First Ever Grow - Need Tips

Well I guess I should start by saying, this is my first ever attempt at a grow. I've been lurking around on this site for quite some time now. I have been holding off on posting until I thought I was ready to switch to 12/12. I've been running my timer on 18/6 since May 3rd using two 26 actual watt CFLs. I've been using bottled water, no nutrients and Organic soil. I'm thinking it's a female. If I had a better camera I would try and get a close up of what I'm talking about.
My only concerns with it at the moment is the skinny stem. You can see the size comparison with my Zippo(even though you can barely see it.. but still).
Here's some pictures for you guise..



Well-Known Member
Keep that CFL right up on close as you can without it being uncomfortable for her (without burining her). If you want tight nodes with a thick stalk put a nice fan breeze on her. Are you using CFLs to flower with?. If so.. a few more would help. Besides that..She is lookin awesome. Nice new branches comming in. Great job so far for 1st grow.
Keep that CFL right up on close as you can without it being uncomfortable for her (without burining her). If you want tight nodes with a thick stalk put a nice fan breeze on her. Are you using CFLs to flower with?. If so.. a few more would help. Besides that..She is lookin awesome. Nice new branches comming in. Great job so far for 1st grow.
Thanks bro, I plan on getting a few 2700k CFLs when I switch it. And I keep them quite close, I just moved them away to take some pictures. I'm using an air purifier that's pointing upwards, should I point it more towards the plant?


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro, I plan on getting a few 2700k CFLs when I switch it. And I keep them quite close, I just moved them away to take some pictures. I'm using an air purifier that's pointing upwards, should I point it more towards the plant?
if it will give the plant gentle wiggle..yes bro. it will strengthen that stem


Active Member
you have a lot of room in that pot still ... put more grow medium right up to about the top of your zippo there and cover some of that thin stem up . Totally agree with the fan also ... makes the stalks stonger and will let you set those cfl's right on top of em ... just an inch or two away


Active Member
oh yea ... about those cfl's .... i have flowered with them and got good results , but it takes a lot of em highly concentrated on your girls or you wont get the harvest your after . Use a lot of the softwhites but I mix a few daylights in also for more intensity . Good luck ... hope it does well for ya
Just adjusted the fan to give it a little breeze.

I'm out of the organic soil atm, I plan on getting some tomorrow to fill it up more.
I'll update tomorrow when I get the soil in.
One more question.. I've been sprinkling a little epsom salt on the soil. I've only done it twice since I started growing. I saw that it was a plant nutrient, so I thought "why not" Have any of you used epsom salt before?
go easy on that salt ... its used for ph control mostly .. so too much can be a very bad thing
Ok, thanks. Good thing I've only been using about a pinch each time. I don't plan on using it again.

sorry for all the questions, but is there a certain time I should switch to flowering? Or can I do it whenever, or when would you suggest I do?


Well-Known Member
Depends on how big your space is. You can expect a double to triple in size during flower depending on the strain. Just plan accordingly with your grow space.


Well-Known Member
Ok, thanks. Good thing I've only been using about a pinch each time. I don't plan on using it again.

sorry for all the questions, but is there a certain time I should switch to flowering? Or can I do it whenever, or when would you suggest I do?
You can never ask too many questions:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Looks good man. I would definitely reccomend getting some more cfls for that girl. Rule of thumb is 100w per plant. You are giving her about 50w. Any ways she looks healthy. Keep up the good work man!!
Looks good man. I would definitely reccomend getting some more cfls for that girl. Rule of thumb is 100w per plant. You are giving her about 50w. Any ways she looks healthy. Keep up the good work man!!
Thanks man! Yeah, I have about 3 more CFLs, but I dont have another lamp, or anything of that sort. I've seen some people using those Y attachments for the bulbs, about how much do those run, and where would I find them?
Update -
I just got some more soil for her. Filled it up a good bit.
Also, I just made the switch to 12/12. Can't wait to see those buds(hopefully)
Not much else going on with her. lol



those y adapters are sold at lowes for pretty cheap they cost about 2.37 a piece and it'll take about 3 of them to make a lamp accept four bulbs. itll look something like this

They're well worth the spendo because you go from having 2 26w cfls to four and putting out about 7000 lumen's giving you your nearly 100w per plant. the cab pictured above has 8 lights in it i plan to grow no more then two small single cola plants in there at a time. just a general idea, anyways nice grow and nice plant (hope its a girl) I love it when people get conventional like this and just use what the have and take a dive in to growing. this truly is a awesome hobby.



Well-Known Member
002.jpgAnother cheap way of mounting lights that I have always used is a power strip. You can buy a 2 pack power strips for 5.36 at walmart. Then you buy the adapter let you plug into a wall socket and then screw a light bulb into that. You can also screw the y adapters into the outlet adapter. If this is all hard to understand take a look at the picture. I also use industrial strength velcro to attach the power strip to wall or roof where ever you need it!!
View attachment 1626834Another cheap way of mounting lights that I have always used is a power strip. You can buy a 2 pack power strips for 5.36 at walmart. Then you buy the adapter let you plug into a wall socket and then screw a light bulb into that. You can also screw the y adapters into the outlet adapter. If this is all hard to understand take a look at the picture. I also use industrial strength velcro to attach the power strip to wall or roof where ever you need it!!
Where would I go buy the adapter that lets me plug into a power strip? I already have a few power strips waiting to be used.
those y adapters are sold at lowes for pretty cheap they cost about 2.37 a piece and it'll take about 3 of them to make a lamp accept four bulbs. itll look something like this
View attachment 1625647

They're well worth the spendo because you go from having 2 26w cfls to four and putting out about 7000 lumen's giving you your nearly 100w per plant. the cab pictured above has 8 lights in it i plan to grow no more then two small single cola plants in there at a time. just a general idea, anyways nice grow and nice plant (hope its a girl) I love it when people get conventional like this and just use what the have and take a dive in to growing. this truly is a awesome hobby.

I plan on going to get a few of those Y adapters tomorrow along with a few 2700k CFLs, I just need to know what to get so I can plug them into my power strip....

And yeah, This truly is a great hobby. I'm loving it so far. And even if it's a male, I'll just try try again.
View attachment 1626834Another cheap way of mounting lights that I have always used is a power strip. You can buy a 2 pack power strips for 5.36 at walmart. Then you buy the adapter let you plug into a wall socket and then screw a light bulb into that. You can also screw the y adapters into the outlet adapter. If this is all hard to understand take a look at the picture. I also use industrial strength velcro to attach the power strip to wall or roof where ever you need it!!
Where did you get the industrial strength velcro? im def in need of this because i have the same set up-ish that you have or at least the same idea...just need a way to get those surge protectors fastened securely.
Also wasnt sure if this is the right place and time to add this but i just chopped my first grow on saturday morning. It was a very small yield as i ended up stressing the plant early on. However it was completely dried and the branches snapped apart by tuesday morning so i put what i had in a jar to curing, however it literally has the smell of cut lawn that has been sitting out in the sun. one very small bud smells like it should but the biggest one smells gross. should i just toss it out? any suggestions? Im about to start anew here in the next couple days, already have the seed germinating just wanna try and get this one right. thanks.


Active Member
I dont plug right into the powerstrip...i just hang the light sockets w/wire from hooks above and tie them off so i can raise and lower them when i want. (too hot, burning leaves ...just raise that one up)