First Grow 10 plants!


Well-Known Member
I plan on ending up with 24 strong girls out of the 42. 12 plants per 4x4 area with a 1000 watter over them. I did not weigh the partial harvest yet. Its still drying. I ussually get 2 to 3 oz per plant, but these look like about 1 damn oz to 1 1/2 oz.


Well-Known Member
remix you should take you door off the closet since u cant cut walls .. get 6 inch duct fan .. and duct from home depot etc .. then ... make a new door with cardboard .. cut holes at top for your duct to run in and out of room ..this will take most of the heat from light out your closet without cutting walls up .. and your closet will be keep light in .. and light out when you go 12/12 and are in dark cycle .. then at bottom and top of door you can place smaller fans to cycle air in and out of room so plants have fresh air for growing very important .. push air in at bottom and such it out at top will allso take even more heat out room .. you do this friend you will thank yourself in the end .. looking at maybe little over 100 bux total .. get up tomorrow goto home depot and do it ..

allso you will have a small door in middle of card board .. just be careful going in and out of grow room .. duct tape and cardboard are your friend !!!


Well-Known Member
remix you should take you door off the closet since u cant cut walls .. get 6 inch duct fan .. and duct from home depot etc .. then ... make a new door with cardboard .. cut holes at top for your duct to run in and out of room ..this will take most of the heat from light out your closet without cutting walls up .. and your closet will be keep light in .. and light out when you go 12/12 and are in dark cycle .. then at bottom and top of door you can place smaller fans to cycle air in and out of room so plants have fresh air for growing very important .. push air in at bottom and such it out at top will allso take even more heat out room .. you do this friend you will thank yourself in the end .. looking at maybe little over 100 bux total .. get up tomorrow goto home depot and do it ..

allso you will have a small door in middle of card board .. just be careful going in and out of grow room .. duct tape and cardboard are your friend !!!

isnt that a huge fire hazzard....400 watter with a cardboard door?
and also i think i am going to get this 6" inline fan and just duct it threw the top of the you think the apartment above me would be able ta hear all the air being pushed up? or the fan?


Well-Known Member
man why would you wanna blow the air at ur neighbors place?
you dont think they would smell that shit?
Just sayin.


Well-Known Member
ya i was thinking that to...but if i get a charcoal filter they shouldnt smell it..its not in their place, its in the space between our apartment and theirs.

do you think they would be able to???


Well-Known Member
judt get a new door at hd and cut into that. i seen that done. put your old one aside. charcoal filters work awesome. But when hot i could smell something that was like charcoal. I think. i woory a lot on purpose lol! Got money get 2 filters one 2 scrub one to filter and put a ozonator in the outake vent. Or run your lights serpate and vent into your house. with filter!


Well-Known Member
isnt that a huge fire hazzard....400 watter with a cardboard door?
and also i think i am going to get this 6" inline fan and just duct it threw the top of the you think the apartment above me would be able ta hear all the air being pushed up? or the fan?

yeah if your grow room was 12 inch x 12 inch .. the buld would have to be right on card board to burn it .. you can place your hand right at bulb .. i would vent back into your apartment for sure so you can control smell . my bro had grow room built in his closet completely of cardboard .. and all sealed up with ac vented in on controllers and co2 enriched enviroment .. this was in a townhouse many years ago .. and he had a two 400 watts .. and one was metal halide much more heat ..


Well-Known Member
Hey Remix it won't let me message you....? Sorry I had to post it on your thread here buddy, but didn't know any other way so... ya know... lol.


