First Dresser Grow~


Active Member
P.S. I got my lights off right now, and im hittin 68% humidity. Is that bad enough to NEED a dehumidifyer? because i really cant afford one...


Well-Known Member
humidity isnt really a problem in veg its more a problem in flowering where you have to watch out for bud rot, what is your humidity like during lights on??


Active Member
hey guys! i got an update here, the plant is doing good, the iner growth is growing out into a nice bush. But if you can see, the leaves are getting a bit wrinkly and very dark almost black in some spots, anyone have a diagnosis for that? My humidity during lights on is usually 40%-52% during lights off it shoots up to 70% The heat right now is at about 85 degrees...i cant get it any lower, i might go out and by a bigger fan. Anyways... How does it look? Also my little auto flower is just kinda... growin, i dont rally care for it, its not going to really produce anything as its a bad seed.

Cheers, Chris, :weed::weed:

