First closet grow...NEED help!!!


Well-Known Member
Migh as well try it out... ive never used it personally. What kinda nutes you going with? So the only nutes your plants have had were already soil based correct? any new pics? did you top (if space isnt an issue I wouldnt bother with it) and how are the temps doing?

I would suggest black gold soil... anything with some perlite in it... but no nutes.


Well-Known Member
I'm going with Fox Farm, it seems to be a lot of people's choice and i've given them a very small amount of miracle grow 24 8 16 but it will be just water until i get my nutes this week......the temp is 80 and i'm still reading on toppin, i'll probably just practice with the biggest one.........I'll be getting some black gold soil and nutes and transplant on pics tomorrow morning, no batteries again.....
thank you so much for the wisdom


Well-Known Member
I gave them room temp. rain water last night, Big Mac grew into the light a couple of days ago and it got burn, Today I will be calling garden stores around my area to get my fox farm nutes or I'll just order on line....trying to transplant them this weekend



Well-Known Member
Meet Smokey and Ashes, their soil is 50% organic miracle grow(mistake I know)and the rest is well soaked orchid mix, coffee grounds, egg shells and perlite......I'm experimenting a bit with these little ones



Well-Known Member
Meet Smokey and Ashes, their soil is 50% organic miracle grow(mistake I know)and the rest is well soaked orchid mix, coffee grounds, egg shells and perlite......I'm experimenting a bit with these little ones
Actually the MG for soil isn't all that bad. But most do NOT like MG nutes.
Back to oil. Some only MG moisture control soil. The organic I've herd, can give you bugs.

Fox Farm seems the best on soil and nutes from my research (reading) If you can get it locally, then grab it. Paying the shipping on dirt kinda makes it cost prohibitive. Nutes on the other hand.....

Grow looks awesome!


Well-Known Member
lookin very good homie... try to keep it as stress free on them when you transplant as possible. Fox farm nutes or good... Flora Nova is also very good. Good luck to you and hit us up after the transplant.


Well-Known Member
hey guys i've been searching on tipping and FINing and should i do this after the transplant? before better? I'm not looking for tall plants


Well-Known Member
no fox farm products in my area, i had to order them...
I'm actually looking into nutes now and had decided to go with Fox Farm as well. I'm kind of in the same position, no stores within a few hrs driving time, where did you order them from?


Well-Known Member
I'm transplanting and FINning, wich should I do first and how long shoud I wait in between
since i want small plants do I still need to transplant them in at least 5 gallon containers? or can i do smaller
thanks a lot people


Well-Known Member
Grow Big and Big Bloom are the ones you'll need on veg
I did some shopping around last night, I believe you've already ordered but, at I'm able to get big bloom, tiger bloom, grow big, and some cloneing gel for just $3 more than the price of the 3 bottles at the link you sent me.


Well-Known Member
oh man!!, of well I'll have to get some other stuff anyway so I'll go there, thanks a lot for for the info......


Well-Known Member
cirrus, that website has a lot of cool stuff, i will go there for my future garden needs, i have 1/2 a room full of vegetables seedlings and i will need lots of things i saw there
thanks again