Well-Known Member
thats weird why wont it let u message me?
and ya money is an issue since i got my hours cut in half lol....can barley afford bills, perfect timeing right?...
so im just barley movin along, tryin ta find a pretty cheap way to do this..

so if i did this cardboard setup take out the doors, i couldnt vent it into my would be hot as fuk, my girlfriend already hates that i am doin it, let alone be blowin hot air all threw my room...and i cant duct out the window because my window is next to the sidewalk, so everyone who walks by would be able to smell it, and see the blinds moving like crazy, also i cant change the blinds because the apartment people would notice...since that was one of the things they included in the lease, you arent aloud to take down the blinds lol, pretty retarded ayy?

so wat do u guys think i should do, since you guys are makin venting upstairs sound bad hehe, i think they would hear the inline fan pushing all the air up there huh


Well-Known Member
It told me you have reached your max limit for your message box lol. Clear out some of those messages and I should be able to message you again.

Sorry to hear your hours got cut, that sucks!! Hope things get better for you man, geeez talk about a bad hand of luck lol. I'll try to think of something for you in the mean time.

What's your budget like for this grow? That would help, to know how much you can or cannot spend you know?

My temporary setup for both veg and bloom boxes was about 100 bucks. Just the box and fans was about 100, including the lights it was more but you already have lights so that shouldn't be an issue. Also I got all my materials aside from the Panda Poly film from Wally World (Walmart). When I think of something I'll hit you back in a message or something.

Until then happy toking and growing dude, hope things pan out better for you.


Well-Known Member
alright i just got 200 bucks ta spend, should i go out and get a 4" inline fan and a small charcoal filter?
and just blow it up the top??? i dont think the upstairs people would notice the 4" fan blowing air under them would you?


Well-Known Member
Thats your call. You are going to need a big enough fan to blow throgh the carbon filter. The hydro place can set ya up.

My seedlings are up and growing.


Well-Known Member
good ta kno about ur seedlings, keep me updated on them.
and ya i went to the hydro store and i can get the setup for about 200 but i am just worried tat the upstairs neighbor will hear it....i dunno if i should go for it or wat


Well-Known Member
finally got some cash ta spend, went ta my homie at the hydro store, bought me some aurora organic plant, has everything in it, all the aeration it needs
got a 4" inline fan ducting it threw the roof, it has dropped the
from 90-95
to 80-85

which i think will be good right? even with no co2?
humidty is like 30-40

i transplanted them into their final home, and hopefully they will start growing like crazy, i will take pictures of them since i got my usb plug for my camera finally.

thanks for the help dirtyboy and Doobieus
wouldnt of gotten this far without you guys(and girl)
bout ta go roll one so peace
happy token!


Well-Known Member
Woo Hoo!! :mrgreen:

That is good news Remix, totally stoked for you dude!!

The temps are improved a lot but I'd try to bring it down a little more when you can, I'd say 78 the highest.

Awesome to see that you're getting a better grow medium also, it looks like you're on your way. We will have to see how the little ones like their new environment, keep me updated and I'll be checking up on your journal also.

You can use co2, but you should probably do it on your 3rd or 4th grow. There's a lot to absorb on your first grow, so you don't want to overload yourself with too much information. Adding co2 will just complicate and hinder you from diagnosing and learning from basic problems. Again totally your decision, just trying to help out =).

Your humidity is close, you want to raise it just a bit more, around 5-10%.

Also no problem and you're welcome Remix, that's what this forum is for after all. I'll be checking back for some pictures of the little ones!!

Happy growing and toking!



Well-Known Member
Best way would be to buy a humidifier, costs money though.

I usually just spray my top soil down a little bit with luke warm water, and get a container filled with really hot water and put it in the room.


Well-Known Member
yeah i always put a cup of water in the grow space to raise humidity. im subscribin to this one. cant wait to see flix


Well-Known Member
ya 300 dollars later, finally got it right now
the way i look at it, if i can make 2 plants pay for my whole setup, ill be happy as shit lol
ya man i just got the temp better AND humidity.
put my little swamp cooler i bought bak in there,
put that shit on medium, lowered temp to about 78-80 with humity of 55-60
transplanted last night into 2 gallon containers(final home)
bad news is, i bought a usb plug-in for my camera and for some reason it wont read it when i plug it in :/ so no pics til i can find a way to fix it :/