actual humid in that dome now. When I had them above the dome the top of the dome would be dry and a lil moist on the sides and would have to spray the dome twice a day. It just looks a whole lot better now!!
very good
Stretchette is looking sweet dude
just a matter of waiting now are you going to flush and for how long?
Yeah bro, I'm going to start flushing at week 7 and harvest at week 9. I know it's probably too early to say that, but that's what I'm shooting for.

sounds good man. :hump: glad u finally were able to figure that shit out man, it REALLY helps to know that all your little ones are females.
And if waiting on the sativas are getting to you, you may wanna try an indica next grow, the smoke is a bit stonier, but they mature lots easier/faster
and great garden to go along with a great band too.:hump::hump::hump:
Muahha, yeah tool is by far my favorite band. They are SO amazing live, still no band has been better then them live. yeah clones are doing great and hopefully they all root. Thanks for your support bro!!

Is it too late to prune my plant? There are a lot more lower branches that still aren't getting very much light, and I would like to redirect the energy to the upper part of the buds. Can I cut the lower nodes off the cola and keep the upper nodes and not harm the plant this far into flowering? Thanks RIU!


Well-Known Member
Is it too late to prune my plant? There are a lot more lower branches that still aren't getting very much light, and I would like to redirect the energy to the upper part of the buds. Can I cut the lower nodes off the cola and keep the upper nodes and not harm the plant this far into flowering? Thanks RIU!
Not sure about what that will do to the plant at this point in the game man
I was going to prune a little and FIM or Top but after reading this I decided to just let em grow...
Anyway looking good Toolage
(I saw Tool once, at a Lollapallosa I think it was, maybe like 7-8 years ago, is that possible?)
All I know is cutting your plant will stress it, and slow down the process.
Even if leaves are not getting a lot of light, the plant still uses them to store nutrients. At this point in a grow I doubt it will hurt much, and in fact do as you said re-direct growth. As for me I doubt I will cut a single blade from my kids this time around.
Maybe after I am using clones I will experiment, being I know they will be girls


New Member
Is it too late to prune my plant? There are a lot more lower branches that still aren't getting very much light, and I would like to redirect the energy to the upper part of the buds. Can I cut the lower nodes off the cola and keep the upper nodes and not harm the plant this far into flowering? Thanks RIU!
I used to keep a plant growing just so that i could pick buds off and smoke them while waiting on my plants to finish because id run out of smoke through the grow. So I learned to always keep that extra one I can sacrifice for my own sanity.

So I dont think that It would hurt to go ahead and remove them if you wish. You could then TRY to root them but as far along in flowering that strechette is, I think that it would be harder to get the clones to root.
Or you could leave them to mature as much as they will, and then use them to make hash or say fuck it and smoke em too.

all up to you I think


Well-Known Member
(I saw Tool once, at a Lollapallosa I think it was, maybe like 7-8 years ago, is that possible?)
All I know is cutting your plant will stress it, and slow down the process.
Even if leaves are not getting a lot of light, the plant still uses them to store nutrients. At this point in a grow I doubt it will hurt much, and in fact do as you said re-direct growth. As for me I doubt I will cut a single blade from my kids this time around.
Maybe after I am using clones I will experiment, being I know they will be girls
Yeah I'm like 90% positive they played there around that time. I'll have to look it up though lol. Yeah I don't really want to stress my plant out any more then it probably is. I really don't blame ya for not wanting to cut a leaf off, you def want to keep as little stress on your babies as you can.

I used to keep a plant growing just so that i could pick buds off and smoke them while waiting on my plants to finish because id run out of smoke through the grow. So I learned to always keep that extra one I can sacrifice for my own sanity.

So I dont think that It would hurt to go ahead and remove them if you wish. You could then TRY to root them but as far along in flowering that strechette is, I think that it would be harder to get the clones to root.
Or you could leave them to mature as much as they will, and then use them to make hash or say fuck it and smoke em too.

all up to you I think
Yeah I think Imma go with the pick and smoke idea :mrgreen: Don't think I would use the clippings for clones either, they just look so winky and think at the bottom, and I have only seen maybe 2 white hairs on the tops of the branches.

Thanks both of you guys for such a quick response. I'm about to post the daily update!


Well-Known Member
:weed:Update Day 34 Flowering/73 Days from Veg:weed:

Nutes in Resevoir:
None to be added, still as before.



Plant Height
3.9' with LST

Well as my previous update from last night said, I did get one of the 4 clones to root. Everything is looking great, and hopefully within the next few days will have atleast 1 more rooted. I will put these clones in veg hopefully by next week!!

Smelling great and trying to grow taller! It seems like I have to tie these things down daily! I know she's sativa, but isn't there a point to where this thing just wants to stop growing vertically? It seems like she's going to get to about 6 feet, when I vegged her at 13". Not saying this growth is bad, I would just hate to have to move this light up again and get the lower branches even further away from the light.

Product List
Rockwool Cubes 3"
50GPH Water Pump
Air Pump
Air Stone
3 2 gallon pots
400w Metal Halide --- that's right moving on up!!! Will be purchasing this next week!



Well-Known Member
Hey T :D
Sorry it's been a while since I commented x
Love the video Strechette is looking sweet :D
I personally think you'll get a good yield from her - she's huge !!

Anyway how are you ?


Well-Known Member
GG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ah how's it goin stranger :wink:

Everythings going good, I too have been extremly busy and very much slacking on my replies to my subscriptions. But thanks for stopping in, and I hope everything with your personal time is going good!!! Hope your kids aren't wearing you out too much :mrgreen: xxxx