First ever soil grow, running into problems, pics included


Active Member
Hello il try to make this as short and informative as possible, I originally wanted to do hydro so I bought canna coco nutrients a b and a ph tester kit but then decided to start with soil thinking it would be easier.

The guy at the hyrdro said that with soil you do not need to add nutrients for the first 30-60 days, so I got Royal Gold soil planted 2 clones in there, ph'd the water, watered the plants, and sprayed the leaves. FYI I have a 600watt light, ballast, and rotating fan.

This is my first ever setup and do not know what I am doing however they have been there for a little over a week, I give them water regularly, and the leaves on one are turning a pale yellow and on the other seem to be turning multi color greenish yellow, there seems to be little growth but they are alive...

From reading I think they have a nitrogen deficiency? So since I have canna coco nuits was thinking of adding some into the water, I called a different hydro store and he said that I should not put hydro nuits in and that not having to add nuits for the first 30-60 days was bullshit and that I need to get soil nuits...

anyway heres some pics please advise me on what to do...



Well-Known Member
The 30-60 day rule really depends on your soil. If you have a good enough soil it should have enough nutrients to keep your young seedling fed. My advice is read up on your soil and go from there. If you yhink you have nitrogen problems, which it looks like you do, bat shit is a great source of nitrogen. In my vey humble opinion, the fox farm trio pack is the best program for nutes. If you wanna a super soil fox farm makes that too. I use ocean forest and the nute pack together and have had great results. Good luck friend, hope it's all green in the end


bud bootlegger
yah, they look like they need some food my man.. i used hydro nutes on my first grow, general hydroponics, and they worked just fine in soil.. i also don't by into how long that dude told you not to use nutes for.. that is a long ass time.. i usually like to wait for about three or so weeks from seed before i feed them, but i think that from clone, they may get hungry faster, and therefore need some food sooner.. i would start out at about 1/4 of what the bottle says, and feed them every other watering.. and increase the dose by 1/4 every week so that after a month they are at full dose.. the growth that doesn't look great now may stay that way, but any new growth should come in lush and green ..
gl with the rest of the grow..


Well-Known Member
Yea, sounds like the guy at the hydro store was right about the 30 to 60 days without nutes in soil.
But if you got Royal Gold soil less mix Like this,
A coco mix to match the nutes then you are soil less meaning no nutrients.

I would start at half strength and work my way up.
Congrats, you are doing hydroponics.

Good luck.


Active Member
Hello il try to make this as short and informative as possible, I originally wanted to do hydro so I bought canna coco nutrients a b and a ph tester kit but then decided to start with soil thinking it would be easier.

The guy at the hyrdro said that with soil you do not need to add nutrients for the first 30-60 days, so I got Royal Gold soil planted 2 clones in there, ph'd the water, watered the plants, and sprayed the leaves. FYI I have a 600watt light, ballast, and rotating fan.

This is my first ever setup and do not know what I am doing however they have been there for a little over a week, I give them water regularly, and the leaves on one are turning a pale yellow and on the other seem to be turning multi color greenish yellow, there seems to be little growth but they are alive...

From reading I think they have a nitrogen deficiency? So since I have canna coco nuits was thinking of adding some into the water, I called a different hydro store and he said that I should not put hydro nuits in and that not having to add nuits for the first 30-60 days was bullshit and that I need to get soil nuits...

anyway heres some pics please advise me on what to do...
Personally I would recommend Pura Vida Organic nutes. Bloom and Growth and throw in some Greenfuse Growth Stimulator. Quickly though. How often are u watering? Should be every 2-3 days and should only spray maybe once a week or two if at all. I have found when you spray them it starts to put dirt on the leaves almost. It definately collects dust on the leaves so you would need to wipe them down. Have had no problems when I just dont spray.