First Dresser Grow~


Active Member
Hey thanks guys! I got afew more pictures here. These are not from today but from yesterday, and on a side note, she is way more green and perky over one night, so i think she is starting to recover, she is growing fast. But that one leaf is still yellow, same with a small patch on one lower leaf. Im going to guess its Nitrogen Difficiency... Other than that... Yeah i got the temp down to 80 with the fans on high. And when flowering comes ill just get a big actual fan. Cheers, Chris
EDIT: i just noticed, the pic of the temp and humidity is before i turned up the fans. My heat is at 80 right now. Also i cant run ducting or get an inline. Firstly not enough money, and secondly im in a condo, ill get a big a/c fan.



Active Member
Looks like you got things back on track! That yellowing is just a N def. Don't add any more nutes than what you already used it will come back. They should now start to show some explosive growth! When they have a good environment and proper nutes they can grow an inch+ a day. I had one skunk that grew 5 inches in 6 days.


Active Member
Yeah buddy. this morning when i woke up, i checked on my plant and its about 2-3x greener and a noticable bit bigger. So i think i got things going right now, Im useing 1/2 strength Canna Coco nutes. But i was thinking add a bit more A than B because the A nutes has more nitrogen.


Active Member
I wouldn't add more nutes or you could cause another lock out like you had before. Stay with 1/2 strength for now the yellow will go away but it will take a few days. Don't over fertilize it takes time for the plant to bounce back from the shock.

4 2 0

Active Member
progressive growth is where i got all of my equipment! not the medium but my lights bulbs and nutes. that stuff looks pretty good. if i remember correctly you can fix lockout in soil by GENTLY removing the plant(especially one that young and small) then you can repeatedly dip the roots in clean water or GENTLY spray them with a spray nozzle to get the dirt off the roots and clean them up then gently replant it in new soil or in that soil-less mix (i personally would go with the soil less mix) then use 1/4 strength nutes every second watering to get it back up to speed
Got all my equipment at progressive also! went there for some heavy harvest in the spring, ended up moving all there uncle jesses time release stock downstairs for a free bucket of spring, summer and fall!


Active Member
Hey guys, Update... So, the plant is grower very rapidly. in 2 days its developed an entire new set of leaves and the ones that got attacked at recovering and growing back. As you can see the temp is just below 80, and everything is going great! Two questions tho... One, That yellowing leaf should fix itself, after i water with nutes in a day or so, and second, with the Canna coco, i got told that it works best with Canna COco nutes... So thats what im useing, but can i use the nutes i was useing with the soil? The Advanced Nutrients... and still get the same result?

Cheers, Chris



Well-Known Member
if you are using the AN you will probably need to pick up some epsom salts (make sure they are plain not scented for baths) they should be about $8 at any shoppers or london drugs or probably any grocery store with a pharmacy in it, you might even have some kicking around somewhere. Then just add a little bit to the water. according to lucas formula 1 gram of epson salts per gallon of water. Im not sure exactly why but coco needs more mag, my widow in coco is yellowing as well so im going to pick some up today


Well-Known Member
i would contribute the mag to the lighter coloured new growth though. The bottom leaves may never recover but as long as you are getting nice new growth its not a big deal. By the way they are looking good! looks like the transplant was a great success.


Active Member
Yeah i got Epsom salt from then i has to flush my plants when they were in soil... With epsom salt. haha. And yeah, the transplant looks to have gone well... I just dont quite understand why the little autoflower is stuck at that growth. I guessing bas seeds... last plant i had of this strain, Matter of fact, every seed i planted of this strain (Lowryder #2 x Deisel) Grew extremely slow. I doubt its going to grow... i mean its been a week and its barly moved, im prolly going to go clone hunting haha. Cheers, Chris


i woudnt worry about the yellowing of the bottom leaves as top growth is exceptional in your setup. And i honestly think you are playing with fertilizer WAYYYY to early in your growth in organic. You probably dont even need to feed the plants like you are until they start flowering, and this is just from my personal experience with organics in the past. sorry the budget is tight, i know how it feels. Save that check for a 150w Hps.


Active Member
Thanks Brotha, Any ideas on the Little autoflower? of why it might be stuned? im only feeding her water and she has plently of light.


Active Member
Hey guys! Its been roughly a week since last update and it looks to me like my plant is having huge sucess. My little autoflower is stunned and i threw it off a 5 story building. Not sure thats going to grow very well... Im planing on getting 3 clones from this plant, i cant wait untill its big enough to the point of witch i can :D. So im really not sure why my humidity is at 52% But its not a big worrie for me... the temp it at around 75-80 and holding. Update next week! :D
EDIT: If the leaves look like they are droopy, they arn't, the fan is just blowing on it and when i took the picture it was like that :P



Active Member
Looking much MUCH better!
Thanks brotha, couldn't have done it without ya! Soon im getting some seeds of Himalayan Gold and Fruit Spirit. The Fruit spirit is a Blueberry x White Widow, I cant wait for that strain. and the Himalayan Gold is a Skunk x Northern Lights x Haze. Its going to be great!


Active Member
2.5ozs off one plant! Used most of the small buds for hash so it could be more.. Have about 6 grams of really strong light brown hash.